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You always lose it. 3 posts over 50 minutes to my reply - dang, you must have been seething ! Probably still

But in the spirit of human crisis, I'll put my own fun aside for now and leave you be. You're too easy, and Uncle H and the mods surely don't need more of you whining to them.

People pay attention to who's getting cases of goods delivered, and how many bags of goods [ and how often] they're toting inside. Desperate times / desperate measures ... not here yet, but likely not far off.
It's early, folks are scramblin but not hungry yet and not paying attention, but it could get ugly when they do.
I'm guessing the onslaught of buying will soon drain what's warehoused and no way gonna get re-filled all that soon.

Right now, paper money for food stocks seems like a good deal.


Super Active Member
Listened to a live broadcast from our state governor this afternoon. He had some other state administrators along with local health experts. I live in MA and heard from Harvard experts on NPR this afternoon talk about worst case scenarios. Sobering to hear the medical expert say there are not enough tests to go around. Scheduled surgeries have been postponed to free up space in the hospitals. Roughly 6% of people who get tested come back positive with COVID-19. State government is doing everything possible to obtain medical supplies but lack of leadership at Country level is inhibiting effective response. Hoarding of medical supplies is a problem at all levels.

Big Perm

Where did I lose a grip Amos?
I had a running list under the Lord Bowler account, but somehow that doesn't exist anymore.
View attachment 53871
Because Your cunt ass got banned and cant take banishment like a Man. If Your cunt ass is allowed openly back well I'll find somewhere else to hang, the stench is too revolting You fucking Narc ass loser. Some People forgive and forget but I know You and Your kind too well.
Cool Brokeback Mountain Meme , like the look on His face , is that when You put Your thumb up His arse or his surprise that You are hung like a tootsie roll ? We all know how narcs like You survive in lock up .
Because You were banned for being a narc cunt , doxxing H on Rollitup with Your transvestite buddy pot roast and Your Domina UncleBuck.
You always lose it. 3 posts over 50 minutes to my reply - dang, you must have been seething ! Probably still

But in the spirit of human crisis, I'll put my own fun aside for now and leave you be. You're too easy, and Uncle H and the mods surely don't need more of you whining to them.

People pay attention to who's getting cases of goods delivered, and how many bags of goods [ and how often] they're toting inside. Desperate times / desperate measures ... not here yet, but likely not far off.
Next time I return to the US I will ask You coward what Town to come to and I'll meet You on ground of Your choosing, no tough talk , but I challenge You to single combat , Your rules Your place until then I am gone since You are allowed back here , I don't hang with narcs or stay on a site that allows narcs. Piss off until We meet coward . Bye all.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Wow.... With all the good weed people say and show they grow, i think they shud learn to smoke that shit......🔥?
It also could help prevent all the keyboard courage, and might even make peoples responses seem like their coming from grown adults...
Everyones got & is entitled to a opinion, thats just mine. U got ur work cut out for u on this 1@big perm as a mod... Good luck


Made a run to Walmart and the grocery this am............people were civilized, maybe more so than usual. But not practicing distancing for shit. I wear a mask and gloves and armed with a spray-bottle full of anti Chi-com juice. Of course watching the cretins handle 20 avocado's before they settle on 2 to purchase, is scary. Saw the same thing with cabbages. Both places had plenty to buy, no paper goods, alcohol, sanitizers, but lots of dry goods.

As for the online orders.................I hope somebody has told the cardboard box makers to ramp up, because some of the packaging is shamefully wasteful.

Fuck not wearing a mask out there, that's horseshit. Don't have a mask, use a bandana or similar.

Not one person buying veggie seeds @ the seed kiosk in Walmart. That kiosk is full, seeds'll get hit in the next wave. Cheap insurance. You can plant most dry soup beans you see in the store..........if you can find any.
There's teenagers going around cough and sneezing on produce in stores and posting it on social media. That would piss me off if I seen that being done.

High kev

Yankee seeds
A colleague in Belgium shared this information this morning regarding the experience thus far with the coronavirus COVID-19 in China.
Please read. Thanks,
Curtis T. Thompson, MD
“From a young researcher who had been transferred from Shenzhen to Wuhan to collaborate with the task force that is fighting the coronavirus epidemic, we receive and willingly transmit to all of this clear, simple and accessible information, which describe exactly what it is. the virus, how it transfers from one person to another and how it can be neutralized in everyday life.
Coronavirus infection does not cause a cold with a dripping nose or productive cough, but a dry and dry cough. This is the best thing to know.
The virus does not resist heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees Celsius: therefore often consume hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea and broth during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus and it is not difficult to drink them. Avoid drinking ice water or eating ice cubes or snow for those in the mountains (children)!
For those who can do it, expose yourself to the sun!
PO Box 230577, Tigard OR 97284-0577
PHONE. 503-906-7300
FAX. 503-245-8219

