#Heisenbeans Genetics


Hobby Farmer
I harvested some other beans and now i can get in the room without breaking branches!
GG4 day 52 This plant is now being supported with tomato wire all over the place. The buds are weighing it down.
I took 1 bottom popcorn nug off of the GG4, walter white and purple punch. To see it under a microscope and to smell it. Wow
Purple Punch is really coming into the grape aroma. This has been since about day 45 and now its intensifying. Really grapey and a lot more aroma than the purple candy strain i had.
GG4 well this is really turning into a nice aroma. Way stronger than the Punch in aroma. The nasty smell is all but gone replaced with a very different aroma. That pear smell and coffeeish and a little chemical smell. Way stickier than the punch, denser too.
WalterWhite..i already tasted this one. WOW. Fantastic flavor and aroma. The most intense pine hit I ever had in a doob and that was at week 6 1/2 (bud broke off that time). Massive creeper a good 15 minutes before it really set in and it was strong like streetcar and i was smart like bull. AMAZING smoke.
And you cant forget a bud in your car. They could smell it from a parking lot.

And a dubstep way at the back. Wow does this one smell GREAT.
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Mediocre grower
I harvested some other beans and now i can get in the room without breaking branches!
GG4 day 52 This plant is now being supported with tomato wire all over the place. The buds are weighing it down.
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And a dubstep way at the back. Wow does this one smell GREAT.
View attachment 15440
We call it paradise here, but it's more like hell with all this fire we got! 😂 looking good man


Mediocre grower
Early impressions - I've never smoked weed with so much flavor. I'm being honest here too. I don't dick-ride to get likes lol. It's more flavorful than a blunt wrap. And when you're down to the last of it, the flavor is still strong! After a week in jars, it's got a peach scent with hints of lemon. Same taste too.

It is LOUD. I let a buddy at work try some... he said his lunchbox still smelled 2 days later. He had to spray it with stuff lol.

And the buzz will punch you in the face. It's not my go-to smoke for daytime, while i'm at work, for obvious reasons. But man, after a long day, and you want to relax and unwind, this is what you grab. I ripped a couple hits on the bong the other morning tho and I was retarded ALL DAY.

And to think, it could have easily went a week or 2 longer...


Dont Need One
As alot of you know I stepped back away from my website and the business side of things to concentrate on making seeds and maintaining this website. Well as it worked out I turned everything over to Greeenpoint to handle the sales as I just feel after working with @Gu~~~ he has been nothing but professional and puts his customers ahead of everything. We all know he has made mistakes and we dont need to revisit that, but going forward I think his professionalism and commitment to the the same goals and expectations as me will go a long ways. Making sure you guys are taken care of and happy with your products.
So in saying that I've decided to take on making all the seeds for Greenpoint including the regs. Taking this away from Gu will allow me to do what I love and that's bringing you guys the best genetics and allow him to focus on the website and taking care of you guys. I've already gotten ALL of his cuts and we are in the process of turning up the heat ASAP.
I know I have a couple loose ends to tie up with some of you that were waiting on a couple orders from before me and him made this switch.

So in saying all that you guys can expect to see some new products, new crosses and me expanding on bringing you'll the best genetics I can come up with


Heathen Basterd
As alot of you know I stepped back away from my website and the business side of things to concentrate on making seeds and maintaining this website. Well as it worked out I turned everything over to Greeenpoint to handle the sales as I just feel after working with @Gu~~~ he has been nothing but professional and puts his customers ahead of everything. We all know he has made mistakes and we dont need to revisit that, but going forward I think his professionalism and commitment to the the same goals and expectations as me will go a long ways. Making sure you guys are taken care of and happy with your products.
So in saying that I've decided to take on making all the seeds for Greenpoint including the regs. Taking this away from Gu will allow me to do what I love and that's bringing you guys the best genetics and allow him to focus on the website and taking care of you guys. I've already gotten ALL of his cuts and we are in the process of turning up the heat ASAP.
I know I have a couple loose ends to tie up with some of you that were waiting on a couple orders from before me and him made this switch.

So in saying all that you guys can expect to see some new products, new crosses and me expanding on bringing you'll the best genetics I can come up with
Thats awesome H, and I know I speak for alot of other people on here , if You ever need anything feel free to ask .


Early impressions - I've never smoked weed with so much flavor. I'm being honest here too. I don't dick-ride to get likes lol. It's more flavorful than a blunt wrap. And when you're down to the last of it, the flavor is still strong! After a week in jars, it's got a peach scent with hints of lemon. Same taste too.

It is LOUD. I let a buddy at work try some... he said his lunchbox still smelled 2 days later. He had to spray it with stuff lol.

And the buzz will punch you in the face. It's not my go-to smoke for daytime, while i'm at work, for obvious reasons. But man, after a long day, and you want to relax and unwind, this is what you grab. I ripped a couple hits on the bong the other morning tho and I was retarded ALL DAY.

And to think, it could have easily went a week or 2 longer...
That review cost me, lol.

I'm in!


Super Active Member

Man, shes been growing out of some weird funk. She needed help standing.. growing really slow, I did top super early. I have to keep overall heigt about 40 inches.so its probably from the early top. I will veg her until she reaches 15 inches tall. I've got to much going on in my tents so I only popped one for now. Other than slow veg.. leaves are starting to grow in normal.


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