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But nothing is black or white in your world, so which ones do you trust?
Either you misunderstood what I meant or I did a poor job explaining what I meant. What I meant is that people need to learn to compromise on a lot of things. But, when it comes to human rights, I don't think anyone's rights should be compromised to make others feel more comfortable, or to meet their religious beliefs. I'll use the two big issues as an example... I understand why some people think that abortions are murder but I don't think a woman's rights should be compromised in favor for the rights of an unborn child. I also understand why some people are deathly afraid of guns, and think they are dangerous, but I don't think that should outweigh the rights of everyone else who may need a gun for protection. I put human rights before party lines all the time. So, to say it again, I don't trust ANY politicians.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't trust ANY politicians.
Then remember that President Trump was not a politician - EVER - until he saw shit that needed fixed and stepped in to do it. He has shut down so many avenues of illegal profit by government officials with deregulation, legitimate trade deals, etc. Why do you think the actual politicians hate him? He's hitting them in the pocketbook as well as keeping them out of power.

Shit is about to blow up with the Durham report, so stand by for the left to ignore facts and documents, and yell at the top of their lungs that it is a political stunt. Spying shit went all the way to Barry Hussein, and included the democrat candidate for POTUS.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And if they can keep everything shut down - AND win in November - they can put the criminals back in charge and sweep it under the rug.


Then remember that President Trump was not a politician - EVER - until he saw shit that needed fixed and stepped in to do it. He has shut down so many avenues of illegal profit by government officials with deregulation, legitimate trade deals, etc. Why do you think the actual politicians hate him? He's hitting them in the pocketbook as well as keeping them out of power.

Shit is about to blow up with the Durham report, so stand by for the left to ignore facts and documents, and yell at the top of their lungs that it is a political stunt. Spying shit went all the way to Barry Hussein, and included the democrat candidate for POTUS.
Yeah, I can't wait for more people on the left to finally accept that the politicians on the left are just as dirty, if not more dirty, than they feel the politicians are on the right. I just shake my head every time I see someone post that picture of Trump standing next to Epstein while ignoring the fact that there are flight logs that prove Bill Clinton traveled to Epstein's island 26 or 29 times (can't recall the exact number). Lets call it 25 times...think about that number for a minute. That's a lot of trips to take anywhere, never mind an island where grown men were fucking underage girls on a daily basis.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Shit is about to blow up with the Durham report, so stand by for the left to ignore facts and documents, and yell at the top of their lungs that it is a political stunt. Spying shit went all the way to Barry Hussein, and included the democrat candidate for POTUS.
Durham works for Barr. In preparation for the Durham report, the campaign to paint Barr as a Trump goon deserving of impeachment has long been underway. Thus, Durham will be discredited by the same tactics. Lindsey Graham will perform his meaningless song and dance of indignation.

Then remember that President Trump was not a politician - EVER - until he saw shit that needed fixed and stepped in to do it.
In a debate, Hillary said she feared what would happen if Trump became president. He replied, "Because you'd be in jail." 4 years later, no jail, not even an ongoing trial. Not as much as an indictment. In fact, the issue is never raised. Voters remember it though. For many, they didn't vote for Trump as much as they voted against Hillary. And Hill'ry is still a queen. Can't blame Trump entirely, as he inherited a group of spineless Republicans in both houses.

Today, Trump is president. Today, there is not a hint that any action is forthcoming to stop riots, restore order, and prosecute and jail all responsible. Any arrested are walking free in half a day. So, in all seriousness - what difference will a Trump re-election make?

It's a lawless country now. If order is not restored very soon, you can forget a 2nd term. As Tucker Carlson noted last night: no leader ever survived in office if he/she could not stop an insurrection. Today, Trump is president. Today, the insurrection continues unabated. Hello President Abrams.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Durham works for Barr. In preparation for the Durham report, the campaign to paint Barr as a Trump goon deserving of impeachment has long been underway. Thus, Durham will be discredited by the same tactics. Lindsey Graham will perform his meaningless song and dance of indignation.

In a debate, Hillary said she feared what would happen if Trump became president. He replied, "Because you'd be in jail." 4 years later, no jail, not even an ongoing trial. Not as much as an indictment. In fact, the issue is never raised. Voters remember it though. For many, they didn't vote for Trump as much as they voted against Hillary. And Hill'ry is still a queen. Can't blame Trump entirely, as he inherited a group of spineless Republicans in both houses.

Today, Trump is president. Today, there is not a hint that any action is forthcoming to stop riots, restore order, and prosecute and jail all responsible. Any arrested are walking free in half a day. So, in all seriousness - what difference will a Trump re-election make?

It's a lawless country now. If order is not restored very soon, you can forget a 2nd term. As Tucker Carlson noted last night: no leader ever survived in office if he/she could not stop an insurrection. Today, Trump is president. Today, the insurrection continues unabated. Hello President Abrams.
Actually, Judicial Watch has Hillary filing emergency appeals at the moment because she was ordered to testify under oath. Testifying at any kind of hearing or trial with the penalty of perjury is a start. We know they lie, and we know there are facts, and people that have signed sworn official affidavits to lies.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The GOP election process is just as horrid as the DNC as far as getting an incumbent out of office - which is why we need term limits.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Yeah, I can't wait for more people on the left to finally accept that the politicians on the left are just as dirty, if not more dirty, than they feel the politicians are on the right. I just shake my head every time I see someone post that picture of Trump standing next to Epstein while ignoring the fact that there are flight logs that prove Bill Clinton traveled to Epstein's island 26 or 29 times (can't recall the exact number). Lets call it 25 times...think about that number for a minute. That's a lot of trips to take anywhere, never mind an island where grown men were fucking underage girls on a daily basis.
When Trump's people informed him about Epstein, he was banned from Mara Lago. Two uber-rich people in the same city will meet - it's inevitable. It's what happens after that matters.
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