#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

It was a Hell of a good run while it lasted though. Can't say I miss every aspect of cash croppin but I do miss the cash...LOL. I feel for those guys out there now. Wow. Warehouses full of $500 pounds. OUCH.

I haven't seen a drop in quality. My weed is still as good as it ever was. :ROFLMAO: The real key is just holding interest here. It's all too easy. Hard to believe...after all of those years >back in the day< of calling folks endlessly "lookin"....that now the stuff is almost an unwanted commodity. I'm growing for the Summer again and still have 1/2 of what I grew last year sitting here...LOL. Thinking I might need a cow...


Dont Need One
Just getting caught up from a 2 week break from this thread. Some nice looking plants flowering, guys!!! I haven't popped any yet, but we are moving to California on July 1st. There, I will be able to legally grow in 100 sqft. Can't wait! After 19 years in FL, it is time to go. So sick of risking prison time by growing. Now that the ex wife died and I have my two boys full time, I can't grow in FL anymore, so the family is picking up and moving to Cali. Yes, we are moving just for the growing...well mainly. It is what I love to do...my passion in life...so, the wife said, "let's go where we can grow legally." What a woman!!!

@Heisenbeans, I see from the photos you are growing in soil. Have you completely switched over to soil from rdwc? Could you please let us know why you switched to soil? Thanks!
Because I'm making seeds. I have to be able and move the plants to a different spot to pollinate them. Dwc is just to hard to do all that.


Haha, brick it up like mexi brick used to be and make yourself a sod house out of it. Lmfao, that'd be pretty neat cheech & chong style house. Lmfao.
Grow your own building materials. Lol, call it literally the going green initiative.
The hell with the building the house make a big hay bale style brick and a teepee and drop that bitch in a burn can smoke up the whole neighborhood haha.

I don’t actually condone this ig videos show so much wasted bud and dabs it’s ridiculous


Mediocre grower
Not to be that guy but someone has to...

Whats up with those cigs layin there in that video?

Health scare wasn't too long ago. Don't let internet loudmouths drive you back to those fuckers.
I used to smoke for about 15 years, and then one day it was like a light bulb came on in my head and I thought "why am I paying these assholes a shit load of money every year just to smoke something that doesn't even give me a buzz and will actually shorten my lifespan? "

Haven't smoked a cig since; if I wanna smoke, I'll smoke something I grow myself😁


I used to smoke for about 15 years, and then one day it was like a light bulb came on in my head and I thought "why am I paying these assholes a shit load of money every year just to smoke something that doesn't even give me a buzz and will actually shorten my lifespan? "

Haven't smoked a cig since; if I wanna smoke, I'll smoke something I grow myself😁
Smoked those nasty fuckers for 20 years. Don't think you could pay me to touch one today
Right where's that report at?! @Evergreengardener got so high he forgot...see why I wanted that jet fuel...🤣🤣

A call came in to 911 that a man was attacked by finches and pecked to death. The coroner said he died by multiple pecks to the body and face. The man died holding a lighter in one hand and a small piece of what looked like a marijuana joint in the other. The finches may have bitten off the marijuana joint and carried it away. Feathers have been found at the scene but nothing else.