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Super Active Member
I've seen it all now. To take wearing a mask in these times and play it out to climbing into a boxcar, is beyond words. I have a idea, since this is a SPAMDEMIC, I think Trump should hold a large rally every day. When those old fucks at his rally start dropping like flies, Trump can say hes got everything under control.


I've seen it all now. To take wearing a mask in these times and play it out to climbing into a boxcar, is beyond words. I have a idea, since this is a SPAMDEMIC, I think Trump should hold a large rally every day. When those old fucks at his rally start dropping like flies, Trump can say hes got everything under control.
Have you actually seen the people at his rallies? It’s a lot more diverse that you’d think. The comments on this video also shows how those who support trump aren’t homophobic like everyone claims. Just look at all those homophobes welcoming two lesbians to the right.



Super Active Member
Who cares what the people at his rallies look like. I just want to know how soon the next rally is. Since the coronavirus isn't a real threat and its just the media and the left pumping it up, they need to have allot of rallies as soon as possible. How about FLA, TEXAS or CALIF. Trump says he got everything under control, IT"S RALLY TIME, lets Party.
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So before the pandemic started here in the USA....back in like late Jan early Feb, I got really sick. To the point I needed to go to the ER so I can breathe. I have had pnemonia, bronchitis and the flu before. Nothing and I really mean nothing compared to how sick I was with whatever it was. I could not breathe at all. ER called it a chest infection and or virus and that's it.


Who cares what the people at his rallies look like. I just want to know how soon the next rally is. Since the coronavirus isn't a real threat and its just the media pumping it up, they need to have allot of rallies as soon as possible. How about FLA, TEXAS or CALIF. Its OK Trump says he got everything under control, IT"S RALLY TIME, lets Party.
But your ok with all the huge crowds protesting? COVID is a threat, but not nearly as bad as the media portrays it. How many people do YOU personally know that has caught it and become gravely ill? I live in MA, which has some of the highest numbers in the country, and I know ZERO people who have been diagnosed. My closest friends know ZERO people who have been diagnosed with it. Everyone I know who says they have heard of people testing positive never seems to know the positive person personally. It always seems to be a “friend of a friend” who tested positive and/or died from it.
But your ok with all the huge crowds protesting? COVID is a threat, but not nearly as bad as the media portrays it. How many people do YOU personally know that has caught it and become gravely ill? I live in MA, which has some of the highest numbers in the country, and I know ZERO people who have been diagnosed. My closest friends know ZERO people who have been diagnosed with it. Everyone I know who says they have heard of people testing positive never seems to know the positive person personally. It always seems to be a “friend of a friend” who tested positive and/or died from it.
I can legit say I know someone personally testing positive from it,


So before the pandemic started here in the USA....back in like late Jan early Feb, I got really sick. To the point I needed to go to the ER so I can breathe. I have had pnemonia, bronchitis and the flu before. Nothing and I really mean nothing compared to how sick I was with whatever it was. I could not breathe at all. ER called it a chest infection and or virus and that's it.
A friend of mine, and I, both had the same illness. We are both convinced it was COVID. It’s rough, but not as bad as the media makes it seem.


Not as bad as the media makes it out to be??????????? Huh?
There are an awful lot of dead people as well as their families that can say that's bunk.
BTW, while I don’t doubt that a LOT of people have died from COVID-19, a huge percentage of “COVID-19 deaths” that have been reported have been found to have been people who died from other means who just so happened to have tested positive before they died. Hospital administrators have admitted this and it’s pretty well known at this point that this was done to get more funding to hospitals during the pandemic.


Super Active Member
But your ok with all the huge crowds protesting? COVID is a threat, but not nearly as bad as the media portrays it.
When exactly did I ever state that I was OK with large crowds protesting? And since you feel its not a serious threat, try telling that the 120,000 families that have lost someone. Then take into consideration that the 120,000 was in 4 months, with social distancing in place, shut downs, layoffs, school closings, masks, diner and bar closings. and on and on. I wonder what the death toll would be now without the half hearted attempt at control.
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