Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelato Contest Shit Talk & Banter


Active Member
It truly sucks man people out there are willing to put your privacy and family at risk over some internet squabbles. This is why I made it a point to use bullshit names and addresses over the years cause these people give no fucks. Can't tell you how many po boxes and addresses I burnt over some goofy arguments. It's like an unwritten rule man. No one should be asking about anyone's names, addresses or anything. As long as everyone here has known me I've always put that as top priority. I'm about to throw in the towel to be honest. I'm just tired of the drama. No matter how much you do or try to help someone it seems everyone has a fucking agenda.
Don’t let those losers beat you man, F-those guys, people like that get there kicks by doing and saying dumb shit. It’s what they wake up for. I think this site and these contest are cool asf!


Dont Need One
Anyone not getting any terps, I see Mr. Grumpy posted on another forum that his plants were all terrible. Tiny dime size nugs , no terps etc etc and full of balls. What he didn't do is post any pics of his plants 1 week in flower that were in less than miserable growing conditions. Why can't people just be truthful? Not one fucking post he made here amwas deleted. NOT 1. WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH. I get it I'm an asshole , u hate my guts. But at leat be honest about shit. I'm just so tired of the lies. It's like the same small group of dudes over there in an echo chamber of we hate Heisen. For fuks sake.


Dont Need One
Just like this fucking liar. He said I took away a POTM cause it wasn't mine. That's a lie. Look how many potm wins there were before the one in question that wasn't mine that we sent prizes to. The one he is talking about was Meatmans. The likes that went to the winner were all by the same ip addresses. Someone was fudging the contest. I called him out and the dude flipped out on me calling me every name in the book. I'm not just making shit up like these assholes. He said I deleted the post where I called people that smoked weed losers. ANOTHER FUCKING LIE. The post was NEVER DELETED. it's still there and has been. I never said that. I said I don't like doing business with people that excessively smoke weed. Fukin space cadets. That's what I said. It was never deleted. Never otherwise there would be a history report on the post or say modified or edited. Why people have to stretch the truth or fabricate stories????? Anyone?

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The thread is here and the second post. IT WAS NEVER DELETED



Anyone not getting any terps, I see Mr. Grumpy posted on another forum that his plants were all terrible. Tiny dime size nugs , no terps etc etc and full of balls. What he didn't do is post any pics of his plants 1 week in flower that were in less than miserable growing conditions. Why can't people just be truthful? Not one fucking post he made here amwas deleted. NOT 1. WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH. I get it I'm an asshole , u hate my guts. But at leat be honest about shit. I'm just so tired of the lies. It's like the same small group of dudes over there in an echo chamber of we hate Heisen. For fuks sake.
New grower, this is my second grow. ever.
Growing 4 GZs - week 4 flower
Healthy AF
No problems whatsoever
Terps are garlic/sweet onion/asphault/pine
Environment as of now:


Anyone not getting any terps, I see Mr. Grumpy posted on another forum that his plants were all terrible. Tiny dime size nugs , no terps etc etc and full of balls. What he didn't do is post any pics of his plants 1 week in flower that were in less than miserable growing conditions. Why can't people just be truthful? Not one fucking post he made here amwas deleted. NOT 1. WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH. I get it I'm an asshole , u hate my guts. But at leat be honest about shit. I'm just so tired of the lies. It's like the same small group of dudes over there in an echo chamber of we hate Heisen. For fuks sake.
H, to the wider point you are making about deceivers...
This was my first ever grow GPS Punch Bubble:
The fact that you make shit that is so high quality that a dude who has never grown before can make fire like this on the first try is what makes people hate.
This shit is like big league!


