Greenpoint Seeds


Insanely Active Member
Day 38. Starting to get some swell on, and some purpling started. Hopefully I get these dialed in better next run. This promix I've been using retains moisture like a motherfucker. I underestimated how much perlite I had to add.




Heathen Basterd
I Reveg my Cookies N Chem clone that survived , only 1 of 3 that did, but good news after waiting at least a month for her to start growing normal leaves and give me at least a few branches with enough nodes to take clones off the clone I took 3 clones and put in rapid rooters and guess what , 3 for 3 roots baby ! Going into soil tonight 2 for grow and 1 for Mother plant . Also got 3 successful Starfighter X Wedding Cake Clones , someone give me a hell fuck yea!


Shinobi of seeds
I Reveg my Cookies N Chem clone that survived , only 1 of 3 that did, but good news after waiting at least a month for her to start growing normal leaves and give me at least a few branches with enough nodes to take clones off the clone I took 3 clones and put in rapid rooters and guess what , 3 for 3 roots baby ! Going into soil tonight 2 for grow and 1 for Mother plant . Also got 3 successful Starfighter X Wedding Cake Clones , someone give me a hell fuck yea!
Hell fuck yea!!!


I Reveg my Cookies N Chem clone that survived , only 1 of 3 that did, but good news after waiting at least a month for her to start growing normal leaves and give me at least a few branches with enough nodes to take clones off the clone I took 3 clones and put in rapid rooters and guess what , 3 for 3 roots baby ! Going into soil tonight 2 for grow and 1 for Mother plant . Also got 3 successful Starfighter X Wedding Cake Clones , someone give me a hell fuck yea!
Hell fuck yea! Even tho eso beat me to it lol


Solo cup champion 2019
I gotta stop being cheap and get a carbon filter, last few runs were not too bad, couldn't really smell it except when you first walked into the house, or was in the basement. This morning it hit me as I woke up, and it's not getting better lol
Your going to get used to the smell, my ladt run my cousin came ove to help me do some yard work and he said he could smell it at the bottom of my driveway, and i had a few other people keep saying they smell weed every time they were in my driveway, i just kept saying someone was probably smoking as they drove by.