Greenpoint Seeds


Cannabis Connoisseur
so, I wanna order a pack from GPS before the sale ends in like 2 hours. I’m torn between Topanga wedding , purple wedding cake or Topanga stars. Are either one of these “got to try” strains? I’ve already got some of his ECSD. Also open to the banana sundae, I’m not usually a sundae driver fan tho.


If I know anything. I know nothing.
Hello fellow stoners. I bought some nea chem little while back ago. Anyone know how you pronounce the nea part lol or any info on it? Only thing I can find is from greenpoint on google. Ty

Higher Self

I bought a little wide-macro lens/macro lens combo off of amazon for i think $15, that just clips over the lens of my iPhone. This makes it much easier to take pictures. The wide lens works great for taking shots of plants, and the macro works great for shots of finished product.
Adding one of those to the wishlist thanks! I figured out how to adjust the pictures to remove the orange from my led's. You go into edit, color & lower the cast slider.


Heathen Basterd
Damn dude I sent a payment in to gps almost 2 weeks ago and they said they still don’t have it. Looks like ya boy got jacked. Figures, the one time I say fuck it and don’t get tracking lol.
What did You order? I have had payments take up to a Month to get there from International , Once I had a payment get lost and resent the 2nd time with tracking to stay in good standing. It sucks tho when some Mail Clerk pockets cash, I cant believe GPS would pocket cash , I just cant, that would be the most retarded thing for any business to do and Gu isn't a mental midget .