Dont Need One
H, to the wider point you are making about deceivers...
This was my first ever grow GPS Punch Bubble:
View attachment 134705
The fact that you make shit that is so high quality that a dude who has never grown before can make fire like this on the first try is what makes people hate.
This shit is like big league!
Thanks man. Yeah I don't understand the hate honestly. If someone doesn't like me just add a disclaimer. Yeah I hate heisen cause he's a cunt and tells it like it so I'm gonna lay it in a little thick here. I honestly don't understand stiicky. Why he went off the rails so hard core. Gwheels pulled the same shit a while back for no fukin reason. Just up and one day snapped. I've tried my best to make good on every deal I ever made. Maybe I'll be like them other dudes and just say yeah man that's cool , that's real nice to everything they ask me. I was going out of my way to help kister get a solid understanding of how the clone game works and he acted like I was trying to.undercut him over 35 dollars. He was offended I didn't want his shit. It's like bro I'm sorry I don't really know you. Your growing a clone that's not even verified. It's like the people you got it from don't even have there own flowering pics. There downloaded from 3 seperate sources so what the fuck. It's my job to verify what I get. This is not my hobby It's my actual job. It's like every year I have to battle with different people over the same shit I was battling over 5 years ago when I started this place.


Thanks man. Yeah I don't understand the hate honestly. If someone doesn't like me just add a disclaimer. Yeah I hate heisen cause he's a cunt and tells it like it so I'm gonna lay it in a little thick here. I honestly don't understand stiicky. Why he went off the rails so hard core. Gwheels pulled the same shit a while back for no fukin reason. Just up and one day snapped. I've tried my best to make good on every deal I ever made. Maybe I'll be like them other dudes and just say yeah man that's cool , that's real nice to everything they ask me. I was going out of my way to help kister get a solid understanding of how the clone game works and he acted like I was trying to.undercut him over 35 dollars. He was offended I didn't want his shit. It's like bro I'm sorry I don't really know you. Your growing a clone that's not even verified. It's like the people you got it from don't even have there own flowering pics. There downloaded from 3 seperate sources so what the fuck. It's my job to verify what I get. This is not my hobby It's my actual job. It's like every year I have to battle with different people over the same shit I was battling over 5 years ago when I started this place.
I feel for you man. 👊 I have a similar personality type...the kind that sensitive people overreact to. At the end of the day you gotta do what you know is right and if people can't take it, it's their problem. It's obvious that you are here for the right reason and that is appreciated for real.


Thanks man. Yeah I don't understand the hate honestly. If someone doesn't like me just add a disclaimer. Yeah I hate heisen cause he's a cunt and tells it like it so I'm gonna lay it in a little thick here. I honestly don't understand stiicky. Why he went off the rails so hard core. Gwheels pulled the same shit a while back for no fukin reason. Just up and one day snapped. I've tried my best to make good on every deal I ever made. Maybe I'll be like them other dudes and just say yeah man that's cool , that's real nice to everything they ask me. I was going out of my way to help kister get a solid understanding of how the clone game works and he acted like I was trying to.undercut him over 35 dollars. He was offended I didn't want his shit. It's like bro I'm sorry I don't really know you. Your growing a clone that's not even verified. It's like the people you got it from don't even have there own flowering pics. There downloaded from 3 seperate sources so what the fuck. It's my job to verify what I get. This is not my hobby It's my actual job. It's like every year I have to battle with different people over the same shit I was battling over 5 years ago when I started this place.
Those guys seam like the perfect example of passive aggressive. They let so much go that bother them over and over, whether it's here or in their personal life, that they eventually explode. Their explosions rarely go the right way just at whoevers convenient. Unfortunately you're a prime and convenient target for weak minded peoples jealousy.


