#Heisenbeans Genetics


well my parents smoked cigs and I did to for 30 years.
So really I smoked longer...second hand smoke and all.
I just smoke the pot these days....quit just after my father passed...for the 3rd time in my life.
Terrible addiction those cancer sticks are...….
Ditto. Everybody, mom, dad, gramps, etc. smoked back then and second hand smoke had not yet been invented, lol. I quit cigs in 2007 using Chantix. I'll never smoke another one but I still love the smell!

Chantix was good stuff for me. I was dreaming in technicolor! or something that was more wierd real than reality. I loved it but I could see how some freak out on it.


My wife's
Hopefully she will decide to quit with you. Strength is in numbers.

Ditto. Everybody, mom, dad, gramps, etc. smoked back then and second hand smoke had not yet been invented, lol. I quit cigs in 2007 using Chantix. I'll never smoke another one but I still love the smell!

Chantix was good stuff for me. I was dreaming in technicolor! or something that was more wierd real than reality. I loved it but I could see how some freak out on it.
Congrats on your success & that Chantix worked for you. I tried it on one of my many attempts at quitting and I had horrific dreams that were VERY realistic. I quit taking it and it took weeks for me to stop having night terrors. Congestive heart failure is what it took for me to put em down for good. Its not a recommended method lol


so how is it? lol hurry up
Sorry got a bunch of shit done so here it is

The smoke was super thick but smooth even without a real cure. The taste was almost exactly like east coast sour d. The smell is still a nice diesel fuel kind of smell. The high was very uplifting energetic kind of high all I wanted to do was tinker in the shop after burning that joint. Overall a great smoke

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Hopefully she will decide to quit with you. Strength is in numbers.

Congrats on your success & that Chantix worked for you. I tried it on one of my many attempts at quitting and I had horrific dreams that were VERY realistic. I quit taking it and it took weeks for me to stop having night terrors. Congestive heart failure is what it took for me to put em down for good. Its not a recommended method lol
Man same thing here. Horrible night mares. I woke up in a cold sweat one night just as i was giving the command to abandon the vessel while strapping everyone in life jackets. I ripped that patch off and said i would rather die than go thru that. Eventually did quite after trying ever method known to man kind. Cold turkey was the best. I leaned on my dugout more than usual but eventually got thru it.


Solo cup champion 2019
Man same thing here. Horrible night mares. I woke up in a cold sweat one night just as i was giving the command to abandon the vessel while strapping everyone in life jackets. I ripped that patch off and said i would rather die than go thru that. Eventually did quite after trying ever method known to man kind. Cold turkey was the best. I leaned on my dugout more than usual but eventually got thru it.
Great, i have been thinking of getting chantix. Dont need to habe any more nigjtmares


Super Active Member
Ditto. Everybody, mom, dad, gramps, etc. smoked back then and second hand smoke had not yet been invented, lol. I quit cigs in 2007 using Chantix. I'll never smoke another one but I still love the smell!

Chantix was good stuff for me. I was dreaming in technicolor! or something that was more wierd real than reality. I loved it but I could see how some freak out on it.
Im thinking about trying chantix. How good is it at stopping cravings? My uncle used it successfully and he smoked for 40-50 years.


Shinobi of seeds
Man same thing here. Horrible night mares. I woke up in a cold sweat one night just as i was giving the command to abandon the vessel while strapping everyone in life jackets. I ripped that patch off and said i would rather die than go thru that. Eventually did quite after trying ever method known to man kind. Cold turkey was the best. I leaned on my dugout more than usual but eventually got thru it.
Chantix has had many people kill themselves so I'm glad you and hydrored are still here with us! If you can't quite smoking cold turkey then odds are you won't kick it. I've watched so many friends struggle with trying to quite smoking and they always fuck up by giving into cravings after a week or so with the idea, "I can just have one here and there and I'll be fine."

Never works, just like me and alcohol. If I drink till I get a buzz I always fall right back into drinking too much. That "one every now and then" is a lie we tell ourselves. You just gotta put down the addiction and never pick it back up or else you'll relapse. It sucks but it's better than the alternative for sure!


Hopefully she will decide to quit with you. Strength is in numbers.

Congrats on your success & that Chantix worked for you. I tried it on one of my many attempts at quitting and I had horrific dreams that were VERY realistic. I quit taking it and it took weeks for me to stop having night terrors. Congestive heart failure is what it took for me to put em down for good. Its not a recommended method lol
A buddy of mine was taking Chantix. He started having dreams about killing his friends and family. Freaked him out pretty bad. He quit taking it and kept smoking. Now his mom, who I'm fairly close to is dying from smoking. COPD, doc says she has months to a couple years. It's opened his eyes and he's quitting now. Mine too, I think this will be my last year smoking.


Wedding cake s1View attachment 8200View attachment 8201
Pp xsd, aka punch buggyView attachment 8203
Bubba kush x ecsd. Tjis is tje other bean i popped the same time as the one i have flowering, grew into the t5, had to super crop it. Will be up potting it and flipping it this weekend.
They weren't lying when they said the WC was a finicky bitch...look how happy her sisters look... absolute 🔥🔥🔥 bro! Really impressed by the PPxSD stacking real nice!

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Chantix has had many people kill themselves so I'm glad you and hydrored are still here with us! If you can't quite smoking cold turkey then odds are you won't kick it. I've watched so many friends struggle with trying to quite smoking and they always fuck up by giving into cravings after a week or so with the idea, "I can just have one here and there and I'll be fine."

Never works, just like me and alcohol. If I drink till I get a buzz I always fall right back into drinking too much. That "one every now and then" is a lie we tell ourselves. You just gotta put down the addiction and never pick it back up or else you'll relapse. It sucks but it's better than the alternative for sure!
For anyone trying to quit smoking, I highly recommend you read the book Allan Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking. It not that long, an easy read and costs about the same as a pack of smokes.

I did quit once using Chanticleer, but man did it mess with my head. I swear I’m not the same person after using that shit.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
For anyone trying to quit smoking, I highly recommend you read the book Allan Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking. It not that long, an easy read and costs about the same as a pack of smokes.

I did quit once using Chanticleer, but man did it mess with my head. I swear I’m not the same person after using that shit.
Fucking spell check! Chantix, not fucking Chanticleer. What the fuck is Chanticleer?

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Wedding cake s1View attachment 8200View attachment 8201
Pp xsd, aka punch buggyView attachment 8203
Bubba kush x ecsd. Tjis is tje other bean i popped the same time as the one i have flowering, grew into the t5, had to super crop it. Will be up potting it and flipping it this weekend.
@Erick31876 maybe the WC needs a good flush.While the WC can be finicky in flower in the same breath i will say she was one of the most vigorous plants in veg that i have ever seen.