I am posting the stuff i am growing out....that is how i roll.
No longer down hills this stupid beast got me walking 70 minutes every morning and then playing all afternoon.
So getting a puppy is worth it if you have the time...I am down to healthy weight from walking 4 miles a day.

Buds....man the AC X Adub was a solid peformer and 3 for 3 went different.
This one has the fattest buds...and smells kinda nasty day 54 and lots of time to go.

This one is rocking the 10 gallon living soil lined planter....went smaller buds with glroious colour and a solid raspberry candy aroma that was very black grapes dum dum...the photo that should have won... Frosty fucker i cant wait to smoke

And a solid purple punch first edition pack....the first pack i bought from heisen.

She is a beauty....and she is knocked right up with InHouse genetics Black Cherry Slurp.
I call it Cherry SlurPP
They will chop soon...i will bust out the beans and make some rosin or hash or dabs...whatever tickles my fancy at the time.
But now i am moving on to other gear.
I wont photo of the month even the best pic...because it is suspect..
You win or you dont...voting used to matter.
Oh shit...man the dubgums..i have one outside ROCKING IT.
If people are looking for heisengear and have something decent to trade hit me up...i have a ton of it and it wont be in my garden forever.
Cept this punch cherry cross i made.