#Heisenbeans Genetics


Have you found it to keep weight after a few weeks of burping jars?
My understanding, when you open the jar, the humidity of the room rushes in
Lol yea I know all that. I was basically asking if it would lose weight after curing. It's dried for a week and is completely trimmed and cut off the branches. I don't sell it anyway, I just borrowed a buddies scales out of curiosity. I just thought a half lb. seemed like a lot. I even lost the main cola to mold when drying. Lesson learned... I had it too close to another branch, and I think I will cut it off the huge stem next time...
If it's dry enough to put in jars, you are around 90% of final weight. But it takes a good month of curing and burping to get the full potential of the dried flower. It will become the same consistency every time you open the jar, then you're done. Some of this stuff is 30% resin or more. It's only gonna get to a certain texture and any more drying will only degrade the product. Just my .02 on how I cure.


I really did call the company and spoke with people to get that ppm or whatever it is down from the 500, and used the drinking excuse to insinuate exactness or close as possible per drs orders. They were very helpful. lol. I am gonna try it on a plant next round or two, got my nerve up. I know Im glad I got a bunch of Heisen's gear on the cheap first go around, and right up my budget alley, got some Usefuls gear, killed my last cv gear, rip, and bout got my regs give away. I keep seeing those clone stories at the other place and gettin offers. Kinda hard not to try it at least once or price. I know some of the cloners I talk to, one is cheap on the shipping and does it right, others are cheap on the clones, expensive on the shipping. But if legit cuts. man, takes half the battle out of the reg bean deal, unless looking for males I guess or special pheno to then make cuts and share or sell.
Lol good idea in the dr. Excuse man. Let me know if it works out I’ll have to get the dilution rate from you and what not and try it out as well. I sent you a pm by the way.


Complete newb question....... how long in the jar before it loses that “homegrown” taste? I tried some of mine after 10 days in the jar and it still had the green taste.
If you don’t dry it enough before jarring it then it can keep that green grass clippings smell indefinitely. Not always but it can. And if you dried it too fast then the chlorophyll didn’t have enough time to break down, and you’ll be stuck with that smell. Dump the bud out of the jars and let it dry for a bit, put it back and shoot for around 58-62%.
But if you messed up the dry or let it sit in the jars too long while too wet then there’s a really good chance that smell isn’t going away. Not saying that’s a guarantee just my experience.
Edit: also wet trimming will fuck your herb up quick.


Active Member
If you don’t dry it enough before jarring it then it can keep that green grass clippings smell indefinitely. Not always but it can. And if you dried it too fast then the chlorophyll didn’t have enough time to break down, and you’ll be stuck with that smell. Dump the bud out of the jars and let it dry for a bit, put it back and shoot for around 58-62%.
But if you messed up the dry or let it sit in the jars too long while too wet then there’s a really good chance that smell isn’t going away. Not saying that’s a guarantee just my experience.
Edit: also wet trimming will fuck your herb up quick.
This is what happened to me my first couple times drying and curing. Until i got the feel for it. For the life of me i couldnt figure out why my buds smelled like hay after being in jars. I wasnt drying them long enough to start with. Live and learn (y)


This is what happened to me my first couple times drying and curing. Until i got the feel for it. For the life of me i couldnt figure out why my buds smelled like hay after being in jars. I wasnt drying them long enough to start with. Live and learn (y)
I think it happens to all of us. The first time I dried correctly I thought it was over dried and I was pissed lol. It’s all a learning process. I just wish I had started using hygrometers from the beginning lol.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
I think it happens to all of us. The first time I dried correctly I thought it was over dried and I was pissed lol. It’s all a learning process. I just wish I had started using hygrometers from the beginning lol.
Thanks for the replies.

I guess I’m not alone if I fucked it up.

Sure is potent, I had about four puffs and about 15 minutes later, I thought I was going to green out, just had that “homegrown” taste still.

This is my second plant and I did get it in the jars 10 days ago it was reading 70 and been steadily declining with regular burping (once or twice a day for 20 minutes at a time) for 10 days.

The first plant I harvested I think I let it hang dry for too long because when I got it into the jar, it was already down to 52. That rule about wait until the small stems snap is bullshit, because the stems were no where near snapping when I jarred it. It does not taste as green as the second plant.


Mediocre grower
Thanks for the replies.

I guess I’m not alone if I fucked it up.

Sure is potent, I had about four puffs and about 15 minutes later, I thought I was going to green out, just had that “homegrown” taste still.

This is my second plant and I did get it in the jars 10 days ago it was reading 70 and been steadily declining with regular burping (once or twice a day for 20 minutes at a time) for 10 days.

The first plant I harvested I think I let it hang dry for too long because when I got it into the jar, it was already down to 52. That rule about wait until the small stems snap is bullshit, because the stems were no where near snapping when I jarred it. It does not taste as green as the second plant.
I think it's bs too. If I waited until the stems snapped the buds would just crumble from being so dry.


Thanks for the replies.

I guess I’m not alone if I fucked it up.

Sure is potent, I had about four puffs and about 15 minutes later, I thought I was going to green out, just had that “homegrown” taste still.

This is my second plant and I did get it in the jars 10 days ago it was reading 70 and been steadily declining with regular burping (once or twice a day for 20 minutes at a time) for 10 days.

The first plant I harvested I think I let it hang dry for too long because when I got it into the jar, it was already down to 52. That rule about wait until the small stems snap is bullshit, because the stems were no where near snapping when I jarred it. It does not taste as green as the second plant.
Facts. Every time I have had it dry enough to snap the stems it was some good ol Colorado crumble lol


Thanks for the replies.

