The James Gang


Seed Aficionado
Beware - just smoked a fatty - rambling may follow - look for the good stuff.

The lesson from the guy that taught me how to grow said that a quart of soil per week of grow is a good safe way to make sure the pots aren't too small. This is just based on when they might start getting rootbound if left in smaller pots.

4-week veg and 8-week flower means 3gal is perfect. Longer flowering a 5 would be better. Again, that is just to be safe. You can flower out in a solo cup, but it's a lot more work.

But based on how I grow - my style of pruning where there is not a lot for the plant to feed, the fact that I don't do a long veg unless the plant dictates it, and using less intensity on the lights - means that for me the 3gal should be fine as far as keeping the plants healthy.

I based all my repots up to now on watering. The only thing I keep track of is what I did last - when I fed or watered each plant.

If it takes 2-3 days for the plant to drink a pot-ful it's good. I have been trying to to the repot after I know they are girls or at flip for fems into what their final pot should be. Guessing wrong I have repotted plants 8 weeks into flower from a 3 to a 5 because it was drinking everything in a day.

Now I'll just deal with the daily waterings if needed. I'm retired :cool: so a 3gallon pot will be my final destination unless obvious rootbound issues arise.
Really can't believe it took you more than 2 hours to reply but you really should stop speaking your opinions like gospel at least put jmo at the end of your claims. Jmho. U are gonna send newbs in the same direction . Backwards


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
With a 4 week do all your sexing after flip?
that was just a rough estimate on how the quart per week thing is supposed to work. Once I get them to 1-gallons from the seed-cup, I like to see them get as tall at the 1g pot before I flip. the 4-week/8-week thing is just what is used on most nute-schedules.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Back to block until I hear you feeding the noobs more bs see u then
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Everything I post is anecdotal, based on what I grow and how I grow it - and you know what? I put enough info out about how and why I do what I do that you can kiss my lily-white ass. Any person with a brain can read that. Show me bad info that I have passed as gospel.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
I guess if you use industrial waste products to feed your plants then your frequency of feeds are more important then pot size. HAF is trying to lean himself into organics and having proper pot size matters. I have done my last few runs testing my reamended soil because I changed a portion of my aeration to rice hulls trying to add a natural form of silica. Therefore I felt it necessary to do runs with no liquid supplements in 5 gallon buckets using RO water only. The one quart of soil per week of plant life is a good bases for any soil and that's not just my opinion but the opinion of the majority of organic growers. Some suggest even larger amounts.
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Seed Aficionado
I guess if you use industrial waste products to feed your plants then your frequency of feeds are more important then pot size. HAF is trying to lean himself into organics and having proper pot size matters. I have done my last few runs testing my reamended soil because I changed a portion of my aeration to rice hulls trying to add a natural form of silica. Therefore I felt it necessary to do runs with no liquid supplements in 5 gallon buckets using RO water only. The one quart of soil per week of plant life is a good bases for any soil and that's not just my opinion but the opinion of the majority of organic growers. Some suggest even larger amounts.
Sounds about right lol


Hobby Farmer
How long would you veg a 7 gallon pot in soil for to max it out ? I am asking for a friend....:D

say a 9 week ripener.

I dont understand soil and now i have the stuff everywhere...I am not sure how it happend but we are here now.

3s 5s and 7s.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
How long would you veg a 7 gallon pot in soil for to max it out ? I am asking for a friend....:D

say a 9 week ripener.
7 gallons should take you threw a minimum of 24 weeks and maximum of 28 weeks. 24 - 9 = 15 weeks of veg. Plant would be a monster unless you were on point with your training.

Edit - This is based on 1000W or equivalent light intensity. You put that pot out in full sun I would cut the time by 1/3 to 16 weeks total grow time in a 7 gallon pot
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Hobby Farmer
The quart per week...i was high myself....a quart of need a quart of weed a week? Why dont you say ozs.

But EUREKA now.

I will check it out with a 90 day veg i have in a 7 gallon soil pot in bloom...very robust stalks..i like when they have the legs to carry a pringles can.


In my small experience if you have coco and fabric, as long as you keep it hydrated and fed properly you can replicate a 3G plant in a 1G pot or a 5G plant in a 3G etc. There’s some limits here for sure but I can’t say as ive not experimented enough. I know you guys are mostly talking about soil just thought I’d chime in with my 2c :D


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I know you guys are mostly talking about soil just thought I’d chime in with my 2c :D
No - I am ONLY talking about soil. Period. I know jack shit about coco. Do your own investigations and come up with your own theories. I post what I do, and what I have found (or read, with links usually provided). I sometomes go a week without watering larger plants because they are in soil. Can't do that with coco - totally different animals.
Sounds about right lol
Sounds about right - unless i say it. Piss off.


No - I am ONLY talking about soil. Period. I know jack shit about coco. Do your own investigations and come up with your own theories. I post what I do, and what I have found (or read, with links usually provided). I sometomes go a week without watering larger plants because they are in soil. Can't do that with coco - totally different animals.

Sounds about right - unless i say it. Piss off.
Hey man I got nothing against you some others mentioned coco. Sorry.