Greenpoint Seeds


Flower Time! Hoping for some potent sativa smoke come Dec.
Flipped em at 4wks, now 10 days later I've got all girls!
3 Lemon Tree S1, 2 Full Moon Fever and 3 Lupine Lime.
Of the 6 FMF these were the only females. The LL had 5 fems for 8 plants.
Gottem under my 3000k 3500k Atreum combo 300w at 24" for now.
Up potting to 5gal pots this week, so far so good!


Deleted member 60

Harvesting by boat. (I'm envisioning high Kev in the cigar boat ala "Miami vice")

Hmmmmm......definitely a new one here....LOL. Fuck me....I'm gonna go out and kiss the ground of my grow....'cus I can't even imagine shit like this. (although...if it's THIS clandestine...I CAN IMAGINE THE PROFITS). Been there...did that. Heehee.

Best of luck Sir. All at once....that's a lotta weed to process....


Thanks folks. I think I've only ordered from Greenpoint once since I lost $400 :(in the fabled "S-1" debacle a few years just wanted to see how things were going for others in current day mode. I wonder if I could use my old credit on those S-1's now. :ROFLMAO: OK...just kidding. Wrote that loss of long ago....but the sting (trepidation to order) is still there. As far as losing wasn't THE most cash I've lost ordering seed....but it was up there on the list, for sure. (The Gypper will always be king in the missing cash/order Dept.)

But's only money...right? >snickers<
I still have 7 packs of those S1's. lol
I have thought really hard about starting some of them just to see what they are.
No problem with sending cash. Always made there.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Harvesting by boat. (I'm envisioning high Kev in the cigar boat ala "Miami vice")

Hmmmmm......definitely a new one here....LOL. Fuck me....I'm gonna go out and kiss the ground of my grow....'cus I can't even imagine shit like this. (although...if it's THIS clandestine...I CAN IMAGINE THE PROFITS). Been there...did that. Heehee.

Best of luck Sir. All at once....that's a lotta weed to process....
After we floated the boat into shore to hang the plants. We continued with our day playing the drums singing dancing. And a little swimming


Cannabis Connoisseur

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.
"hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"

Using someone’s first name is not a dox. Don't be a droob. Using someone’s first name doesn’t identify them. There are over 400,000 people just in the US named Ryan according to So stop your bullshit.
I seriously had someone arguing with me on Facebook the other day because you could see a random cars license plate in the picture, and she was just convinced that simply posting a photo that contains a license plate is doxxing. I was almost speechless. How stupid can you be, they’re literally on display for everyone in public to see anywhere you go.

She tried reporting the picture too lmao

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Cake n chem on the local club menu, I be damned. 20 a gr
Is that it?? Back here in land of Lincoln, they got any strain u may need... Buy it by the gram its 25 a gram.... Buy a eigth its 75-80 bucks... A quarter =120..
Went with a neighbor to show him the process. He bought a eigth of Mac for 80.. Surprisingly, it was sum dam good stuff but for that price, il stick to growing my own..

And they wonder why the black market is still booming here.. Lol
Heres a couple pics of that Mac he got


Is that it?? Back here in land of Lincoln, they got any strain u may need... Buy it by the gram its 25 a gram.... Buy a eigth its 75-80 bucks... A quarter =120..
Went with a neighbor to show him the process. He bought a eigth of Mac for 80.. Surprisingly, it was sum dam good stuff but for that price, il stick to growing my own..

And they wonder why the black market is still booming here.. Lol
Heres a couple pics of that Mac he got
View attachment 99992View attachment 99993
No, they actually have started to break loose, they got prolly 30 total give or take. Hadn’t always been that way, just lately. Same prices tho lol. I seen the animal star cookies also, I’ve actually not seen too many gps on a menu till now

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Is that it?? Back here in land of Lincoln, they got any strain u may need... Buy it by the gram its 25 a gram.... Buy a eigth its 75-80 bucks... A quarter =120..
Went with a neighbor to show him the process. He bought a eigth of Mac for 80.. Surprisingly, it was sum dam good stuff but for that price, il stick to growing my own..

And they wonder why the black market is still booming here.. Lol
Heres a couple pics of that Mac he got
View attachment 99992View attachment 99993
Those prices are insane.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Is that it?? Back here in land of Lincoln, they got any strain u may need... Buy it by the gram its 25 a gram.... Buy a eigth its 75-80 bucks... A quarter =120..
Went with a neighbor to show him the process. He bought a eigth of Mac for 80.. Surprisingly, it was sum dam good stuff but for that price, il stick to growing my own..

And they wonder why the black market is still booming here.. Lol
Heres a couple pics of that Mac he got
View attachment 99992View attachment 99993
Frosty but I see no amber. Probably chopped by calendar date prior to hitting the machine trimmer. That's probably where you'll see the difference in quality within the same strain in a well stocked market. "Day 56 and time to harvest!" which will be fine for some grows and not fine for others - and it all hits the shelf.


3 wks into flower and I'm down to 5 plants. All 3 of my LT threw nuts, a lot of nuts...grrr
No issues with timers or lights, temps are always under control...???
I think I'm done with fems, haven't had to deal with this issue with any of my reg seeds.
I didn't catch them in time and a few of the sacks open up completely.
So I guess that means my whole F'n tent got pollinated at 3 wks.
I'm wondering how this is going to go now. "Yeah for sure I'm done with F'n fem seeds"
Drag all of em out of the tent every couple days, get the magnifying glass out turn em in circles....what a F'n pain.