Thanks man. Yeah I don't understand the hate honestly. If someone doesn't like me just add a disclaimer. Yeah I hate heisen cause he's a cunt and tells it like it so I'm gonna lay it in a little thick here. I honestly don't understand stiicky. Why he went off the rails so hard core. Gwheels pulled the same shit a while back for no fukin reason. Just up and one day snapped. I've tried my best to make good on every deal I ever made. Maybe I'll be like them other dudes and just say yeah man that's cool , that's real nice to everything they ask me. I was going out of my way to help kister get a solid understanding of how the clone game works and he acted like I was trying to.undercut him over 35 dollars. He was offended I didn't want his shit. It's like bro I'm sorry I don't really know you. Your growing a clone that's not even verified. It's like the people you got it from don't even have there own flowering pics. There downloaded from 3 seperate sources so what the fuck. It's my job to verify what I get. This is not my hobby It's my actual job. It's like every year I have to battle with different people over the same shit I was battling over 5 years ago when I started this place.
I don't know what happened with stiicky.
You seem to be ok,
you've never done me wrong.
It's just the internet craziness getting on your nerves.
And people are just "assholes" now a days.
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Stiicky hasn’t acted the same here since H removed all the mods and asked me to admin the forum. I think he’s been holding a grudge ever since.

I have no idea what happened with MisterKister. He was laid back for years and then just started stirring up drama here with HAF and H.

I think when things aren’t going perfectly for people their true colors come out.
Just like this fucking liar. He said I took away a POTM cause it wasn't mine. That's a lie. Look how many potm wins there were before the one in question that wasn't mine that we sent prizes to. The one he is talking about was Meatmans. The likes that went to the winner were all by the same ip addresses. Someone was fudging the contest. I called him out and the dude flipped out on me calling me every name in the book. I'm not just making shit up like these assholes. He said I deleted the post where I called people that smoked weed losers. ANOTHER FUCKING LIE. The post was NEVER DELETED. it's still there and has been. I never said that. I said I don't like doing business with people that excessively smoke weed. Fukin space cadets. That's what I said. It was never deleted. Never otherwise there would be a history report on the post or say modified or edited. Why people have to stretch the truth or fabricate stories????? Anyone?

View attachment 134701

The thread is here and the second post. IT WAS NEVER DELETED

That v256.420 guy is a noob. He was also banned 🤗


Stiicky hasn’t acted the same here since H removed all the mods and asked me to admin the forum. I think he’s been holding a grudge ever since.

I have no idea what happened with MisterKister. He was laid back for years and then just started stirring up drama here with HAF and H.

I think when things aren’t going perfectly for people their true colors come out.
This shouldn't be a place to dump your "built up" steam,
every time the pressure of living needs a release.
Unfortunately, it will happen.
At the end of the day, you all are still strangers,
but I call my friends anyway.
I can't imagine being active on IG and other places and know who you are even dealing with.
I've been in prohibition for 50 years, I don't trust anybody. lol
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This shouldn't be a place to dump your "built up" steam,
every time the pressure of living needs a release.
Unfortunately, it will happen.
At the end of the day, you all are still strangers,
but I call my friends anyway.
I can't imagine being active on IG and other places and know who you are even dealing with.
I've been in prohibition for 50 years, I don't trust anybody. lol
Stiicky should know better because he used to admin this site. I just don’t understand why people can’t just move on when they have an issue with someone. It would be one thing to talk shit about a hobby grower but he’s literally putting H’s livelihood at risk, by telling people to do business elsewhere, just because H hurt his feelings. I guess someone else’s livelihood doesn’t matter to someone who freely admits that they live off govt checks and jokes about using them to purchase seeds. I’ve looked at him differently ever since H removed him as admin and he sent me PMs bitching about it. The PMs had the feeling of some woman dating a new guy and his ex sending her messages like “good luck with that loser!”.
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sheesh I have so much to read but damn glad I took some time off this mess..

only reason I come to this site or come back to this site is for one reason only! @Heisen since day one been putting out that fire! I've grown so many of his packs and yes I've seen a ball or two. but overall nothing compares to the dank that comes out them packs. he always had great prices and is the most generous person I've ever met. I haven't really made friends here but I'm not here to make friends anyway. I'm just here to keep up with whatever heisen has coming out next! anyone that disagrees is a hater period. thanks again for letting me into the comp even tho i was late/. i will post some pics later today.