The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have a fresh batch of OHN going if you want me to send you a bottle of the finished/mixed product when it is done.
I bought the dry herbs in bulk and could send you enough to do your own batches. (5 extractions in mason jars takes 4+ handles of vodka)
I would like to try the OHN, but save your shipping on roots and herbs. If I need to make more I'll hit you up. I am looking into more local inputs rather than buying specific stuff. I am growing vegetables and stuff I don't even like to eat because it has good stuff for plants or worms LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So far I like the LAB and fermented aloe, the fermented berries and peaches seem to have done fine. After I did the berries, peaches and mixed fruit I lightly strained it with no pressing or anything through a large collander then a 250m flour sifter. The fruit I put back in a bigger jar, added some molasses and LAB and let the bacteria keep working on the fruit pulp. I strained it yesterday and am using that for the garden outside.

I have a few comfrey plants going but there was not enough to mess with this year. I hear they spread like mad but I started more seeds to add plants where they worked well first time.

I have been doing some static sift on the mass quantities of dry sift I end up with. I am cherry picking the finest out of the pre-sifted stuff. I doubt it's above 90% pure but it's close. I keep out enough to fill a small cannister to use as a bowl topper then the rest gets decarbed.
Pictured I have bud that's ground up so I can just use it on food like a finishing spice I figure that at about 20%THC weed for easy math which makes 1g +200mg. When I sift I keep the middle 75m and 90m stuff separate. That is the primo stuff to the right and I can measure it out into portions (about .1g is ~50mg THC) and a little-dab-l-do-ya pop it like a pill. The middle stuff is the 'over/under' stuff from sifting. All less tham 220m, but the 75-90 is removed. That has more veg in it and I will just add it to everclear to wash.

The little espresso milk-dud ball is what happens when you decarb finger hash, it just melted to the bottom of the silicone insert. This is not pure and clean (pistils, leafy bits) but it is semi-worked hash before decarb. The Frenchy process is designed to use hot water to help decarb the hash.

I am going to try smoking some as is and letting some age for a while. After seeing it and thinking about it I am going to work some of the primo to do a side by side. Might be a short cut to decent hash, but I'm not sure about terps.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I love rural. I don't have chickens - yet. Hard to make out but about 15ft from the back door on the other side of the garden I have a compost pile for chop and drop from the garden. Three afternoons running I have had help turning that pile. Someone's chicken got loose and found my bird feeder ;) Today she was workingn the pile like a mad woman. I have lots of worms here.
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Insanely Active Member
I love rural. I don't have chickens - yet. Hard to make out but about 15ft from the back door on the other side of the garden I have a compost pile for chop and drop from the garden. Three afternoons running I have had help turning that pile. Someone's chicken got loose and found my bird feeder ;) Todat she was workingnthe pil like a mad woman. I have lots of worms here.
View attachment 116886


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
First - I don't have security cameras, but the people that were selling the house did and they left stickers :ROFLMAO:
So I don't seem like some crazy door-watcher standing there like some evil old man in a sitcom, I put this shelf on the back door sturdy enough for my inside cat to hang out on and be entertained. As I cleared out land and got things going out back it also became a source for distraction. It is also perfect for leaning, cup of coffee, ashtray, bong-rips - whatever ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I hate cloning but I have the Momma Moonshine flower clones I need to do something with. I top-dressed with some fox farms all purpose and they took off. It's looking like the buzz on both plants is similar, and the cured smells are melding so it may go into a big jar instead of two jars.

So instead of 2 of each I have 4 clones to mess with. My initial thought was to bury one whole in a bigger pot, but hey have all the leafy mess from the original flower so I would need to strip that away - which is like prepping a clone to root so not a bad idea, just not sure how it'll actually work. I don't want to get rot around where that is under the soil. I just squeezed on to find out what's in there and there's a weak-ish spot in the middle of the bud but there is a continuous stem I can easily find to prune back to. I am going to try it with the biggest one of each and leave the others as is for a few days.
Here's the 24 SkunkXXX clones I took Wednesday, still green and lush. I may end up flipping the moms just because the tents are getting empty. I have some 7g pots hanging out. But I'm pretty confident I'll have a root or two in the dome in a day or so. Since I'm messing with pots and soil, what the fuck. Lets flower them LOL. It's good smoke. Gonna be interesting to see what it looks like when I'm done tonight. Last night I was considering shutting down a tent and shifting to one.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For the Skunks I can use the extra smoke - I have about a QP of the two Momma's though (plus a tin of the other one). This is ALL for preservation and keeping one or two around. Not flowering.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's the two Momma's still on the cure and the Sangria Cookies.
The Sangria Cookies I had to demolish. It is sooo frosty and sticky that it doesn't want to dry - I'll be burping it longer than the rest. I only left the very top colas where there was no more bud leaf between the nugs intact. Then I picked any leaves off that had a little dark green.
The smell is amazing but because it's so sticky I haven't messed with any yet. It's more gassy than the first still but it's now fermented gas berries :)

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Next time you're at Walmeezy pick up a small bag of the cheapest frozen corn kernels (or organic) thaw out a handful and toss it out to her. She be your friend in no time.

Don't be surprised if more show up too.

I love having chickens, I don't think I want to live in a place I can't have them. I put mine to work.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Next time you're at Walmeezy pick up a small bag of the cheapest frozen corn kernels (or organic) thaw out a handful and toss it out to her. She be your friend in no time.

Don't be surprised if more show up too.

