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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The problem is those " good cops " are afraid to come forward as many others have as well to say something for the fear of backlash. Then it just gives all cops bad names. I know a couple officers myself and a few of them are all around some of the nicest people I have ever met.
Police unions - who's only job is to keep crooked cops on the job, and donate to the DNC.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Except that some unions are now actually supporting Trump. LOL
Unions supporting the right? We report - you decide. The lefts tactics are not having the desired effect, and regardless how much the media tries, blame is going to fall right where it should come November - locals advocating the burning of their own towns.


The problem is those " good cops " are afraid to come forward as many others have as well to say something for the fear of backlash. Then it just gives all cops bad names. I know a couple officers myself and a few of them are all around some of the nicest people I have ever met.
Can you blame them, though? Look at how hard it has been for normal Muslims to explain to people that not all Muslims are terrorists in training, and there are close to 4,000,000 Muslims in the US.
Except that some unions are now actually supporting Trump. LOL
Unions supporting the right? We report - you decide. The lefts tactics are not having the desired effect, and regardless how much the media tries, blame is going to fall right where it should come November - locals advocating the burning of their own towns.
I really try to avoid lefts and rights as much as possible. I do not vote nor will I ever. Sometimes it's embarrassing to be an American.
Can you blame them, though? Look at how hard it has been for normal Muslims to explain to people that not all Muslims are terrorists in training, and there are close to 4,000,000 Muslims in the US.
Oh I 110% agree.....just like people of color. It's gangbangers and hoodlums that are giving their race a bad name which then makes the entire race guilty.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
130 murders to date in St Louis for 2020.
30 have arrests made.
If it hadn't been for the McCloskey's no one would know this information, and the crooked DA would likely be reelected. Now there is more info - because she had to put her foot in it and try and bring felony charges against people defending their property in accordance with the laws she is supposed to enforce.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
The problem is those " good cops " are afraid to come forward as many others have as well to say something for the fear of backlash. Then it just gives all cops bad names. I know a couple officers myself and a few of them are all around some of the nicest people I have ever met.
I agree cops who almost have the balls to speak out are almost acting humanely. :)

Except nice people would never take a job which requires them to harm people who aren't harming others.

The problem isn't that some cops don't have manners or demonstrate decent behavior in other aspects of their lives, but by "just doing their jobs", they engage in a harmful contradiction...for money.

Here's one smart guys take on that -

130 murders to date in St Louis for 2020.
30 have arrests made.
If it hadn't been for the McCloskey's no one would know this information, and the crooked DA would likely be reelected. Now there is more info - because she had to put her foot in it and try and bring felony charges against people defending their property in accordance with the laws she is supposed to enforce.
Yea I seen that couple who " may " be charged for standing ground on their own property with guns drawn. If I had a house like them.... would have a moat filled with sharks that have lasers on their heads lol and then some lol


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And more than half of those feckless morons in the GOP need to go as well. They have been a necessary evil to prevent the commies from taking charge - but they have mostly said words.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing highly overlooked in this whole mess, is that people in exorbitantly taxed blue states were able to write off their state and local taxes on the federal return. That is now either limited bigly - or gone.


You have high taxes, but more than half of your population does not pay them, and the people with the means to pay them - have the means to leave.

And the rest of the country is no longer supporting the bullshit.

Blue states and their citizens got shafted - no doubt. But they got shafted by all their sanctuary bullshit and social justice programs - no doubt contracted to or run by friends and family of the elected...
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