Amos Otis
Brisco's Bargain Beans
It's not a case of me being a big fan of anyone specifically in Water's event. There were several performers in it, that I otherwise have little to no use for - Sinead O'Connor, Cyndi Lauper, the Scorpions and others - but that's also a reason why it was surprisingly good, because they were somehow good in it. Also, Waters strikes me as a borderline egotistical a$$hole quite often. You can't really see Gilmore pulling off the 'put 'em up against the wall' bigoted rants, can you? For Waters, it's like a confession. Blatently brilliant.I'm also not as big of a fan of Waters as Gilmour. I play guitar so I am biased, but I also don't put Waters on a musician pedestal like I would many other bassists (Steve Harris from Iron Maiden., Geddy Lee, etc.). I would put David Gilmore in a large group of those elite guitarist though.
I'm also a guitarist [Love showing beginners easy, recognizable chords from Dark Side of the Moon tunes that they can play along with.] Those two in Water's Wall performed Gilmour note for note with gusto.
But, yeah, it's a cool world when we're always two clicks away from instant musical gratification, regardless of preferences.
P J Harvey - The WindLook guys I’m not into music so this got away from me, I was just looking for a couple song recommendations.
Faith No More - Evidence