#Heisenbeans Genetics


I cut and split my own wood for several years, but now I got a guy that delivers me wood. $200 per cord split, can’t beat it. I do have a $800 chainsaw and a $2000 splitter collecting dust though......

I used to cut and split for my parents, grandparents and uncle's over the years.

So glad for propane now. My grandparents have passed on several years back now so I wish I was still splitting their wood for em.


Got some pics of stretch.

ADub a stretch so far. Around 30" and still going Total plant height is probably over 4' tall.IMG_20190802_152159.jpgIMG_20190802_152226.jpg

This is wedding cake she been in flower a couple days longer and has stretched an additional 36" and still going so she is over 4' tall of course.


Other plant shots

This plant is one of my own creation. Absolutely massive yields, stickiest plant I have ever grown by far and the stretchiest. Not the most powerful but she's decently strong as well. For comparison the plant down below to the left is GG4 it's almost finished and those stretch a little bit. All my plants are gonna start at same height under the screen when flipped. Her colas are 2 liter bottle and sometimes milk jug big. Wish they were smaller and more dense so I would like to cross her with something else to tighten the nugs up a tad more but not rock hard. IMG_20190802_152313.jpgIMG_20190802_152326.jpg

Next pic is GG4. Not the Heisen S1 that I'm growing out but another company. Don't think it's the real thing it's all right but nothing spectacular.


Next pic is chem4. Never have liked growing this plant but want to cross her with green points copper chem male or a chem cross in the future that Heisen will do. It's a very greasy ass plant. IMG_20190802_152345.jpg

Next pic is another of my own creations that everyone wants. It's right next to the wedding cake to the right of it. So similar stretching so far but cake ain't over with just yet I don't think. The next pic is 2 of mine side by side.



Here is some tents that I also plumbed into my RDWC. I have 25 buckets so far that I flower in each tent has 2. My main flower room has 15
I have 18 buckets in veg in one area and another 4 in veg in another 4x4 tent.

Here is some my tents plumed for rdwc that is flowering. These are the exact same plants that got damaged pretty bad. Some of them died and I replaced. They were damaged because of the root structure being so big it fills up the whole bucket and cuts down on flow of water. It has happened several times since last June. I have to rip bottom of roots off the plant. These are not runners going into the 2" pipe but the whole bucket being packed with roots. I really need 13 gal buckets and 3" pipe.

This is coming out of veg. Completely fills a.5 gal bucket
Well to be honest I need a warehouse. Lol I need 5x more than what I'm growing now. Well anyways water flow is limited to main Rez tank. It gets low so my top off tank then starts to fill it back up. This in turn causes excess water in all the buckets and drowns the roots. The plant can survive doing this for a small amount of time but not any extended period of time.

This is one of my tents that has chem 4 in it. The results of too much water drowning the roots. All my tents and most of my plants in my big room all looked like this. Big time set back.


As you can see pure devastation. All my tents looked like this. So I decided to save what I could if I can since I didn't have enough plants in veg to replace everything. So I then put them all on 24 hr of light and see what happens. Well some start to regrow leaves and the plants then decided on it's on which branches it's going to weed out.

Some plants come back quicker than others while some died and was discarted.


After revegging and then prunning off the dead branches I reflowered. This is what it looks like now 6-7 weeks later.
First pic with light burn is Larry lemon OG . Second pic is chem 4 that's the totally wilted pic you see up top
Third pic trainwreck looked just as bad maybe even worse.
Fourth pic is black dog.


Here is the Larry revegging out.




Dont Need One
I got those exact same hot shot no pest strips hanging up everywhere. You think they work? I've had em for around a year now. Sure didn't keep out thrips. Lol
I always keep them up when I get new cuts. I start em in the cloner and than keep em around till I know there good. I've had thrips before but Monterey took them out pretty fast and the pest strips killed all the fliers. Thank god I've Never had to deal with any other kind of bugs. Everything is good on this run and I dont see any sign of bullshit on any of them.
I think being aware of signs and really pay attention goes a long ways.


I always keep them up when I get new cuts. I start em in the cloner and than keep em around till I know there good. I've had thrips before but Monterey took them out pretty fast and the pest strips killed all the fliers. Thank god I've Never had to deal with any other kind of bugs. Everything is good on this run and I dont see any sign of bullshit on any of them.
I think being aware of signs and really pay attention goes a long ways.

What cuts are those??? :p


I always keep them up when I get new cuts. I start em in the cloner and than keep em around till I know there good. I've had thrips before but Monterey took them out pretty fast and the pest strips killed all the fliers. Thank god I've Never had to deal with any other kind of bugs. Everything is good on this run and I dont see any sign of bullshit on any of them.
I think being aware of signs and really pay attention goes a long ways.