More information as follows:
1. The virus crown is quite large (diameter about 400-500 nanometers), therefore any type of mask can stop it: in normal life, special masks are not needed. On the other hand, the situation is different for doctors and health professionals who are exposed to heavy virus loads and have to use special equipment. If an infected person sneezes in front of you, three meters away they will drop the virus on the ground and prevent it from landing on you.
2. When the virus is found on metal surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours. So when you touch metal surfaces such as handles, doors, appliances, supports on trams, etc., wash your hands well and disinfect them carefully.
3. The virus can live nested in clothes and fabrics for about 6/12 hours: normal detergents can kill it. For clothes that cannot be washed every day, if you can expose them to the sun and the virus will die.
How it clinically manifests:
1. The virus first installs itself in the throat, causing inflammation and a dry throat sensation: this symptom can last for 3/4 days.
2. The virus travels through the humidity present in the airways, descends into the trachea and installs in the lung, causing pneumonia. This step takes about 5/6 days.
3. Pneumonia occurs with high fever and difficulty breathing, it is not accompanied by the classic cold. But you may have the feeling of drowning. In this case, contact your doctor immediately.
PO Box 230577, Tigard OR 97284-0577
PHONE. 503-906-7300
FAX. 503-245-8219

How can you avoid COVID-19:
1. Virus transmission occurs mostly by direct contact, touching tissues or materials on which the virus is present: washing hands frequently is essential. The virus only survives on your hands for about ten minutes, but in ten minutes many things can happen: rub your eyes or scratch your nose for example, and allow the virus to enter your throat. So, for your own good and for the good of others, wash your hands very often and disinfect them!
2. You can gargle with a disinfectant solution that eliminates or minimizes the amount of virus that could enter your throat: in doing so, you eliminate it before it goes down into the trachea and then into the lungs.
3. Disinfect the PC keyboard and mobile phones.
The new coronavirus NCP * may not show signs of infection for many days, * before which it cannot be known if a person is infected. But by the time you have a fever and / or cough and go to the hospital, your lungs are usually already in 50% fibrosis and it's too late!
Taiwanese experts suggest doing a simple check that we can do on our own every morning as follows: Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you successfully complete it without coughing, without discomfort, a sense of oppression, etc., this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating essentially no infection. In such critical times, do this check every morning in a clean air environment!
These are serious and excellent advice from Japanese doctors who treat COVID-19 cases. Everyone should make sure that their mouth and throat are moist, never DRY. Drink a few sips of water at least every 15 minutes. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth ... water or other liquids will sweep it away through the esophagus and into the stomach. Once in the belly ... The stomach gastric acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly ... the virus can get into your trumpets and lungs. It is very dangerous.
Share this information with your family, friends and acquaintances, for * solidarity and civic sense * !!!!”
PO Box 230577, Tigard OR 97284-0577
PHONE. 503-906-7300
FAX. 503-245-8219


Hobby Farmer
The information is not correct.

Covid 19 stays on hard steel and plastic surfaces for 72 hours...3 full days. Wash your hands...dont touch your face.

the point of entry to the human body is through mucus. #1 transmission is your own hand to face (eye nose etc).

I would not trust your presidents speeches. He is trying to quell panic. They have no idea when (if?) there will be a vaccine...or if it will do what SARS did and vanish when its hot everywhere.

Shit is crazy out there. We have the same toilet paper, disinctant etc. No flour and yeast which makes sense.

My 500 dollar top up order became 320 because they could not sub out the rest...but i went to the other store and got most of what i was missing (with a mask and gloves like some weird giant bald asian man).

But now...i am on lockdown. I am not leaving for 2 to 4 weeks.

Oh it stays on cardboard surfaces for up to 24 hours...I use blue gloves and put my amazon packages in the garage for 24 hours.

Mostly its the social distancing thing...people are too stupid to comply. We have about a week and then it will be enforced with arrests.

High kev

Yankee seeds
I thought they were wrong about a few things but this was the first time I heard hot drinks and sips every 15 min to stop and kill the virus so it doesn’t get in your lungs. Lots of conflicting information out there


Super Active Member
I just got a text from someone nearby that her father has contracted the virus. (locally) Her mom is from military family and they offered to come and get them and take them to a bunker.
It just got "real'!
Be careful Heathen and everyone else. Wash your hands and try not to breath too much. It is liable to be air born now.
I am in the fucking middle of a National Forest and it's here?
Something ain't fucking right.SMFH!
Well, if you're into the chemtrails conspiracy, my wife said she saw spraying about a little more than a week ago.


Insanely Active Member
Trump ...... let’s get going again , basically saying let’s kickstart our economy again and we can afford the loss of life. Spoken like a true Big Business entrepreneur showing his true fabric . May has well have stuck that greenback to his forehead while he spoke.

Deleted member 60

That was another uneducated, unbelieveable and uninformed speech. Notice that Fauci and absolutely no other experts >but Don< were present. Gosh...wonder why? Could it be truth.....and that Don doesn't tell it...ever?? I'm glad you can see it @gwheels. Alot of folks down here just can't...and they believe every word coming from his mouth. It's not just his Golfing anymore....yet...

We haven't gone anywhere for a week now. Gonna hold out as long as we can. Best of luck to you all.....
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