#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
Have you ever tried letting a plant reverse on it's own by keeping it in flower for a few extra months? That was one old school way of reversing and when it worked it put off some decent pollen that was viable. The more Sativa in the plant the more likely it would work though, so it probably wouldn't work on the Mac but it might on the Cory. Guys would start seeds on 12/12 from day one and just let them stay in their grow rooms until they freaked out on their own. Probably not worth your time considering how long it can take, but I thought I'd suggest it.

Ps. I'm not big on white widow either, it never did much for me really, it looked fantastic and knocked you out the first few times you tried it, but after a very short while it became very boring smoke, just kinda blah with a mild funky taste and smell and unless you were one of the guys running a sea of green operation it was a lousy producer.
NO. If a plant reverses on its own than it has hermie tendancy. They will most likely pass it on. Besides by time a plant has late stage balls i would assume the pollen would be little if any. That type of breeding is what brings so many hermie tendencies into the cannabis world. breeders to lazy to properly reverse a plant and waiting around on volunteer ball sacks to make a few fems.


NO. If a plant reverses on its own than it has hermie tendancy. They will most likely pass it on. Besides by time a plant has late stage balls i would assume the pollen would be little if any. That type of breeding is what brings so many hermie tendencies into the cannabis world. breeders to lazy to properly reverse a plant and waiting around on volunteer ball sacks to make a few fems.
A plant that stresses out and produces hermies is a problem, but I've never seen good solid strains left late to produce hermies as offsrping, not once. What fucks up and creates hermies is crossing hermies to hermies or from just using plants that stress out easy and herm. By the way, you can look at almost every strain that stresses easy and you will find that somewhere along the line "Bagseed" is involved, in other words it's already got hermie in it, so you are essentially crossing hermies to hemies if you use plants that freak easy.

Letting a plant go through it's entire life cycle without pollination is not the same as breeding from a plant that freaks at the slightest light leak and it does not produce the same results. I also wouldn't say that it's lazy, in fact it's one of the harder, more time consuming and responsible ways to breed. I'm not blaming you for not wanting to try it, it doesn't produce as much pollen and it does take a long time but you shouldn't say that it's lazy or irresponsible. And it might be a solution for you with plants that don't put off good pollen your way.

Ps. I know plenty of people who say that creating ANY FEM is irresponsible and lazy. But one of High Times flower of the year plants was a FEM created with late stage pollen in exactly the way I suggest here. Their S1's do not hermie, their crosses with other hermies get 25% hermies and that is exactly what is to be expected no matter how responsible you are.

Not to rant, I just don't want people thinking that late stage pollen is the same as getting pollen from a light leaker because it's not. We are creating stress when we create FEMS, it doesn't matter if we use a chemical solution to do it or by fucking with it in any other way, it's still creating a stress on the plant that makes it freak out and produce pollen. In nature the late stage pollen is it's natural way of creating offspring when no male is around to do the job.

Deleted member 60

Honestly man its 100 percent hype.The smell is like a strong perfume. reminds me of the smell of white widow.
Super abnoxious. Not even pleasant really. Like roadkill thats been sprayed with lysol. The stone is decent and potent but not over the top like some of the others i have., So far of all the cuts i have the stardawg Corey is KING. The high last for hrs. I dont understand why it never got the attention it deserved or maybe it was hard to find? Not sure but Its the strongest smelling , PURE CHEM smell with a touch of skunk but it travels FAR.
Everthing else comes in close seconds like the cake and others. Super frustrated the corey wouldnt put out alot of good pollen reversed.
Thanks for the take. I kinda figured as much. I'm sure there are standout phenos as there are in most strains... but when the hype is laid on THAT thick it's usually cause for suspect. Over the years I've ran a bunch elite cuts and many were good...for sure...but not all THAT special. Folks just clamored for em and talked about em so much they hung around and got passed around mucho. "Abusive" OG comes to mind right off. Just a plant...hyped to shit...when it shouldn't have really ever been shared (IMO).

The Corey is the Corey Haim cut...right? I remember it going around. Never got it myself. Ran a cut that a friend in Denver (True Grit) found out of a multi-pack search myself....and made a few crosses with it as well. FWIW...I couldn't get it to S-1. I did get a FEW seeds off each plant (maybe 50) that I stuck in there with her/him ....but the Stardawg itself came out without a single seed. However, It did transfer well into most of the crosses.


Hobby Farmer
lol White widow is like cat piss in the senses...but that shit works. And i kind of like it.

Weird or what...

But if i really had to pick durban or Widow well durban is better

But I am growing white widow now. It is a monster for size and strength. Smells like piss works like bull.


Dont Need One
A plant that stresses out and produces hermies is a problem, but I've never seen good solid strains left late to produce hermies as offsrping, not once. What fucks up and creates hermies is crossing hermies to hermies or from just using plants that stress out easy and herm. By the way, you can look at almost every strain that stresses easy and you will find that somewhere along the line "Bagseed" is involved, in other words it's already got hermie in it, so you are essentially crossing hermies to hemies if you use plants that freak easy.

Letting a plant go through it's entire life cycle without pollination is not the same as breeding from a plant that freaks at the slightest light leak and it does not produce the same results. I also wouldn't say that it's lazy, in fact it's one of the harder, more time consuming and responsible ways to breed. I'm not blaming you for not wanting to try it, it doesn't produce as much pollen and it does take a long time but you shouldn't say that it's lazy or irresponsible. And it might be a solution for you with plants that don't put off good pollen your way.

