#Heisenbeans Genetics

Doc Shiner

New Member
That's a lie.

Only the best seeds are kept and sold in Greenpoint Seeds packs. I throw away more seeds in a month than most breeders sell in a year. Only perfect seeds make it in, that's why they're guaranteed.
That's a lie.

Only the best seeds are kept and sold in Greenpoint Seeds packs. I throw away more seeds in a month than most breeders sell in a year. Only perfect seeds make it in, that's why they're guaranteed.
I grow many beans and Gu is my favorite at this time. I have had 1 issue and it was handled with 0 problems or questions about did I do this and or that. Gu and Greenpoint rocks.



Really Active Member
The bridezillas are popping out of their pellets now
View attachment 7869

BBC's are still fucky and slow. Think it's because they were so fresh, I'll pop some more when I have the room. Ill leave them be for now though, they might sort themselves out.
View attachment 7870

Loving the structure on this gmo x adub
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The mutant gmo x adub is still growing at a good pace, still throwing funky leafs though
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View attachment 7874
Beans popped 4/20... BBC x PP looking "fucky" aka Merle-ish too. The others aren't as bad but cork screwy/lop sided like yours...


Hobby Farmer
Look what showed up the same day...light from china in 4 working days and heisenbeans in way less time than last time. I think it was less than a week.

The light was put together in about 5 minutes and is as bright as the sun. It is going in the flower room at 9 pm when lights come back on. :D 1240 watts of 3k/3.5k QB/QS/COB and CMH in the flower room

I need more light for the girls...and the seeds. Shit i need a bigger room..

And something else...the seeds must be multiplying because i murdered a few and i have a few growing and there are still lots of everything....55 Heisenbeans with more on the way. I think i will have 100 seeds in my stash and that is a new record..

And i moved 30 of them to offset some Heisenbeans.


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Really Active Member
"led1k, pomember: 76"]
BBC x PP looking Merle-ish. The others aren't as bad but cork screwy/lop sided...
View attachment 7998View attachment 7999
How wet is that soil? I have had seedling batches do that if I didn't have adequate drainage or running too wet
I don't think it's the wet, they are dryer than they look. Plenty of drainage too. Other beans (BB x NS) treated same way popped the day before (4/19) are all ok. I went ahead and popped a pack of G-Moozy on 5/21to fill in for the BBC x PP. Very early but the seedlings look fine *so far*. Will post pics as they mature.


Heathen Basterd
Will the website be updated with stuff on hand like Wedding Pie S1s for example soon? It's payday soon lol. Also I have seen some websites that list quantity on hand , I like that feature as a customer if I see stock is running low on a item on my list it serves as a boot in the ass to get me to buy sooner, just some random thoughts .


Mediocre grower
Here is my bridezilla in the flower tent as of this morning. My cuttings rooted in less than a week. This will actually be the first plant I have ever flowered without topping! I had what I diagnosed as a small calcium deficiency. I raised my ph slightly, and it seems to have gone away. Sorry, but the lighting always looks a little yellow in my flower tent.


Dont Need One
Here is my bridezilla in the flower tent as of this morning. My cuttings rooted in less than a week. This will actually be the first plant I have ever flowered without topping! I had what I diagnosed as a small calcium deficiency. I raised my ph slightly, and it seems to have gone away. Sorry, but the lighting always looks a little yellow in my flower tent.
View attachment 8012
All of these are just coming out stellar. Super happy with that cross. I have a few in flower that are fukin rediculous.


Solo cup champion 2019
Beans popped 4/20... BBC x PP looking "fucky" aka Merle-ish too. The others aren't as bad but cork screwy/lop sided like yours...
View attachment 7998View attachment 7999
Thats exactly how mine looked, it wouldnt grow out of it and i had to get rid of about 10 plants so i had to make it one of them, it was hard to get rid of those plants, especially the ones that i knew were female.


the sunset cross is the last one I don't got I want. Few days under the big light and the skeleton cooks one mutant is about to grow out of it, the other is looking ok. Third died by my hand, they all popped good, I hear the probs with the bbc, but boy, with the ghost og they didn't have any trouble mixin.


Dont Need One
I have a WW going that is to die for , really setting Herself apart , 2 Space Gorrillas are thicker and heavier if that makes sense but the WW is just flat pretty, I will try to post picks tonight, I hope to see more of those available, must buy pack guys
That wedding pie is putting out some really nice stuff. I'm gonna keep it and make more crosses with her. I just took another 45 cuts today so things are coming around. There will be
Wedding pie x wedding cake
Wedding pie x banana cookies
Wedding pie x purple punch
Wedding pie x sundae driver
Wedding pie s1s all for definiate