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High kev

Yankee seeds
That’s stupid for trump to make an order not to give. It’s pretty obvious we can’t give what we don’t have that’s just plain dumb of him to do

High kev

Yankee seeds
China replaced the new masks we sent them X 2

Our Prime Minister caught proper shit for giving them up...China saw it was brutal for being nice to them and coughed up twice what we gave them because they are caught up a bit.

I have no love of China but they dont issue orders against us.

Crazy times...
I do believe China has been sending mask, just not enough, but now is a time China can’t send all their workers to work and their is a crazy demand like no other times for them now all over the world. I can see why there is shortages

Weed Legend

Member that's exactly what I told him when he called 2 nights ago. I told him he risks losing that huge Canadian voting block that got him elected in the first place, and reminded him of his oath of office. The part that says his job is to always put other country's welfare first, especially over American health care workers. I said, Mr President, that would be a dereliction of duty, and he said 'yeah, I guess you're right, but I might need some of our health care workers to survive, you know, for purely selfish reasons'.

High kev

Yankee seeds
So I brought my 11 month baby to the dr. Im here now. Every nurse and dr are all wearing homemade masks. Not one n95 mask in there.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Maybe the 'virus' from bats is actually the first stage of planned war and conquest, in which case, I refuse to wear a Chinese made mask of death.
Where and how this originated has not been confirmed yet. They still have no clue no matter what any news station is reporting right now


Hobby Farmer that's exactly what I told him when he called 2 nights ago. I told him he risks losing that huge Canadian voting block that got him elected in the first place, and reminded him of his oath of office. The part that says his job is to always put other country's welfare first, especially over American health care workers. I said, Mr President, that would be a dereliction of duty, and he said 'yeah, I guess you're right, but I might need some of our health care workers to survive, you know, for purely selfish reasons'.
I guess you are right...send them home...all the workers so you have more masks for the other ones.

OR make fucking masks faster maybe.

We are all on defcon 4...i am more irritated than a boil.

Glad you talked to the potus...tell him to shape the fuck up and get it done. Covid Projections from Canada (reliable) are 18 months to 2 years before this shit is compleltely over with 2 different surges (september causing an entirely new surge). The good news is we should all have masks by then.

And cows and chickens and crops and shit...the edible kind.

I still love you guys...i will grow a NY Cauliflower..
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Mr Blamo

Old Timer
Well I sure hope everyone stays real safe from this terrible virus.
Took 100 years for a killing virus...last one was the Spanish flu.
Its very strange out there....I went for a drive to the one around which is strange. Went to the grocery store in the same town ...can tell everyone is very paranoid....but everyone is friendly...

High kev

Yankee seeds
I guess you are right...send them home...all the workers so you have more masks for the other ones.

OR make fucking masks faster maybe.

We are all on defcon 4...i am more irritated than a boil.

Glad you talked to the potus...tell him to shape the fuck up and get it done. Covid Projections from Canada (reliable) are 18 months to 2 years before this shit is compleltely over with 2 different surges (september causing an entirely new surge). The good news is we should all have masks by then.

And cows and chickens and crops and shit...the edible kind.

I still love you guys...i will grow a NY Cauliflower..
I would trust the 18 month 2 year deal. Our fearless leader has been sending mixed and wrong messages in my opinion. And our new York fearless leader is saying school will be in session as of the 15th of this month. 🤣😵🔨


Why isn’t China supplying us with the masks. They started this virus. They make the masks. If we don’t have enough masks for our healthcare workers and our healthcare workers are making their own masks to go to work and care for these people how can we give out extra masks to anybody. The sick can’t take care of the sick unfortunately
Everyone will have to DIY their own personal masks. You could wash and disinfect them and use over. Couldn't they? It's a start.
There is plenty of Purell in America ,but the bottles are made in China.


Hobby Farmer
So i am just a cranky fuck today...its nothing personal. Woke up from a shitty nap and watched the news....smoked sativa...

All feeding the hangry...i ate...chilled out and switched to purple punch...things are better.

The mask thing is making more sense as i smoke the doob and ponder it...We have it under control anyway we have a lot of companies that switched over immediately to make ventilators and masks (they went to the gov week 1 to say they want to do this to help...great companies that did it for the right reasons.

I will have some wisconson cheese on my poutine and not call it freedom fries...

Deleted member 60

If you can't disinfect it...use it and then sink that fucker @ sea. it isn't as if we don't waste zillions of dollars doing the same shit with airplanes/etc. Davis Monthan, anyone? Fuck that shit. We need to use what we own to save lives...just as we would in any war. If the >people< aren't worth the time/effort/expense....who and what the fuck is this overblown military budget for? Happy the Clown's Parades? As if this shit isn't bad enough on it's own...these fuckers are all playing games with our lives.

I keep checking my pupils to see if they are dilated as fuck and just I'm tripping hard.......but unfortunately...nope.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Dr Oz just stayed on the news the shit is in the sea too. It flows down stream in to the ocean he says then a wave splashes on shore and poof in the air u breathe it u swim in it. And everyone was just on spring break doin the back stroke down in Florida

What’s this new bong he gives the head nod to6D323008-9014-4545-9630-75065A07CB46.gif


So they send the 1000 bed hospital boat to NY, but you can't use it if you're sick. And you have to apply get through Navy triplicate too. WTF? There's 20 patients on board that boat.
And I can't take my brother to the hospital because of this BS. He is giving me hell and there ain't a thing I can do. SOB's
Said if the patient is in real bad shape, send them home,


Dr Oz just stayed on the news the shit is in the sea too. It flows down stream in to the ocean he says then a wave splashes on shore and poof in the air u breathe it u swim in it. And everyone was just on spring break doin the back stroke down in Florida
Just wait till all of us have it in our lungs, then they will turn the "juice" on to these "nano-particulates" and we'll be dropping where we stand.
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