The Gwheels Perpetual Grow...


I am doing 3 floods a day currently. Lights on...and +6 +6

In flower they get 4.

And the dubsteps in that flood and drain got quite a bit bigger than the bubble bucket and hand water pot.
Ok, three times in veg every six hours. Once at light on then ever six hours after. 4 times in flower so lights on then every three hours assuming. How long do you let the pump run? Appreciate the info @gwheels


Hobby Farmer
The ones in veg go off at 8 am 2 pm and 7pm or so...something like that

15 minutes a flood. It is a timer that has only 15 minute blocks.

And this morning i did some shifting around (i put 3 small regs in bloom to get them to sex before i waste coco, what a concept).

then i put my big pots in the flood and drain...It works for these too.

And I just rememberd i have a purple primate to trim. Then i am done for a while (4 weeks maybe?)

Since i took out that HPS my room is better. I have a constant 24C instead of 29C. The new dehuey is working less because the plants are respiring more normally. Under heat stress they use a lot of water...turn that water to RH and its a PITA.

The res of the dehuey before would fill about every 20 to 24 hours.

Now the res in the dehuey takes 2 days to fill and its not to the top.

Amazing. And for a bloom room cooler is better. 1200 watts is the sweet spot for temps i can go to 1300 and then i have to fix problems.. My power bill will thank me.
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Hobby Farmer
Today i it is glorious. I was going to work a day a week but i am going to postpone that for 2 or 3 weeks to get my chill on.


I love retirement...i did it at exactly the right time (this week !) Any time was the right time!


I also like that i can really get my garden growing right. All the shit i put off is getting done.

I was going to go floraflex but the flood and drains work...and i have just enough 3 to 5 gallon pots to fill it up. So lets keep it going full steam....i put all the lights on 11 this morning !!!!

Temp....24.5 C after 12 hours on....fantastico! That is 77F lights on and now 70F lights off.

Frost....i will show you frost...

The CMH still has the 4200 bulb...i think the balance of spectrum might be nice...everything else is high end 3k

Time for a bong rip and 2 of those red gummies...they are daytime. nap at 11:35 precisely....retirement is fucking AWESOME!
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Hobby Farmer
What is really funny is i had this plan of attack to do the 1000 things i dreamed up to do.

My wife have a lifetime to finish it...and that made me think...

Relax today i am putting away the Christmas Tree !

Take that ! If I were not good at being a lover I would probably never keep a wife :D


Hobby Farmer
I started with the cherry and later when i got to the berry blue (which turns Berry Green with infussed oil) they were sedative.

The yellow are deadly....the purple are a slot machine...

How would i know...i like to take one of each color and stack them up....laugh manically and eat them all together...its like skittles of DoOm!


Hobby Farmer
Today i realized why those other plants are looking ready...OMG if they finish this month i cant top it.


OBSM is on day 51 and pistols are darkening...its gong to not go to 70. #2 the same...

I think i might hit a 3 pound month....and then nothing for 6 weeks...i will get this timed better...OMG the hillarity...who cares.

I have never been so blessed....9 months ago in 1 month i paid 1500 on government cannabis.

With the latest changes its 300 a month...for whatever harvests. So this is crazy to me...I will give my buds an oz each only because it is the max of what they can carry without getting a serious charge.

I will make it a lesson...we are making hash and they can take home their



an oz each
Back in the day, when digi scales became common, we would painstakingly load them, to say '0.99 oz'
Kept it ticketable, plus we could say we were "pack'n a Gretzky" or "looking for a Great One"
I us'ta sweat my pits, down too my belt, when driving. Now I keep phat tops, locked in my glovebox, should I happen to run into a friendly face.
Good times.
on government cannabis
Ohhhh, the dreaded day my wife got her prescription; our household budget was Fk'd.
Now, I am popp'n 'em out left and right.
@ $14 a gram,,,a three OZ plant,,,
Wouldn't you have to say,,,it is Grand ?🤓

...9 months ago
That was around the time that I was wandering around, lost, on the farm.
I found your enthusiasm to be inspirational, I was always pushing the envelope to keep up.
I learned training from Sernots, and I was inspired by Phylex's surgical diligence. Our dirty Unc. taught me to sow like a madman and make a big noise.
It fills my heart to see you doing well Big G.
Like a friend, you came hunting for me on darkest day. We hit that 'yellow speed arrow' and I have been massing, ever since.

