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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The guy doesn't even drink! Never got high! And he was the doll of the left until he ran for POTUS as a republican. They would have given their left nut to be on The Apprentice. Many including Hillary said we needed a president like Trump that was not beholden to the system. Funny that :) Hussein even admired him and said he was what Americans should strive for. Then it was revealed that he had common sense and was not some mindless lefty.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
In a debate, Hillary said she feared what would happen if Trump became president. He replied, "Because you'd be in jail." 4 years later, no jail, not even an ongoing trial. Not as much as an indictment.
On this there's still hope. Think about when there has been an opportunity? Russia-scam, impeachment scam, Scamdemic, Riots, seeing a pattern here of elites trying to stay out of jail?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Now they are trying to keep there from being rally's for Trump - while allowing and encouraging riots and protests.

I want to see a Biden rally. Put that bitch in a stadium in the same city on the same night as Trump. Then put him on the debate stage.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Actually, Judicial Watch has Hillary filing emergency appeals at the moment because she was ordered to testify under oath. Testifying at any kind of hearing or trial with the penalty of perjury is a start. We know they lie, and we know there are facts, and people that have signed sworn official affidavits to lies.
Yeah, she's quaking in her pantsuit.

She's admitted to several illegal acts, and skated any charges. Don't get me wrong - I'm certainly in favor that her, Barry, and the 'deep state' get served a permanent dinner of justice. But no matter how many times I've watched the movie, the only thing that changes is her hairstyle.




a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I guess the Clinton child attempted to bash Trump for being immoral or something.
One reply was "don't you know who your daddy is??? ...oh wait... nevermind"

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
I guess the Clinton child attempted to bash Trump for being immoral or something.
One reply was "don't you know who your daddy is??? ...oh wait... nevermind"
Get real. As if there were several sexually interested men doing the horizontal mambo with Hil'ry....


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
H.A.F. said:
Testifying at any kind of hearing or trial with the penalty of perjury is a start.

Right. A start to a gig at CNN or MSNBC, book deals, and $$$$$ speaking gigs.

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That actually might sink them. All know the perjury rules, and ALL went on the "news" and said that there was major, irrefutable evidence of collusion. But under oath they testified that they had seen nothing. But the dems kept everything secret so that America wouldn't know.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Get real. As if there were several sexually interested men doing the horizontal mambo with Hil'ry....
Just meaning that Bill wasn't one of them either - hence, she has no clue who daddy is. I heard rumors about some fat old dude that was semi important.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
That actually might sink them. All know the perjury rules, and ALL went on the "news" and said that there was major, irrefutable evidence of collusion. But under oath they testified that they had seen nothing. But the dems kept everything secret so that America wouldn't know.
Clapper lied to Congress. It's not even in dispute.

He has no idea what jail cuisine tastes like.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Clapper lied to Congress. It's not even in dispute.

He has no idea what jail cuisine tastes like.
I think they declined to prosecute for perjury (and for McCabe and Comey) because there is so much more that is in the works. The dems reeeeeeealy need gubmint to stay shut down and hope to steal an election.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
I think they declined to prosecute for perjury (and for McCabe and Comey) because there is so much more that is in the works.
If that's true, they're as dumb as they are spineless. One charge / conviction or acquittal does not come packaged with immunity from being prosecuted for other discovered illegal actions. [ Unless you're handing out immunity deals like party favors like just a couple years ago to the likes of Cheryl Mills. And Heather Samuelson. And Bryan Pagliano. And John Benton. Gee...what do they all have in common? ]

Imagine the long playing LP /CD Clapper would be singing if he had been charged and found guilty, and actually was convinced he was headed to jail. Imagine......"it's easy if you try".


Comey told Grassley back in 2016 that the FBI did investigate whether the unlawful destruction of federal records occurred.
But Grassley’s staff has now obtained a sworn affidavit from an FBI agent that directly contradicts the former director’s assurance. The agent testified under penalty of perjury that the Clinton email case did not address the destruction of federal records, Grassley said.
The longtime Senate chairman went to the Senate floor before the holidays to raise another concern: the FBI did not pursue criminal charges when Clinton’s email archives were permanently deleted from her private server days after a subpoena for them was issued by a congressional committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
The deletion occurred on the same day Clinton’s former chief of staff and her lawyer had a call with the computer firm that handled the erasure using an anti-recovery software called BleachBit, Grassley said.
“You have a conference call with Secretary Clinton’s attorneys on March 31, 2015, and on that very same day her emails are deleted by someone who was on that conference call using special BleachBit software,” Grassley said. “The emails were State Department records under subpoena by Congress.
“What did the FBI do to investigate this apparent obstruction?” Grassley asked. “According to affidavits filed in federal court — absolutely nothing."


Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
And what was done about those "irregularities"? Quoting Grassley -"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

The odds that the Durham report actually results in criminal charges / convictions against anyone?

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