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Hobby Farmer
My wife works with the elderly with dementia and altzeimers...she HAS to go to work. But she has to go no other place. I stocked up so she can just go to work and back.
She works with the most vulnerable.
This is why we should have 2 or 4 weeks of everyone stay home and hunker down.
It wont kill me...fuck you corona no one likes ya...i am fond of some IPA...languinats will kill corona every day of the week,

We will be safe here..i got food for me and my family and our extended family...the 3rd 50 pound bag of potatos...yeah i thought i have enough right there.


If you think thats crazy....when i vac sealed my 3rd pound of personal for a rainy day....that was stranger.

lol.....but WAY better.


Heathen Basterd
In NYS, the head health cocksucker, is on TV telling everybody not to panic, simply that the old and sick should not go to crowded places. The Dept of health says expect symptoms like a commom cold. No big deal, meanwhile everything is closing.

Meanwhile, the itralians are dying 400 a day, 4000 new cases yesterday, etc.

I wonder if they are going to make the bodies into dog food or simply mass graves.

What supplies to morticians buy?'s time to stock up. I put my order in for some lime and lye as well.
The Italians are being hit so hard because they imported 500,000 Chinese into the Milan Region to work in the textile Houses , those Chinese went home for Chinese New Year and brought it back to the Milan Region, The Population there is condensed and Older . The lust by Italian Companies for cheap Labor has led to this. Greed and the Chinese withholding the virus outbreak is to blame. ALL Chinese Nationals should be expelled from the West and crippling sanctions put on the Chinese Government. Canada is still allowing unscreened migrants into Country mostly from Africa via the New York Border. It's going to keep spreading because of the failed Immigration policies of the West. ALL IMMIGRATION NEEDS TO BE HALTED !!!!!!!!!!!!


Expect a announcement soon, All services except Hospitals, Pharmacys , Grocers will be mandatory shuttered for 4 weeks NATIONALLY and National Guard is being readied to be deployed Nationally . Think about How many Peoples lives and businesses are being damaged by the FUCKING CHINESE , Boycott and ask Your Representatives to bring crippling sanctions and Permanent travel bans and revoke ALL Visas to the Chinese and Their Nationals. Their act of War needs a answer.
I just got a text from someone nearby that her father has contracted the virus. (locally) Her mom is from military family and they offered to come and get them and take them to a bunker.
It just got "real'!
Be careful Heathen and everyone else. Wash your hands and try not to breath too much. It is liable to be air born now.
I am in the fucking middle of a National Forest and it's here?
Something ain't fucking right.SMFH!


My wife works with the elderly with dementia and altzeimers...she HAS to go to work. But she has to go no other place. I stocked up so she can just go to work and back.
She works with the most vulnerable.
This is why we should have 2 or 4 weeks of everyone stay home and hunker down.
It wont kill me...fuck you corona no one likes ya...i am fond of some IPA...languinats will kill corona every day of the week,

We will be safe here..i got food for me and my family and our extended family...the 3rd 50 pound bag of potatos...yeah i thought i have enough right there.


If you think thats crazy....when i vac sealed my 3rd pound of personal for a rainy day....that was stranger.

lol.....but WAY better.
I'm not prepared for this. It's been a rough last couple years with sick family members. My brother is o his way home from OSU today. I can't believe they turned him loose unless they are expected a huge influx of patients. Ill have to hunt the game for food and I will have to "barter" my meds for necessities.
I feel sorry for the meth and opiate dependent. You should have listened to me.


Heathen Basterd
I just got a text from someone nearby that her father has contracted the virus. (locally) Her mom is from military family and they offered to come and get them and take them to a bunker.
It just got "real'!
Be careful Heathen and everyone else. Wash your hands and try not to breath too much. It is liable to be air born now.
I am in the fucking middle of a National Forest and it's here?
Something ain't fucking right.SMFH!
COVID - 19 can be spread by 10 feet airborne, It is weaponized SARS ,


Heathen Basterd
How long can this shit live without a host?
Lets hope it's not in the wind already and circling the earth mutating and shit.
Netflix had to fucking add 'Outbreak" to their list of movies.
You military guys have any connections or can tell us more about what we are to expect?
Can live in air for 3 hours, can live on wood metal , plastic up to 5 Days, Expect National Guard to deploy in mostly urban areas to keep People inside and to protect from looting once the virus spreads , mobile Hospitals will need to be set up once the infected overflow existing Hospitals , It's too far widespread to contain now due to countries leaving borders open so long and letting travelers go freely the last few months. Its going to get far worse before it gets better, the virus will die off when it cant find enough hosts due to people building resistance to it, It is a mutated form of SARS the Chinese were developing for Biological warfare. China committed an act of War against the World and need to be dealt with as such.