Everyday is a blessing.
Cant wait to see the future unfold.

Woody Harleson only has one line in this video.
(20 years later?) His quote echos through my head, everytime I decide to take a questionable idea too far.
Everyone can relate to the quip, the song, however ,,,you will have have to forgive me.
I am a sucker for punk.

Keep it Rheelz Wheelz.


Hobby Farmer
Day 51 Purple Welchie funk....pure grape/blueberry and sweetness.

I accidentally made grape creamsicle

Today i feel all stoned and fuzzy and happy with my garden....

The Kief hash from this morning is FANTASTIC.

Now that the temps are cooler it is so much easier to maintain my bloom room. It is ridiculous. Plants need less watering and the humidity is a lot better. IT is nicer to work in there to prune too.

I am going to stick to vegging them out longer i have fewer to water.

And fan leaves and everything are getting plucked....fat colas only or i am growing another strain.


That is a luxury I can afford. I have enough to last me until!

My tents were super hot yesterday...WTF.....the pipe that pulls the air from both fell off the fan tube...well that makes sense....back to harmony
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Hobby Farmer
I would like to state I do not NEED to grow anything...i just got tired of paying.

Then I grew. And I can do it better than the man...every day all day....who the fuck is growing this shit.

I went for Friday fish and chip lunch and they had a new waitress...i said do you smoke you...well yes on occasion...

Ok Here is your tip.,,,it was for the other girl roll your doobs small.

Lunch was free,,,,with 2 beers....i said yes that is a quarter of the finest bud you ever smoked...


Fuck OCS (Ontario Cannabis Store...the man...the gov...the DB in the situation)).

I love growing every cultivar...i had to order from that shitty store to see that even they sell fox a collection in a 10 gram jar.

OMG dont 80 micron sift your hash...i am really took forever to get here but i thank the dudes that showed me every day !

Wow it is the best....rosin can not hold a candle to it.

It took forever because i got lost on the way there,,,

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Insanely Active Member
waitress...i said do you smoke you...well yes on occasion...

Ok Here is your tip.,,,it was for the other girl roll your doobs small.

Lunch was free,,,,with 2 beers....i said yes that is a quarter of the finest bud you ever smoked...
That's freaking awesome bro. Did she give you a "are you serious, omg" look lmao? I tipped a bartender with a fat nug once and that's what look she gave me, but it was in an illegal state at the time lol. Good job @gwheels, we need more people like you everywhere.👍


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's freaking awesome bro. Did she give you a "are you serious, omg" look lmao? I tipped a bartender with a fat nug once and that's what look she gave me, but it was in an illegal state at the time lol. Good job @gwheels, we need more people like you everywhere.👍
More fun in an illegal state. Show up somewhere with a basket-o-buds like you just picked tomatoes LOL They've never seen stuff like that.


Hobby Farmer
Purple Welchie Cake day 52
Grape/Berry goodness. I will save them for when i get bored...i have a ton of gear to run that i must taste..

Tomorrow morning I am building a cage for this and will have it drain into a tray i can remove. I think it will need support.
Greases Pieces just moved in the bloom room to do a change. one 5 footer now has the QB135 in 4k for the 2 week stretch and sexing purposes.
The 2VL went into the bloom room.
Total bloom room 800 watts cob +240 watt boards +CMH 315 = 1355 watts in bloom. I think its the max i can go anyway.
Veg tent has the QB135 in 4k
32 special the 3k board 240W (far reds).
Veg room the QB240 in 4k
Everything is on....MAX power and nothing is getting to hot...finally achieved equilbrium.

I put this in 7 gallons of coco....:eek:

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