Ps. I know plenty of people who say that creating ANY FEM is irresponsible and lazy. But one of High Times flower of the year plants was a FEM created with late stage pollen in exactly the way I suggest here. Their S1's do not hermie, their crosses with other hermies get 25% hermies and that is exactly what is to be expected no matter how responsible you are.

Not to rant, I just don't want people thinking that late stage pollen is the same as getting pollen from a light leaker because it's not. We are creating stress when we create FEMS, it doesn't matter if we use a chemical solution to do it or by fucking with it in any other way, it's still creating a stress on the plant that makes it freak out and produce pollen. In nature the late stage pollen is it's natural way of creating offspring when no male is around to do the job.
Your wrong man. CS doesnt stress the plant. It blocks the ethelyne that makes a female a female forcing it to produce Male flowers because nature says that it has to flower.
Late stage balls is nothing more than hermies. I have yet to see any of the ones I'm using do it. The ones that did are no longer part of the program. They got tossed.


Dont Need One
If you're forcing the plant to do something other than what it wants to do, you're stressing it.
So topping and bending will make them hermie? Naw man its not the stress that causes it, Its the silver that blocks ethylene , ethylene is like estrogen to females, It makes them female. If a plant hermies voluntarily Than that is considered a genetic trait. It can pass that on the same way they pass on potency, Trich coverage, smell profiles and everything else. Dont want hermie offspring than dont use plants that throw balls for any reason other than ethylene block. shit like the glue and ECSD are from accidental hermies., so they will always carry the hermie circus with them, Thats why i dont make ECSD X GG4 crosses.


Shinobi of seeds
While spraying the plant with CS might, in loose terms, "stresses" the plants, like Heisen stated it's not that stress that causes the plants to reverse. It is the silver particles combining with, I think copper, that then blocks the ethylene which causes the reversing action.

Leaving the plant to flower past its prime is much different. I've had strains never put out male flowers late late into flower. The solid plants just budded out and then died or reverted back to veg. Based on that little personal experience I'd also assume that if the plant throws male flowers a few weeks past the harvest window then it is hermie prone.


A good strain that is left late and that produces pollen will produce good FEMS. Not all strains will do this but the ones that do will put out plants that are expressed as 100% female. Will they be prone to hermi? Not any more than any other plant that is created from fem pollen. Cross them with another one though and it's a whole other story. Same for these fems too, start crossing fems with fems and you will find out real quick what happens. So if it's Not "STRESS" then why do their offspring cross out into hermies too? And trust me, if you cross your S1's with other S1's they will be hermie prone, so something happens to that plant that is more than just ethylene blocking.

If you don't wan't to run it that way it's fine but it's not a "Wrong" way to create them. If it was the "Wrong" way to produce them, then there would be a lot less really good weed in the world. There are a couple first class growers who have produced winners this way. Are they wrong, when they actually won flower of the year using this tech? And I'm also not saying it's the best way in the world to do it. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. NONE of this is new stuff, people have been creating female seeds for decades, all of this has been done before many times in many ways. We are not re-inventing the wheel.


Dont Need One
A good strain that is left late and that produces pollen will produce good FEMS. Not all strains will do this but the ones that do will put out plants that are expressed as 100% female. Will they be prone to hermi? Not any more than any other plant that is created from fem pollen. Cross them with another one though and it's a whole other story. Same for these fems too, start crossing fems with fems and you will find out real quick what happens. So if it's Not "STRESS" then why do their offspring cross out into hermies too? And trust me, if you cross your S1's with other S1's they will be hermie prone, so something happens to that plant that is more than just ethylene blocking.

If you don't wan't to run it that way it's fine but it's not a "Wrong" way to create them. If it was the "Wrong" way to produce them, then there would be a lot less really good weed in the world. There are a couple first class growers who have produced winners this way. Are they wrong, when they actually won flower of the year using this tech? And I'm also not saying it's the best way in the world to do it. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. NONE of this is new stuff, people have been creating female seeds for decades, all of this has been done before many times in many ways. We are not re-inventing the wheel.
Wrong again. Just stop man


"Justa Ganja Lover"
There are two different "arguements" here. One is rodeleization or some spelling,which is natural...survival instinct.One is outside forced induced s hormone related process to induce reversal.Internal manipulation of the hormonal level.

Both work.The propensity of "hermies" is greater in one process than the other.


Dont Need One
There are two different "arguements" here. One is rodeleization or some spelling,which is natural...survival instinct.One is outside forced induced s hormone related process to induce reversal.Internal manipulation of the hormonal level.

Both work.The propensity of "hermies" is greater in one process than the other.
Rodeleization is not an induced effect. It's just the result of a female at the end of her life.
The genetic makeup of a plant does not become altered in the pollen that's produced because a female was reversed. You inducing the plant. Something it never would have done on it's own without chemicals. It's no more likely to produce a hermie than if a Male was used.
The makeup is passed from the plant in its DNA same way sex is determined. You can breed that trait out of plants by selecting females that will not hermie no matter what. It's always the hardest ones to reverse that produce the least amount of pollen