Greenpoint Seeds: Zangria Winter 2022
This is the image I sent off to be made into a tapestry for this grow. I decided to add a bit more to the bottom this time. To include the breeder and time grown for the wall collection.
Pro tip. If you build a room, use waterproof ultra-white paint. Cleaned the room today. It was great. Sprayed the walls down with Dawn Dishsoap water and wiped them down. Followed by a bottle of Iso70 to sanitize. Cleaned the fans, cleaned my lights LEDs, swept the floor! Seriously I knocked this all out pretty quick. One of these days im going to get some paint thinner and clean up the concrete floor of the paint spots. Being able to roll the beds out the way to sweep! Oh man!
Now its time to get the bed thats just been sitting for the last 3 months ready for some new girls.
So to amend my beds were going to put in the following, 8 cups of Craft blend 1.5 cups of Insect frass 1/2 cup of eggshell 1/8 cup of Mustard Seed Meal. 1 cup of Gnarly Barley unmilled. Milled it. I then throw all of this into a old re-amend bucket put the lid on and mix.
The Living soil bed will get about 1/4 of this mix. watered it in with rootwise and Bio-elixir.

The hugelkulture bed with get the rest. Then well cover it with compost, mulch, leaves from harvest, and plastic. Then I'll let that set while the plants dry. Once we can turn lights back on, take off the plastic and drop in the next round.
From the left, Cookie Breath #1, Northern Lights Blue, Cookie Breath #2, Kali 47, and both of the Lemon Tree Punches. I think the plan is to to put the 3 smaller ones in one bed, and then drop the other 3 bigger ones in about a week later. That way when I flip they should all be about the same.
Few more days to go...