I love having chickens, I don't think I want to live in a place I can't have them. I put mine to work.
That was not even an option. As soon as the door opens there's a few squawks and a blurr of feathers. I think it's a feral chicken 😁


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got done rearranging everything then sat down to check pics - and I get to go make sure the two harvest plants are easy access to the door. the BHP... It seems to be going from milky to dead brown with no amber in the middle. Right at 10 weeks
Not sure what will end up where.
The two skunk three gallon mom's got shoved into a 7g to flower out. The CBD up front is gone too. It's had aber for a bit but I was forcing myself to let it go. It's at 10 weeks too.
The Freakshow. Better example of it's blockiness. This would be perfect for growing a tent-full jammed together.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got a mini pocket bubbler from GRAV that has a 10mm fitting with a little one-hitter pinch bowl. It's the first rig I got that size and I never bothered to even get a second bowl. But then they came out with a carb cap and a bucket with removable glass inserts. Since they offer it in 10mm I got that bucket since the carb cap is universal. I already have 14mm stuff.
So my new rig arrives and I am thinking about what I can dab. I have the primo kief that was damn near full melt, but there was some residue. Then I had some hash oil that is from decarbed bud. I did the everclear wash on a ton of bud letting it get stronger and stronger. I let some evaporate down to oil. I have that for infusing stuff but I figured "what the Hell?" :cool:

Very nice. A little cough-y becayse I think I had it a little too hot but it wasn't a red hot titanium nail or anything. Nothing burned but the initial hit was sharp.

The kief was tasty like a vape hit , but after the first hit I should have stopped. The glass insert kept it like an oven indirectly bubbling off the trich's but the glass got too hot after the first hit and that did burn on top. I assume that means the heat transfer between the pieces is good.

For me I prefer the cold start instead of dropping in a hot bucket, just because I don't have a thermometer and I don't partake that often.

Overall the new gear seems fairly sturdy. Worth the price just for the bucket and inserts since you can clean the inserts separately and if you chaz something it's one of three and easier to replace.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
:unsure: 👆:ROFLMAO:
I honestly didn't think about it being 7/10. That's how my karma seems to work. They obviously came out with their new product with this in mind, but for me it just happened to show up in the mail yesterday, and I was busy enough in the gardens not to fuck with it until after midnight. I should drop a bean or two today since the karma is flowing.

These are well rooted and ready for up-potting. I think having these smaller cups and letting them root out in increments is a good deal. Going to the 1/2g pots next, then if needed to get them to flip they can slide into one gallons. The diameter is about the same on the pots, but I can untangle the root-wrap a little and set it right on top of another stack of fresh soil. If they're leggy it gives me a chance to bury the long trunk while it's little. I may wait until tonight though. Them being in the closet in the flower room I don't generally mess with stuff unless there's a dire need. I snagged this pic before the tents went dark.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Spent the morning pruning any tomato plant leaves that were below the lowest tomato set, and on a few I took the lower tomatoes that were mixed green and red or half picked and slow ripening. They can finish on the sill. I pulled this one off a brandywine because it has a suspect worm hole and i can't tell if it's superficial or a house. Fried green tomato tomorrow and we'll see. That's a Candyland tomato on top for comparison. Almost a pound.
I got the babies into half-gallons and I am almost ready to get a small drop of beans wet. More to follow.

I also got video of my unpaid labor. She's making good progress turning that pile so I added new stuff on top :)

View attachment compost chicken.mp4


Insanely Active Member
Spent the morning pruning any tomato plant leaves that were below the lowest tomato set, and on a few I took the lower tomatoes that were mixed green and red or half picked and slow ripening. They can finish on the sill. I pulled this one off a brandywine because it has a suspect worm hole and i can't tell if it's superficial or a house. Fried green tomato tomorrow and we'll see. That's a Candyland tomato on top for comparison. Almost a pound.
View attachment 116982
I got the babies into half-gallons and I am almost ready to get a small drop of beans wet. More to follow.
View attachment 116980

I also got video of my unpaid labor. She's making good progress turning that pile so I added new stuff on top :)

View attachment 116981
The chicken is adding organic chicken litter to your pile.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I did what for me is a mini-drop. The cups up-potted at 2 weeks. Should be up-potting these just as the others flip. I did few enough that I can carry the lot in the mini tent, but I have fems in there so the end plant count will be up. Still wanna try me some Dominion so instead of two each I dropped three Polecat '91 and three Savage Headband. Those are the only regs.

For the fems I dove back into my CLG bank for a G13 Genius Brothers Grimm seed-plant reversal @J.James did, and a Northern Lights from Hillbilly Bob. Keeping with the classic strain theme I dropped an MK Ultra from TH Seeds, and to clear that breeder off my "stuff I ain't smoked yet" list I dropped a French Macaron freebie from him. Last but not the least bit of a clue I wet a Mad Dog CBG plant from Hoku. I can slow roll anything I need to in the clone tent but I am down to 8 plants in flower and that's just boring.

I chopped the BHP and the CBD Sage today both at 10 weeks. I wasn't happy with the BHP not finishing. I mean, she's ripe and will be awesome, but she kept putting out new growth so it doesn't look done. Had no leaves left so she wasn't hanging out much longer anyway. She smells great but I only get a hint of Banana for now. I'm good with that. I hate banana's 😁

The CBD Sage smells likea mexican restaurant. Crazy taco smell I shit you not! If this pans out It may be my taco Tuesday weed :cool: Too bad it's just a 1:1.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner shit from updating the seedbank spreadsheet. I can make a spreadsheet dance with the maths...
Figuring at either 16 regs or 8 fems per month religiously (That's a tent-full for me) I have enough beans to go non-stop for 92 months (7yrs 8mo)

Assuming that I never get another batch of testers or buy another bean LOL