Heathen Basterd
Respirators already in short supply will all utilized making People who have other illnesses go without basic needs , Canada only has 5000 respirators in County alone. People waiting for Cancer and other treatments are being pushed back , If a Country cant take care of its own during a pandemic which is being proven all over the world right now it has no business taking in Immigrants OR Visa entrants . Send Them Back .


Tegrity Greenthumb
Greed. If we shut down a month ago everything could have been isolated. Now the economy will shut down anyway with the whole nation sick in turmoil. Shut down for 4 weeks. Extend that month of Bill's into the rest of the years Bill's. Give people a chance to recover and the economy will recover. Wonder who the dumbasses will bailout this time. Usually when something this big happens intentionally alot of people stand to gain and alot of heads of state worked together to create such a mess. If it was deliberate I doubt china was the main/only conspirators. I have no faith in my government. Why? Welp because it hasn't been American since pretty much ever. It's just the pretty face of capitalism that wears alot of makeup.


Respirators already in short supply will all utilized making People who have other illnesses go without basic needs , Canada only has 5000 respirators in County alone. People waiting for Cancer and other treatments are being pushed back , If a Country cant take care of its own during a pandemic which is being proven all over the world right now it has no business taking in Immigrants OR Visa entrants . Send Them Back .
I am so surprised it has made it to a tiny village(maybe < 500 people) in my area. Makes me think of it "frozen" in ice crystals up in the jet stream and falls down on us in the rain. But I'm a "Conspiracy Theorist" for many years now and I tend to think in that way.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Respirators and a short supply of everything is due to.... greed. Hospitals should have been set up for these situations. The money always flows up and never comes down one bit anymore. Everyone is using bare minimum producing as cheaply and dangerously as possible so they dont get rolled over or so they can roll over other companies. Shit needs to stop yesterday. People can blame whoever they want. Is it the dogs fault or the first wolves who ate from the humans hands. Dont be domesticated. Think for yourself. Protect the man next to you regardless of race and national identity. We are all on this rock together and wont be if we keep letting shit go this way.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I just got a text from someone nearby that her father has contracted the virus. (locally) Her mom is from military family and they offered to come and get them and take them to a bunker.
It just got "real'!
Be careful Heathen and everyone else. Wash your hands and try not to breath too much. It is liable to be air born now.
I am in the fucking middle of a National Forest and it's here?
Something ain't fucking right.SMFH!
Tourist location national forest? That could be why.


Really Active Member
70% of the population WILL get this virus. The virus kills approximately 4% of the infected. There is no way to stop the virus.

The only thing we can do is attempt to slow the transmission down. The medical system does not have enough room or equipment to handle everyone showing up at once. Therefore staggering the infections is the only option to give our medical system a fighting chance.

Currently the American Public is buying up ALL of the guns and ammunition. Within days you will not be able to walk into a store and purchase guns or ammunition as the stores will be completely sold out.

Shutting down businesses and taking people's source of income away will lead to chaos.

The virus will not be the issue, 96% of the infected will live. The economic collapse, and everything that goes along with it, will become the issue.

I hope you are all prepared. The rest of the year will be one wild ride.


Hobby Farmer
The shit mit was already thought many single socks do you have around.

We are on lockdown here. Except for grocery stores and urgent stuff stay the fuck home. Bars and restaraunts...everything is closed. Last night at 8 i was smoking a blunt and you couldnt even hear planes.

the kids in final year of high school are getting screwed over this fate or weaponized sars or whatever. But i have a feeling in 3 weeks they will extend it 2 more just to be sure. And with the teachers strike it is going to be a rough one.

I will park the car in the garage and leave it there.

I keep 10 feet away from people generally so the dog walk should be ok. :D my attack pug will rip their ankles off.
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