Greenpoint Seeds


Just a heads up for the hydroponic growers....
If you run a sterile res like me, in order for the Microbe Lift to work it cant be in a sterile res because it will kill off all of the good bios in the microbe lift. What I do, is since I use H2O2 every 3 days, I'll wait til the 3rd day and skip the H2O2 and add 7 drops of the Microbe Lift per gallon that is in the res. After 3-4 days pass that the gnats have been gone, I'll go back to my normal sterile res routine with the H2O2.

Amos Otis
Just a heads up for the hydroponic growers....
If you run a sterile res like me, in order for the Microbe Lift to work it cant be in a sterile res because it will kill off all of the good bios in the microbe lift. What I do, is since I use H2O2 every 3 days, I'll wait til the 3rd day and skip the H2O2 and add 7 drops of the Microbe Lift per gallon that is in the res. After 3-4 days pass that the gnats have been gone, I'll go back to my normal sterile res routine with the H2O2.
Great info !



Insanely Active Member
Picked up a new phone, and got a gcam port installed (highly recommend to try a gcam port for your phone if there is a good one available, worst that can happen is you go back to the stock camera). Still trying to get it figured out, but I snapped a few pics to fiddle with it some, might as well post them


Solo cup champion 2019


Really Active Member
Soak the crushed dunks in 1 gal RO and then soak at least the top two inches of the medium. I drench the medium at time of transplanting seed/clone and at each up-pot.