#Heisenbeans Genetics


It would be nice to get some overhead shots so we could see the bud and leaf structure from above. I'm not like most of you. I've never seen what all these strains are suppose to look like. I can tell more about the "cultivar" by comparing the overhead shots to what I've grown out for myself in the past.
best i can do the camera wants to focus on the main cola and i cant get much higher above it than this
Adub s1 personally the whole plant pic says most about structure to me


Thanks, ya I am aware of turning off tags, location for pics. If there is even a 0.0001% chance that posting pics could endanger my family, just isnt worth it. I think the government is constantly spying on us anyway. I dont mean any disrespect, I know a lot of you guys from riu. I'm not saying the forum would give up any info, but if say the feds or dea wanting to hack a forum that they could.

They are. Your posting on this board so they have everything you type on here