#Heisenbeans Genetics


"Justa Ganja Lover"
Here is the ghost bastard #1 about to come down in maybe a weekish. I love this plant like mad. Chopped a sample branch last night to test a new drying area because this heat wave is killing me lol. Can’t dry where I normally would because it’s way too hot right now and will be for at least a few more weeks. Gotta love dialing in a new spot.
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Nicely done. I love to see plants with their finishing crown.Looka the helmet on that mofo.👍


"Justa Ganja Lover"
I got Jelly Pie F2s from The Grow Borg that will have to get cozy with those Heisen Jelly Pie Mom Fems!!!!!!
Are you hunting any Pheno of the JP F2s in particular? Say a certain grape-ish one? That would be crazy matrimony. Assuming I'd find G Pie leaners in terms of taste,high,flavor and potency.
JP F2 Female (reversed)x Grape Pie S1
Grape Pie S1 x JP F2 male
Grape Pie S1 (reversed) x JP F2 Female
& all these in reverse.

Lol or Just hunt thru a few packs of the S1's and skip all that!😂


Heathen Basterd
Are you hunting any Pheno of the JP F2s in particular? Say a certain grape-ish one? That would be crazy matrimony. Assuming I'd find G Pie leaners in terms of taste,high,flavor and potency.
JP F2 Female (reversed)x Grape Pie S1
Grape Pie S1 x JP F2 male
Grape Pie S1 (reversed) x JP F2 Female
& all these in reverse.

Lol or Just hunt thru a few packs of the S1's and skip all that!😂
They are the Grape Jelly phenos Borg sent Me , Truly in the perfect world I get some Grape Stomper to hit this then breed with my God Bud .


Heathen Basterd
dont' think he does, and hes up there with ya, Ima thinkin. lol. You two might be able to help each other, not sure. Don't want to speak for him, but if he go back and look at your posts, he'd see thats just how you converse.
I am course it's true , but I would stand in the shield wall with every person I call Friend . My Curse and Gift in personality


Just found this in my cabinet lol. My father in law is a conspiracy theorist. He buys all these supplements from Alex Jones and sends them to us and then most of them just go in the cabinet and sit there. 30 ppm colloidal silver. Wonder if I could reverse a plant with this ahahahaha probably not gonna try just in case but its just collloidal silver and distilled water.
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Dont Need One
Just found this in my cabinet lol. My father in law is a conspiracy theorist. He buys all these supplements from Alex Jones and sends them to us and then most of them just go in the cabinet and sit there. 30 ppm colloidal silver. Wonder if I could reverse a plant with this ahahahaha
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I make my own. It's the only way to do it. Took me a long time to perfect it to get it right. I tried sts and it just dont get it done. There is definitely a learning curve when reversing females.


I make my own. It's the only way to do it. Took me a long time to perfect it to get it right. I tried sts and it just dont get it done. There is definitely a learning curve when reversing females.
Yea like I said I probably won’t try it, but I did decide to try my hand at making fem seeds next run. Been chucking reg seeds a long time so it’s about time I step my game up lol.


Dont Need One
Yea like I said I probably won’t try it, but I did decide to try my hand at making fem seeds next run. Been chucking reg seeds a long time so it’s about time I step my game up lol.
Female selection is easier than male. I think with males you really need to see the outcome of each male you select, unless the male is already proven itself.
People put so much stock into working these bullshit lines but in all reality they eventually end up with 2 plants selected from hundreds of plants. That in reality is what using elite clone only is doing. Sure I would love to hand pick a winner out of 400 or so plants but 90 percent of clones I'm using was already selected as elites.
Females give you everything out in the open so selection is easier. Stability and shit is a different chapter all together but eventually you figure out what's working and what's not. Finding a female that produces good pollen and also puts out them fire ass babies is a needle in a haystack.


Im thinkin of tryin it too, already bought mine, as I had mentioned in another thread. Gonna try to hit around 60-80 on the dilution and do it like I seen an old thread at riu where dude was hitting 150 or a lil more and said his took every time. He basically sprays the whole plant, once a day for two weeks, bout five days after shows sex and it usually is no longer than 10-14 days till lil buds formin. Says some will take easier than others, if stubborn, spray twice daily, but he says soak the plant down. Claims will work on 12/12 from seed, 18/6, or autos. Ima tryin it next round I think


Female selection is easier than male. I think with males you really need to see the outcome of each male you select, unless the male is already proven itself.
People put so much stock into working these bullshit lines but in all reality they eventually end up with 2 plants selected from hundreds of plants. That in reality is what using elite clone only is doing. Sure I would love to hand pick a winner out of 400 or so plants but 90 percent of clones I'm using was already selected as elites.
Females give you everything out in the open so selection is easier. Stability and shit is a different chapter all together but eventually you figure out what's working and what's not. Finding a female that produces good pollen and also puts out them fire ass babies is a needle in a haystack.
You’re not wrong. Male selection sucks and takes a long ass time to verify the value. Female selection is so much easier. And you can make s1’s to see pretty much all the traits that plant can pass down, which ones are dominant and recessive etc.
but on some real shit you’re right, crossing 2 elite fems is only gonna result in fire, as all these pictures show in this thread lol.


Im thinkin of tryin it too, already bought mine, as I had mentioned in another thread. Gonna try to hit around 60-80 on the dilution and do it like I seen an old thread at riu where dude was hitting 150 or a lil more and said his took every time. He basically sprays the whole plant, once a day for two weeks, bout five days after shows sex and it usually is no longer than 10-14 days till lil buds formin. Says some will take easier than others, if stubborn, spray twice daily, but he says soak the plant down. Claims will work on 12/12 from seed, 18/6, or autos. Ima tryin it next round I think
Where did you get yours from? Lmk if it works, I’ll get some too if it’s good.