The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
There are four that were days ahead of the others, 2 Zee and 2 Gorilla Zee that I topped. One got a busted leaf from the edge of another pot, which sucks since there's only four. Another reason to sop crowding stuff LOL
It is also very likely that all 4 are male which is why they got tall quick? We'll see.


Just some asshole
I got some of those zee crosses going. Didn’t get good germination from the starfighter, rest of the beans took right off. Mine are little yet


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I trimmed anything with a stem off the tops of most of them. First time I have EVER had to change scissors while pruning a live plant.IMG_2974.JPG
These are all gonna be tops 🤪 There are only three now with unmolested tops including the runt - I fed them extra LOL.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Damn that lighting screw up made for some crazy plants lol

Nice you stress tested the line for me though I had already molested the PD before its release
The bulk of it is going to the kids. Probably hashing most of the rest. It'll be fun to watch though!

Sucks I'll have to kill some before their prime, but I am not culling tester girls when they need up-potted and I need room. I still don't know how it'll sort out for the drops after the contest. I need to back off the quantity. 6 girls a month is plenty which means 12 regs, 6 fems, or a combo per drop.

The way I have been dropping testers is based on me wanting variety - so getting a girl or two out of three beans and maybe seeing two pheno's was getting pics and smoke reports, but not much else. It also got me thinking about the beans on my "might run" list because I smoked one girl and it was average. Now I'm basically back to square one as far as running through my seedbank.

Still having fun chewing it over in various states of highness, but I am leaning towards a split. 6 regs of one strain to do a little better hunt, then the other 6 assorted to get a taste of other stuff I haven't had girls of yet.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Other than the mutant, no other oddities have cropped up until today. One of the Grapefruit looks to have a variegation going on, not sure the genetic tendencies, but it looks like the one of the other two is starting to show it as well.
I have everything jumbled up, and I am starting to pick out some strains by the leaves. The Grapefruit are the typical "T-shirt" fan leaves. Most of the Zee and crosses have really stubby leaves. Which tells me the Zee probably did too - so the ones that aren't as stubby might be the ones to watch.
Back left corner is the other Grapefruit just starting to lighten up on those top leaves. They look healthy otherwise.
Some of the plants are just opening up that second good set of shoots (nodes 3 & 4). Hopefully that'll let the lower ones be caught up to the uppers for a somewhat flat canopy with no LST. They'll get topped at the 28 day mark regardless.

The Mimms Kush has beautiful sprouts. Best of the drop. IMG_2993.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Angel Heart from Mr Nice is good. Smells stronger than the buzz though. Mild (but definitely there) buzz like a good wake-n-bake smoke. It is kind of like the other dutch stuff I've grown. Looks and smells great, but the power is not there like in some of the current strains/crosses. These are definitely tried and true stock for breeding though if you know what you want. This is mango - strong with that diesel undertone that mango has.
It may build, so we're checking on that :) main reason I bothered to post is that this is the first time I have noticed this. I regularly see the little oil ring just below the burn, This is gathering resin at the base. I'll definitely have to pop that nugget in a bowl when I get to it.


Just some asshole
You’re much more patient than me. I’d have trashed the light cycle mess up. Maybe the stock market has taught me patience?!?! You went from ugly plants to pretty back to ugly now 😂 hurry up and kill them 🤣


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You’re much more patient than me. I’d have trashed the light cycle mess up. Maybe the stock market has taught me patience?!?! You went from ugly plants to pretty back to ugly now 😂 hurry up and kill them 🤣
After the bowl trimmer they'll look fine LOL I'm keeping a few full-term just because I'm curious as hell what the result will be. Probably two or three that I can fit in with the bag-seeds. As the testers need the space they're gone.

If you have ever done a re-veg, everything is frosty. You can't touch the plant without needing the gojo afterwards. If nothing else, I am gonna get a FAT load of hash, which is why I'm letting them go as long as I have room. it costs me 9 tablespoons of fertilizer every week or two and RO'water to keep them LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It looks like each of the stems will have a decent nug at the top, then larf. I think the main deciding factor on how big a fail it is will be how the original tops turn out. There were brown pistils just turning, but they reverted to white and put out more.

I like how each top will look like a miniature plant. "Hey, look at my cool little plant!"
"Just kidding" :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
HC x GSC 2 has enough amber now. and it definitely has that overall white look rather than shiny. Still gonna set in the dark for a few days just because it keeps me a little more patient. Wanted to make sure I got good pics before I raped the fan leaves.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Homecoming Queen is no joke. I was smoking on some of my last Banana Hashplant all day, Chopped last August so it's in it's prime, tasty, and a creative sativa buzz. Sat down to check the pics to make sure I had a good one. Packed a bowl of HQ. It's like I wasn't high all day and now I am. But I was high all day. Trust me - I was there :ROFLMAO:

I'm sure ther'll be more pics, because now I have room, a few plants to flip, etc.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't feel bad about flipping anything early - the Zkittles auto flipped herself just before the 28 day mark. IMG_3050.JPGIMG_3051.JPG
She'll need a new pot soon, but I have to check heights because inless I do some major rearrangement kung fu she'll have to scoot in here for a week or so and to stay on 18/6 when I flip the closet. The slow-rolling clones seems tobe working, showing growth but not too much.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think the thing I keep missing when I top these is that they are all as mature as (and would be roughly as tall as) the Zkittles or the Mimms. I think that the stretch should take care of any shorties in there, and if not I have high-chairs.

So I think the Zkittles was key for me realizing this. All those bitches are getting flipped and the Zkittles will go in the baby tent while it will still fit.
So the clones will get more light for a few weeks. And a round of seeds to keep them company Wednesday.

I need to cull males...