I guess I’m not alone if I fucked it up.

Sure is potent, I had about four puffs and about 15 minutes later, I thought I was going to green out, just had that “homegrown” taste still.

This is my second plant and I did get it in the jars 10 days ago it was reading 70 and been steadily declining with regular burping (once or twice a day for 20 minutes at a time) for 10 days.

The first plant I harvested I think I let it hang dry for too long because when I got it into the jar, it was already down to 52. That rule about wait until the small stems snap is bullshit, because the stems were no where near snapping when I jarred it. It does not taste as green as the second plant.
I think it's bs too. If I waited until the stems snapped the buds would just crumble from being so dry.
Facts. Every time I have had it dry enough to snap the stems it was some good ol Colorado crumble lol
Agreed, sometimes dust especially after hanging in a hot garage. I'm over the wet trim bs. Gonna probably try @Capt C 's dry/trim/cure method he's got going on for the next harvest.


Agreed, sometimes dust especially after hanging in a hot garage. I'm over the wet trim bs. Gonna probably try @Capt C 's dry/trim/cure method he's got going on for the next harvest.
Dust yea lol fucking fossilized nug dust hahaha it’s happened to me. That’s how all the dispensary weed is in Colorado too. Starts as mids then by the time it hits the shelf it’s straight boof. Most of it anyway.


Insanely Active Member
If the smaller branches snap right off they are too dry, if they bend they are too wet, if they feel like they snapped internally without breaking on the out side they are ready for jars in my experience. Kind of like when you bend a drinking straw I guess.

I don't really know how to describe it any better, and it might not be "right" lol, but that's what works for me.


If the smaller branches snap right off they are too dry, if they bend they are too wet, if they feel like they snapped internally without breaking on the out side they are ready for jars in my experience. Kind of like when you bend a drinking straw I guess.

I don't really know how to describe it any better, and it might not be "right" lol, but that's what works for me.
You explained it perfectly my friend. That’s what works for me as well


Insanely Active Member
You explained it perfectly my friend. That’s what works for me as well
Yeah it's hard to know what to feel for until you actually feel it, the straw analogy was the closest thing I could think of to describe it lol

Edit: burp length is dependant on density and overall nug size. My deputy usually only needs to be burped once a day for about a week, while my hibernate is twice a day for 1.5-2 weeks because it holds more moisture down deep. There can't really be any hard and fast rule about that stage imo

Deleted member 60

That looks really good. I'm the same with trimming - fucking tedious - I'd rather just trim as you go kinda thing.. I imagine it wasn't quite as gold in colour ten months ago?
It was green weed like all weed 10 months ago. After 6 months r so it really starts to lose the greens and goes brown/gold/etc. Some strains hold their taste...the others kinda fade into sameyness.

I do the "almost snap" stem routine here as well. The key for me (Colorado) is to dry as slow as possible. In Fall/Winter I can get a good 60F/60% humidity dry cycle and it will take a good 2 weeks to dry....maybe a bit more. Then it's off the stem and into tubs...and into garbage bags. After a day or so I check it all to make sure it didn't wetten back up. If it did I open the bag and let it sit out for a bit...then do the process again 'til I get it where i want it. Then it gets jarred. I check my jars but usually don't do any sort of burp routine. If i jar it at the right humidity it will hold there/cure well and needs little to no attention. Those slower drys pull out the terps, IMO.

I can easily deal with drier weed after 10 months time. All you need is some rosin to give it a bit of "moisture" and yer off..... :D


Complete newb question....... how long in the jar before it loses that “homegrown” taste? I tried some of mine after 10 days in the jar and it still had the green taste.
Some of mine took 30 days of cure to start smelling like it should. Have to keep burping so you get oxygen in jar to get rid of the chlo·ro·phyll smell and taste. Just my experience,. Other may have more advise.


It was green weed like all weed 10 months ago. After 6 months r so it really starts to lose the greens and goes brown/gold/etc. Some strains hold their taste...the others kinda fade into sameyness.

I do the "almost snap" stem routine here as well. The key for me (Colorado) is to dry as slow as possible. In Fall/Winter I can get a good 60F/60% humidity dry cycle and it will take a good 2 weeks to dry....maybe a bit more. Then it's off the stem and into tubs...and into garbage bags. After a day or so I check it all to make sure it didn't wetten back up. If it did I open the bag and let it sit out for a bit...then do the process again 'til I get it where i want it. Then it gets jarred. I check my jars but usually don't do any sort of burp routine. If i jar it at the right humidity it will hold there/cure well and needs little to no attention. Those slower drys pull out the terps, IMO.

I can easily deal with drier weed after 10 months time. All you need is some rosin to give it a bit of "moisture" and yer off..... :D
Yea man fall/winter here in Colorado is a godsend for my garden lol like you I can get it to 60/60 and a good 2 week dry with ease. At my old house I got it dialed in for summer time too so I was still getting 12-14 day dries but I haven’t gotten the new place worked out perfectly yet. My recent harvest was too hot and done drying in 9ish days. Give or take a day or 2 for different strains. Kinda shitty and quality isn’t my usual.


Some of mine took 30 days of cure to start smelling like it should. Have to keep burping so you get oxygen in jar to get rid of the chlo·ro·phyll smell and taste. Just my experience,. Other may have more advise.
Somewhere I have s extensive tutorial on the whole process. If you guys wanna see it. It has all the temp, humidity and tells you what to do when humidity is high or low. Really helped me out a lot.