#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

Can't hardly wait, I'm gonna pull the trigger on either heisens animal cookies testers or gps ac x pp, damn I can't make my mind up
@Bodyne ....I'd love to give those AC/PP's a shot as well. Had to hold back though. Same old story......too many packs lying about as it is to buy more seeds. Wondering.....was the AC used in this AC/PP the same AC as in the tester packs? The AC/SD's were the best smelling/most stable plants of the testers I grew. Still have 1/2 packs of all of em if yer interested in "testers".

Deleted member 60

Hes got no,reason for sales gimmicks. I second this. Things happened along the way while testing for this next round. We all understood. Shit happena. I wanted mac crosses. With maybe a Gucci. But she didnt,comply. We all know who's,the real,boss here. Just checkwd my cut. Ahes recovering from a fungus gnat infeatation coupled with aphids. I need a proactive approach to pest management.
Either way. What coulda been shoulda been.
Folks just gotta be patient. Don't be stupid and piss him off or you'll never see any A-Dub seed drop. LOL.

Gucci was on the radar here as well. FPOG too. Both were >the< reasons I was interested in the test. Neither materialized. The testers were a bit off from the fruit selections I have been growing of late....but it is what it is/was what it was. A nice side tangent for sure.....but not where I'm looking to go in the future.


Fuck a dubstep, here's 1 of 4 animal cookies fully reversed about to fuck everything I have in house. I also have a quarter cup of adub pollen and lemon tree for the die hard dubstep folks. Shit happens but a new year is coming around. The last 50 pages of the AC crosses is smashing anything I ever put out. Its definitely one that takes experience to reverse. Doubt I could have done it 3 years ago.

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Same plant grown by me not reversed and not seeded.

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That plant won't fuck the dubstep I run. What's that bud look like with a quarter in the picture? :Ddubbybaby.JPG


Yes I am @stiickygreen Now that I got a snootfull of the fire og from kmogs testers, me like. Got a swamp boys cross with AC in it, but regs. Trying to buy some. Per thread, got some healthy rum runners coming, sorry for pics, three big smarties the rum runners, the solo cups runtz F2s and double banana dub, not sexed yet. Tied up like a dog's knot, no room in flower tent, don't want to flower out veg tent, ready to pop some more beans. Got you a surprise for Xmas, when I get it, I'll hollar. Just a strain with hype, wanna see you do some and see.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dosi Dos x Gelato 33 tester.
This is like the marrying girl. She didn't cure out pretty, but she has the important stuff :ROFLMAO:
DD x G33.JPG
All those little secondary petal-leaf-things were too small to bother snipping, but large enough to wrap the buds in a nice protective- but ugly-ish cocoon. The tops trimmed up nice though.
This is another that was NOT what I expected. Pine. A little sweetness, but it mostly dank, moist cedar.
Nice rich smoke, good head high. Morning weed. No complaints.
Close up the fire is apparent, but this one ranks lower on the bag appeal scale than others. Sell your buddies the pretty stuff that doesn't pack this punch :cool: