#Heisenbeans Genetics


hey guys whats up? im on an old broken laptop so bare with me. i got caught growing in indiana, level 5 fel. dealing 3-6 years , level 6 fel. possession 8lbs(bullshit i hadless than a bow they weighed a box of wet trim & a couple wet plants i just cut down, caught me with 50 plants 31of them clones sitting at 8 weeks (they were done id started harvest)level 6 felony maintaining a common, gave me a misd. for my bong, brought up a 19yr old poss. charge (had a roach in a bar on my 21st bday im 40 now) so they could say this was my 2nd offense. they took all my lights(my 2 nanolux 315s,my plc 420,my timber,my northern, my 2 630des, my2 600s) fans, ferts, ph pen (all blue lab), took my perlite & ffof like 10 bags, took all my phones, got a warrant for my messenger, they treating this shit like a fookin homicide , i got busted fri & just got to court for a bond today 15k . this is how it went down: i go outside to get wood for the fire,( im blazing a wood fire cause im harvesting) the cops are outside waiting to snatch me, they say "hey how ya doing we smell raw marijauna & we can do this the easy way or the hard way" i tell em " youre nuts i have no weed" they apply for a search warrant & the rest is history. i got lazy i got so comfortable that i got busted, no one told shit. cops swears he smelled it from the road & waited for me to come outside so he could smell me to get in the house. oddly enough they left me all my genetics, tomorrow ill buy a new phone & post pics in the trade section i got alot of great packs if anybody wants to buy em. i wont be growing for some years, ill be spending the next couple trying to stay out of prison. i changed all my passwords from this laptop. peace-out guys damn heisen im sure gonna miss growing your cake & glue...., i gotta figure out who i even am now, ive been all about weed so long. i hate the fucking police
I know a really good lawyer in that area who got me outta pretty much the exact same shit except I had hella weight and they even hit me with trafficking because I crossed from Chicago to Indiana with bud they had a dude wearing a wire on me.. He got 4 felonies dropped to misdemeanors, i had to do drug classes and a little bit of community service and that was it. He was expensive but so worth it. If you want his info shoot me a message.


Mediocre grower
gg4 growers,

What kind of smells are u getting from it? I had a mix up when I popped some beans so i'm trying to figure out which is which. But I have one I suspect is gg4, it stretched a lot, and it smells kinda piney, or minty maybe. But it's got a tiny hint of bubble gum in the background... like chewing bubble gum with Listerine in your mouth or something lol... could this be the gg4?


Dont Need One
gg4 growers,

What kind of smells are u getting from it? I had a mix up when I popped some beans so i'm trying to figure out which is which. But I have one I suspect is gg4, it stretched a lot, and it smells kinda piney, or minty maybe. But it's got a tiny hint of bubble gum in the background... like chewing bubble gum with Listerine in your mouth or something lol... could this be the gg4?
Most.likely topanga or alien


Mediocre grower
Most.likely topanga or alien
I shoulda been more clear... I popped one of your gg4 alongside four regs, and i got 2 females and one hermie... the other female smells like berries and cream. So my guess was it's either this plant or it was the herm... I'll try to get some pics for y'all when I get home... and btw, I kinda suck at describing and distinguishing smells tho

Oh, and @Heisenbeans u didn't forget about me and the MAC cut from the contest did ya? Just wanted to touch base with ya cuz I didn't really ask for an ETA


Dont Need One
I shoulda been more clear... I popped one of your gg4 alongside four regs, and i got 2 females and one hermie... the other female smells like berries and cream. So my guess was it's either this plant or it was the herm... I'll try to get some pics for y'all when I get home... and btw, I kinda suck at describing and distinguishing smells tho

Oh, and @Heisenbeans u didn't forget about me and the MAC cut from the contest did ya? Just wanted to touch base with ya cuz I didn't really ask for an ETA
Naw I didnt. Waitig to take clones again


Shinobi of seeds
View attachment 28779
Purple crash in veg- Coco Tek is the medium. Using Flora series drain to waste at week 3 late growth #'s About 5 ml per gallon on cal mag.
Any idea what this is on the leaves . I tried supplementing in Epson salt to fix it and it's still showing up. Any help would be much appreciated !! the bridezillas are perfect so far.
Some plants are assholes, lol. My grape bubba does this same thing. In veg it's fine then couple weeks after I flip to flower she starts rusting up.

It is either calcium or magnesium but I'm not sure if it is due to not having enough calmag or if other elements are lacking which then cause lock out on the calmag side of things.

In coco I just added more calmag and it wasn't too bad but the last two runs I used ffof ocean forest soil and both times were much worse than coco runs.

Since your using coco I would suggest adding 7-10ml calmag and see if that stops it from getting worse.