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Heathen Basterd
Just the fact this guy has enough concern to make this post for the ignorance in society is the worrying bit. It’s pretty obvious if you’ve got a ton of toilet paper and no food your probably not going to actually need the toilet paper. You gotta laugh when people complain about government having control over them . It’s times like this you realise why it’s so easy for them to do this with all the Forrest Gumps in the world triggering foolish behaviour . Sure be prepared but do not throw logic out the window in the process
Pastor Joe knows His shit, He is also really well connected and if You know how a guy that is connected who wants to get word out without spooks coming for a talk talks , well You would see what I posted last night . Since Homeland Security said Today no National Lockdown right after I got word last Night makes You think hmmm, for those of You who don't know , States are 1 by 1 rolling out the shelter in place orders, guess what , that is in the SOP for Emergency Management to keep from being a panic or causing an uprising. Once enough States do it then Feds can go National and mangage the flow of the sheep far smoother. We trained for this shit.


Insanely Active Member
Now maybe a light will go to Some of You why the Deep State, Globalists , Communists are trying to legislate away the 2A , its far easier to herd the sheep when shit hits the fan if they aren't armed.
Unfortunately the flip side of that is the types that probably should not have access to firearms in the first place Transgressing against others with this possible escalation of fear and state of mind . We all know people do stupid shit during desperate times . Let’s hope sanity prevails .
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My wife even agreed my seed hoard was a good thing!... she picked up 20 packs of jello to make try G wheels gummy recipe.
JELLO!!!!!!!!!!!...........Did you just say JELLO?????????? Lmao!

Jello is damn hard to buy right now. I got a nice 5 pack asst, 2 cherries, then a 6 pack cherries and a 6 pack mango................all 6oz, all JELL-O. Actually there are some larger quantity packs left but the singles are either gone or $9 a box.

Notch Hohnson

This Guy is ex Special Forces Operator for 25 Years , He hints at whats coming.
"Yeah, we're all gonna die...of sumpthin'...unless you're here when Yeshua comes back...."

Sure, Joe, but the vast majority of those will also die. You know....narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be will find it. I'm sure he knows this, but was focusing on the present.

The other big point, imo - what will the world be like in a year? Today has little resemblance to just days ago. People's nature is to fight to live because the only alternative is death. It may well turn out that both options suck.


Heathen Basterd
"Yeah, we're all gonna die...of sumpthin'...unless you're here when Yeshua comes back...."

Sure, Joe, but the vast majority of those will also die. You know....narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be will find it. I'm sure he knows this, but was focusing on the present.

The other big point, imo - what will the world be like in a year? Today has little resemblance to just days ago. People's nature is to fight to live because the only alternative is death. It may well turn out that both options suck.
Yea He don't know shit, a fucking Special Forces operator for 25 years that is the top survivalist in Country .


I figured out what is really going on.
Pizzagate arrests are happening now.
It's about Adrenochrome. It's DMT from the Adrenal gland.
They laced Adrenochrome with a coronavirus variant. Now the "blood drinking" vampires are getting poisoned and Trump has the antidote. They spill the beans or they die. Ask Tom Hanks and his GF. They both got it. Shitload of actors, sports figures and politicians have got it. Just look for yourself.

Close to 5000 indictments went out and they are rounding them up.
They have to keep us off the streets to protect our children, these people will be on the hunt cause they are addicted to it and the supply is gone. And it looks like China was supplying the Adrenochrome.
Fucking David Wilcock was fucking right!

Deleted member 60

Folks are scramblin' now. My old hometown in the Midworst got the 30 day lock down order yesterday...set to go into effect Tuesday, I believe. Not good. Not good at all.

Gettin folks to hospitals is THE concern here with this shit. Some my rural abode...don;t have many beds available. the closest town to me only has 25 beds... in a town of 5K with a another sizeable population that lives out in the surrounding area. Not gonna be beds for everybody (OK...ANYBODY)....and that right there will wake a few dumb fucks up to how things work today. Kinda like how we were told that "it's the way life is" when >someone< was speaking to the nation about the rich getting tested and a getting a bigly whap of vaccination .....and everybody else gets nada..... yup. That's it right there.

What was your Pee On number again?

I guess I bes' hide the pellet gun, huh......if "they" are (again) coming for the guns and all, that is. (Trump is in power he the one coming...or is it gonna always..Obama/the Dems ?) Kinda like that list of diseases that got posted...they just keep comin for the guns...every election year....and it's a continuous assault if the guy is black. Either way....if you got em..hide em.... cus here they come....just like all of the other times they wuz comin'......

good luck all.....


Heathen Basterd
I had a running list under the Lord Bowler account, but somehow that doesn't exist anymore.
View attachment 53871
Because Your cunt ass got banned and cant take banishment like a Man. If Your cunt ass is allowed openly back well I'll find somewhere else to hang, the stench is too revolting You fucking Narc ass loser. Some People forgive and forget but I know You and Your kind too well.


Made a run to Walmart and the grocery this am............people were civilized, maybe more so than usual. But not practicing distancing for shit. I wear a mask and gloves and armed with a spray-bottle full of anti Chi-com juice. Of course watching the cretins handle 20 avocado's before they settle on 2 to purchase, is scary. Saw the same thing with cabbages. Both places had plenty to buy, no paper goods, alcohol, sanitizers, but lots of dry goods.

As for the online orders.................I hope somebody has told the cardboard box makers to ramp up, because some of the packaging is shamefully wasteful.

Fuck not wearing a mask out there, that's horseshit. Don't have a mask, use a bandana or similar.

Not one person buying veggie seeds @ the seed kiosk in Walmart. That kiosk is full, seeds'll get hit in the next wave. Cheap insurance. You can plant most dry soup beans you see in the store..........if you can find any.

Notch Hohnson

Where did I lose a grip Amos?
You always lose it. 3 posts over 50 minutes to my reply - dang, you must have been seething ! Probably still

But in the spirit of human crisis, I'll put my own fun aside for now and leave you be. You're too easy, and Uncle H and the mods surely don't need more of you whining to them.

As for the online orders.................I hope somebody has told the cardboard box makers to ramp up, because some of the packaging is shamefully wasteful.
People pay attention to who's getting cases of goods delivered, and how many bags of goods [ and how often] they're toting inside. Desperate times / desperate measures ... not here yet, but likely not far off.


Heathen Basterd
You always lose it. 3 posts over 50 minutes to my reply - dang, you must have been seething ! Probably still

But in the spirit of human crisis, I'll put my own fun aside for now and leave you be. You're too easy, and Uncle H and the mods surely don't need more of you whining to them.

People pay attention to who's getting cases of goods delivered, and how many bags of goods [ and how often] they're toting inside. Desperate times / desperate measures ... not here yet, but likely not far off.
Next time I return to the US I will ask You coward what Town to come to and I'll meet You on ground of Your choosing, no tough talk , but I challenge You to single combat , Your rules Your place until then I am gone since You are allowed back here , I don't hang with narcs or stay on a site that allows narcs. Piss off until We meet coward . Bye all.

Notch Hohnson

Next time I return to the US I will ask You coward what Town to come to and I'll meet You on ground of Your choosing, no tough talk , but I challenge You to single combat , Your rules Your place until then I am gone since You are allowed back here , I don't hang with narcs or stay on a site that allows narcs. Piss off until We meet coward . Bye all.

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