Eso's seeds and pollen chucks


Shinobi of seeds
I wondered who would see him first lol should have known it would be your eagle eye!! found him out in the nursery while tending the plants hanging on a blue juniper.
I dig your little friend hanging out there in the bottom of the plant!
Nice catch Red. I had that tunnel vision going on, lol. Just focusing on the plant and her camo kept her hidden from my troll like eyes.


Sorry to tell ya but that side branching one is a adub s1 but for the good news on the stem rub the orangeberry is by far the most stank plant I think I’ve ever had in veg. I had hints of fruit but mostly just a loud general weed stank going on but it’s just a stem rub on a young plant I’m sure them terps are in this one


Shinobi of seeds
Sorry to tell ya but that side branching one is a adub s1 but for the good news on the stem rub the orangeberry is by far the most stank plant I think I’ve ever had in veg. I had hints of fruit but mostly just a loud general weed stank going on but it’s just a stem rub on a young plant I’m sure them terps are in this one
Ok, adub makes more sense for sure. None of the plants I used in the sato crosses were anywhere near that squat, lol.

I have noticed my bigger dbb and obsm stank pretty good as well. My dbb was smelling just skunky at first but today I think I caught some berry tones.

So far Im digging what Im seeing from the 3 main crosses, welchie, orangeberry aka obsm, dbb.


and that one does look more like a siamese twin or something vs a topped plant.
So this dynoberry is weird man but I like it lol, usually I don’t like to run mutants since the chance of finding an awesome keeper vs a headache the whole grow are slim but since this is my first run back up from the heat I have room for it.

but man just look at this plant it’s topping it self on one of the two main branches again kinda sweet 7703EE64-5CDA-4638-BA6A-79E7AA0CBE82.jpeg


Shinobi of seeds
Seeing some balls form on the lvtk being sprayed with CS. Soon she'll be looking like Bender going for gold. She looks pretty gnarly from the stronger spray.

I also just got done putting the next round of mother clones into cups tonight, bb blk dog, grape bubba, grape sato, oj#3, c99 #1 & #3 (till smoke test after harvest and then it will be only one c99) and a lvtk.

The lvtk is more for personal popping and maybe as prize beans because I can't sell the lvtk s1 since Rusty's (aka cannaventure's) lvtk is in fact his s1 of his lvtk cut and I don't want to step on the man's toes. He has been very kind to me in the past and I still owe him a few grow reports when I can get to the beans so sorry but out of respect I won't be releasing those anytime soon.

I may have lvtk hit up some of my testers in flower if she gives up the pollen. The 2 dbb and 2 blk grp dumdums will be the 1st ladies receiving lvtk pollen if she makes any viable stuffs. I also may throw my bigger grape bubba into flower soon for smoke and I may hit some lowers on her while I'm at it. Some pre-testers kind of deal. Just brain storming for now.

So hopefully the next round of chucks will be lvtk pollen to:
Grape bubba
grape sato
bb blk dog
c99 #1 or #3, most likely #3 if the flavor matches the sweet pineapple/fruit smell, plus she is more squat too

Once the lvtk project is complete I think I'm gonna dive into some regular beans for a nice male, but I may have to wait on that for a bit. We shall see


Shinobi of seeds
C99 x grape sato beans are ripe but buds need more time, hopefully not too much more time.

There is a bean in the dark spot, hard to see in pic. 20190914_195718.jpg

All c99s look similar but different smells, all "pineapple" type fruit smells. The two I kept clones of are a bit different, the shorter one smells sweet like pineapple lifesavers candy, the taller one is more sour pineapple no sweetness really. The 3rd smells similar to tall one but not as good. All stack descently.

Tall, sour smell20190914_195427.jpg
Shorter, lifesaver smell

Non keeper20190914_200158.jpg


Shinobi of seeds
Well fuck me, my lastest four seedlings in flower were doing great up till a few days ago and it seems theyve been hit by whatever is fucking up the rock wool plants?!? So Im gonna get some hydro stones after work and throw the sad girls into dwc. Let them veg proper in a sterile environment and then transplant to soil or coco. For whatever reason theyre not doing what they should be and its killing me, lol.

Ill update after the transplant.

Also Im about half way done with a website. Should be up and running this weekend, and then the fun begins!!


Shinobi of seeds
Sorry, finishing up the some of the small stuff. @THT got it right though.

I thought I'd have it done saturday night but it took a little more time. I'm still gonna be working on the site and will get it to one with a shopping cart and stuff but for now I'm just keeping it simple.


Take a look and let me know what you think. Cheers and thanks for the stopping by guys!