I was recommended a spray that was absolutely killer on those thrips I tried safer soap brand and many others to no avail. In the infirmary forum I was recommended Spinosad by Montgomery.
Tried that. Used it one time and it killed off those bastards .

Since I stopped growing in doors with dirt my bug problems practically went away. No more, gnats, spider mites, root aphids etc.

In my green house I get ants and termites just like growing outdoors of course.

If anybody here has a problem with thrips use this. Works amazing.



Dont Need One
I was recommended a spray that was absolutely killer on those thrips I tried safer soap brand and many others to no avail. In the infirmary forum I was recommended Spinosad by Montgomery.
Tried that. Used it one time and it killed off those bastards .

Since I stopped growing in doors with dirt my bug problems practically went away. No more, gnats, spider mites, root aphids etc.

In my green house I get ants and termites just like growing outdoors of course.

If anybody here has a problem with thrips use this. Works amazing.

Yeah that stuff works good. I also hit em with azamax as soon as I put them out on the table and they was rooted just in case. So yeah I nuked em pretty good. They got eagle 20 the week after but usually PM dont survive in a cloner so no issue really there. I think people have issues with PM when they get a rooted clone with live spores that get to the more favorable environment of a flower room or they bring it in from other people's grows.


Super Active Member
Here is some tents that I also plumbed into my RDWC. I have 25 buckets so far that I flower in each tent has 2. My main flower room has 15
I have 18 buckets in veg in one area and another 4 in veg in another 4x4 tent.

Here is some my tents plumed for rdwc that is flowering. These are the exact same plants that got damaged pretty bad. Some of them died and I replaced. They were damaged because of the root structure being so big it fills up the whole bucket and cuts down on flow of water. It has happened several times since last June. I have to rip bottom of roots off the plant. These are not runners going into the 2" pipe but the whole bucket being packed with roots. I really need 13 gal buckets and 3" pipe.

This is coming out of veg. Completely fills a.5 gal bucket
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Well to be honest I need a warehouse. Lol I need 5x more than what I'm growing now. Well anyways water flow is limited to main Rez tank. It gets low so my top off tank then starts to fill it back up. This in turn causes excess water in all the buckets and drowns the roots. The plant can survive doing this for a small amount of time but not any extended period of time.

This is one of my tents that has chem 4 in it. The results of too much water drowning the roots. All my tents and most of my plants in my big room all looked like this. Big time set back.

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As you can see pure devastation. All my tents looked like this. So I decided to save what I could if I can since I didn't have enough plants in veg to replace everything. So I then put them all on 24 hr of light and see what happens. Well some start to regrow leaves and the plants then decided on it's on which branches it's going to weed out.

Some plants come back quicker than others while some died and was discarted.

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After revegging and then prunning off the dead branches I reflowered. This is what it looks like now 6-7 weeks later.
First pic with light burn is Larry lemon OG . Second pic is chem 4 that's the totally wilted pic you see up top
Third pic trainwreck looked just as bad maybe even worse.
Fourth pic is black dog.

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Here is the Larry revegging out.

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Sweet recovery! Its amazing how quick things can turn around in hydro. Bridgelux strips? An I hear ye on the spinosad, I seen shit on the leaves, look like paint overspray, i had always used safers soap but the spinosad knocked em right out. Aphids are the worst, was for me anyway, finally tried Pyrethrin and that shit works for aphids. If anybody knows anything that works for termites , inground outdoor, please let me know. Again man sweet recovery! an Patience!
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Yeah that stuff works good. I also hit em with azamax as soon as I put them out on the table and they was rooted just in case. So yeah I nuked em pretty good. They got eagle 20 the week after but usually PM dont survive in a cloner so no issue really there. I think people have issues with PM when they get a rooted clone with live spores that get to the more favorable environment of a flower room or they bring it in from other people's grows.
I don't think I've ever had powdery mildew before. I've had mold in bud because of how humid it is here. At night time humidity goes up to 95-98 during the summer. In the day it's upper 60s mostly.
So no way can I pull air from the outside at night while the lights are going for good exchange. My plants would mould from the inside out.
I could if I had buds not too dense but even growing outside I get mold a lot and have to harvest too early with just minor bud density.


Sweet recovery! Its amazing how quick things can turn around in hydro. Bridgelux strips? An I hear ye on the spinosad, I seen shit on the leaves, look like paint overspray, i had always used safers soap but the spinosad knocked em right out. Aphids are the worst, was for me anyway, finally tried Pyrethrin and that shit works for aphids. If anybody knows anything that works for termites , inground outdoor, please let me know. Again man sweet recovery! an Patience!

Thanks man. Need to let me know as well because I've battled termites in my plants for many many years. Some years worse than others. Won't know you got em till the leaves droop. By then it's too late.

And yes those are bridgelux