Greenpoint Seeds


Dude thts fucking awesome... that is great for that small of a lot. If they are the pits that they sell at hydro stores yes they are smaller. Does it just have a 1 on the bottom. They usually go by number size which is smaller than actual gallons, I figured thus out by buying so called 5 gallon pots from my local hydro store, I thought they looked small and when I got home, it was like half the size of a 5 gal bucket. Any way that is amazing bro.... keep it up
There's a bit of difference between a 5 gallon nursery pot, and a true 5 gallon pot. I have no idea why it's needed to be complicated. I think the nursery pot sizes come from the commercial side of plants.


You's all cheep fuckers eh LOL
Everyone has a company to make money. I don't think there is much profit at selling 20$ pack of seed or everyone would be doing it.
Point is, he has customers, changes things up a bit to make interesting and most likely has lots of beans going out the door this weekend.
I was going to buy off Heisen but with issues I went GP PPS1 and Marachino breath. I don't mind throwing some extra bones. I've had nothing but good service.