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Yep, of course. I just have had leo friends state the reasons I mentioned. Suspect the reason why ammo and actual handguns, 9mm, are in abundance. I have a 380, 40, 44 Ruger short rifle bicentennial model, best lightweight brush gun ever. And 12 guage with slogs and shot. They stated many more got up from nines than anything else, and most I know went to 40s. When virus hit, all I could get was 380 fmj, lol. Figured I needed target, but I took em. Never know what's gonna happen after election. Imo
I was just busting your balls about the .380, there are some nice .380s out there that nice little guns. If shit ever got real then pistols are only going to be used while I’m heading to grab a rifle. I’m just glad I was able to build my own AR before the MA AG managed to twist the definition of an “assault rifle” in MA and made it against the law for anyone in MA to purchase one.


Just some asshole
.22LR shot shells are great for snakes and rats. When I was a kid there was a new development going up nearby and all the deforestation and construction sent the rats to our neighborhood. We used to load the .22 pistols and rifles up with shot shells and they worked great for fast moving rats.
I shoot carpenter bees with those shot shells. Loads of fun!


Water boy
That’s it ladies and gentlemen, conformity at its finest is Melbourne, Aust. So masks now mandatory in public places AND in schools!! Conditioning the young!!

My problem is NOT with the masks! I don’t mind if anyone wants to wear a mask and in certain circumstances I would avidly wear one.. it’s the loss of free will! We’ve lost the right to our own brain, to our own process of decision making.


Haha just saw trump on tv saying he believes the US has the “best” mortality rate than any other country lolololol... then stutters a little bit repeats himself looking to someone off camera for direction
To be fair, it should never be the responsibility of any politician to restrict people's rights in the name of trying to protect them from a pandemic. It should stop at providing guidance to the masses and helping to alleviate financial burden caused by the pandemic. And, yes, I would be singing the same tune no matter who is in office. People seem to forget that politicians are public servants and not saviors.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Actually a bolt from handheld crossbow pretty good. Everyone knows nines won't knock everyone down, but a 40 will. Hard not to like the ole 357, but buds tell me they quit those cause they might go thru you and hit someone down the block. LMFAO, you gents get so wound, lol
9mm are way more than capable. Knock down power? You mean like in movies where someone gets shot and flys 3 ft back? Everyone is a marksman till rounds and adrenaline starts pumping. I'd rather have the extra few in the mag to toss around. It's like saying the .233 is a junk round and you should only shoot 7.62 if you want someone to drop. It's not how big your bullet is. It's how many you can put on target and how fast you do it. Most common casualties in the US street shootings are from......drumroll.... .22 .edit ofcourse ballistics and how those rounds interact with your insides too. .233 makes some messy wounds I've been told.
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Blümen Meister
Haha just saw trump on tv saying he believes the US has the “best” mortality rate than any other country lolololol... then stutters a little bit repeats himself looking to someone off camera for direction
The sad part is with Trump warring with the media, all news must be taken with a grain of salt, from the babble coming out of Trump’s mouth, to the various news outlets... can’t trust anything they say anymore. F$&@ them all I say.


9mm are way more than capable. Knock down power? You mean like in movies where someone gets shot and flys 3 ft back? Everyone is a marksman till rounds and adrenaline starts pumping. I'd rather have the extra few in the mag to toss around. It's like saying the .233 is a junk round and you should only shoot 7.62 if you want someone to drop. It's not how big your bullet is. It's how many you can put on target and how fast you do it. Most common casualties in the US street shootings are from......drumroll.... .22 .
Lies! We all know the gangs and dealers issue all their members the illustrious HiPoint C-9 ;)

You are correct, though, and most people would piss their pants before being able to pull the trigger on another human being. The only ones who can pull the trigger are those who are well trained or those who have no respect for the life of others (psychopaths). I have a great shot, but I know that goes out the window with emotions and adrenaline.


The sad part is with Trump warring with the media, all news must be taken with a grain of salt, from the babble coming out of Trump’s mouth, to the various news outlets... can’t trust anything they say anymore. F$&@ them all I say.
We haven’t been able to trust the MSM for far longer than Trump has been in office. He just made it his mission to point out their hypocrisy.


9mm are way more than capable. Knock down power? You mean like in movies where someone gets shot and flys 3 ft back? Everyone is a marksman till rounds and adrenaline starts pumping. I'd rather have the extra few in the mag to toss around. It's like saying the .233 is a junk round and you should only shoot 7.62 if you want someone to drop. It's not how big your bullet is. It's how many you can put on target and how fast you do it. Most common casualties in the US street shootings are from......drumroll.... .22 .edit ofcourse ballistics and how those rounds interact with your insides too. .233 makes some messy wounds I've been told.
Everybody is a professional on the internet lol. Just repeating what some intelligent leo shared with me. You'll pardon if I don't shit myself over your vast knowledge on the subject, LMFAO, you bad ass armed dope growers, lmfao
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