#Heisenbeans Genetics


Heathen Basterd
That's a lie.

Only the best seeds are kept and sold in Greenpoint Seeds packs. I throw away more seeds in a month than most breeders sell in a year. Only perfect seeds make it in, that's why they're guaranteed.
I got everything I ordered from Gu , only have ran the Cookies n Chem but good germ rates and nice plants , good nose and heavy resin production, no Chelsea Mannings . I wouldn't hesitate to buy that offering again.


tempted on the g moozy from auction but don't trust gu his past fuckery with my orders makes me not go cheap as there is reason he sells the runts of litter in auction packs . that was fast listing as well. what u think heisen wortg picking up from him or naw?
i've never had any problems with packs from reverse auction. also pretty sure heisen is fullfilling the orders.


Dont Need One
two things ive noticed while ordering from gps or heisen.. for one i have 4 packs of gps all the seeds look the same.... not confident in them packs tbh... open 4 of heisens packs and all 4 look different! how its supposed too! does gps look the same because of the male used? im gonna give one pack a shot and see what gives
Some plants will.put out smaller seeds and some medium and some large. The sundae driver and east coast put out small seeds. I noticed it after 2 runs.
It doesnt mean what another breeder is doing is wrong or different. It's probably him being extra selective of his seeds. I wouldn't hesitate to pop any seeds based in appearance. It's more than obvious all his seeds are different cause you can see the strain crosses people get are alot of variation.


Dont Need One
tempted on the g moozy from auction but don't trust gu his past fuckery with my orders makes me not go cheap as there is reason he sells the runts of litter in auction packs . that was fast listing as well. what u think heisen wortg picking up from him or naw?
I would bet 100 dollars you never ordered anything from him and your parroting bad info. I had you in ignore after your last fiasco. You cost me 4 dollars giving you a refund on a 60 dollar order you canceled because you said there were dogs sniffing mailboxes. Give me a break. Than you had the balls to email me and wanna place another order.
I'm all about customer service but your a bad customer no one wants to deal with. After multiple emails with you and messages and than you just wanna buy 1 seed.
I think your a troll in disguise or a cop one of the two and your ass needs to be gone.


Kush Lover
two things ive noticed while ordering from gps or heisen.. for one i have 4 packs of gps all the seeds look the same.... not confident in them packs tbh... open 4 of heisens packs and all 4 look different! how its supposed too! does gps look the same because of the male used? im gonna give one pack a shot and see what gives
the packs i've opened have had wildly different sized beans. the cookies n chem were huge while the tomahawk were really small. bandit breath are average sized seeds.


Really Active Member
Just to clear up any misinformation. Here are some packs that i ordered last year. As you can see everything looks great especially the cookies and chem. im sure quality control has gone up even further since then. Im definitely a happy customer and have many more packs than you see here...pic5.jpg


Really Active Member
Great observation!
Cannabis seed size can vary from strain to strain, and within the same strain depending on each seed's maturity.

I use a sieve that has five layers stacked on top of one another. The best seeds usually fall within 2 layers... 1,2 or 3,4 or 2,3 and so on...

Everything above is usually deformed and won't fit through the biggest holes because it's misshapen.
Everything below is underdeveloped and doesn't meet standards I've set to reduce customer issues.

What's left is two distinct sizes, both comparable in quality.

"Why do you call the top of two layers A seeds and the bottom of two layers B seeds?" I am often asked.

It's solves two problems.

1) When packing up seeds, the switch to B seeds sets off alarms and reminders to pollinate seeds that will soon be sold out.
2) I got tired of answering "there is nothing wrong with the smaller seeds in your pack" & "Yes, you may have a replacement" to customer emails regarding the varying size of seeds in each pack.

Finally you have a pack of seeds that are uniform in size shape and color.

Quality control.
This guy might be alright, despite some of the things I've heard about him...

Very informative!


Solo cup champion 2019
I would bet 100 dollars you never ordered anything from him and your parroting bad info. I had you in ignore after your last fiasco. You cost me 4 dollars giving you a refund on a 60 dollar order you canceled because you said there were dogs sniffing mailboxes. Give me a break. Than you had the balls to email me and wanna place another order.
I'm all about customer service but your a bad customer no one wants to deal with. After multiple emails with you and messages and than you just wanna buy 1 seed.
I think your a troll in disguise or a cop one of the two and your ass needs to be gone.
Lol, 1 seed! Wtf


Dont Need One
This guy might be alright, despite some of the things I've heard about him...

Very informative!
After doing business with him for a little.more than a month the dude is on point and very organized. Sure he made some mistakes. Not saying we all dont. When your dealing with that large of a customer base in this business I can see how shit can go sideways. We all put trust in people and it's easy to get fucked over for doing so.


Super Active Member
two things ive noticed while ordering from gps or heisen.. for one i have 4 packs of gps all the seeds look the same.... not confident in them packs tbh... open 4 of heisens packs and all 4 look different! how its supposed too! does gps look the same because of the male used? im gonna give one pack a shot and see what gives
GPS beans are legit



Kush Lover
Just to clear up any misinformation. Here are some packs that i ordered last year. As you can see everything looks great especially the cookies and chem. im sure quality control has gone up even further since then. Im definitely a happy customer and have many more packs than you see here...View attachment 3682
yeah, your cnc are big beans just like mine were.

i would say, in general, if your beans aren't wildly fucked up looking or clearly not cannabis seeds i would wait to grow them out to pass any judgement. pretty sure as long as they're nice, ripe seeds there is no way to tell what something is without growing it. not sure how anyone would be speculating that they think their seeds aren't the real deal based on seed size.
Ive had nothhing but great service from GU @greenpoint. any error was always made right tenfold. Jelly Pie, Blizzard Bush came out amazing, especially the jelly pie. dark purple almost black late in flower. very pretty
I would bet 100 dollars you never ordered anything from him and your parroting bad info. I had you in ignore after your last fiasco. You cost me 4 dollars giving you a refund on a 60 dollar order you canceled because you said there were dogs sniffing mailboxes. Give me a break. Than you had the balls to email me and wanna place another order.
I'm all about customer service but your a bad customer no one wants to deal with. After multiple emails with you and messages and than you just wanna buy 1 seed.
I think your a troll in disguise or a cop one of the two and your ass needs to be gone.
wow man im gone then just was asking ya opinion ! Im gone don't have to tell me twice sorry bout the mix up cost me as well and as far as gps lol I like greenpoint fine just had bad with auctions before . peace out sorry im new to this shit and offened you all I suppose


There the same seeds as you guys are getting. There just all mixed up. When I'm counting and packaging seeds fall off the table. Also when I'm pulling seeds a few fall down there. After I sweep it all up I end up with a bunch of seeds in the dustpan lol. I posted a pic of it the other day telling dude he would find more keepers in that dustpan than any 300 dollar pack he ever bought. Someone asked me how much for the seeds in the dustpan lol. 100 for 30 you can have em. SOLD haha
Fuck I would've bought em too
Theyll be more. I have a ton of shake from the original plants I pulled. Waiting on the seed seperater to get all the seeds out. They will be a mix of everything I had available. I'll prob sell em for 30 seeds for 100.
I was gonna ask and now I regret not asking lmao...put me done for 60 just to have those in my collection would be amazing...Heisen random floor beans...missed out on some sundae crosses and the jet fuel bastards not missing out on the floor beans lol
Edit: those black bag look real good heis'
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