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Just some asshole
My brother-in-law has been a cop for close to 30 years and it really is sad to see what all of this is doing to all the good cops out there. I thought he was still a homicide detective but I saw him on the 4th and he was telling me that he was put in charge of internal affairs last year. He said his department was surrounded by protesters last month, who trashed the property and demanded they be defunded, but his department he only had 1 unjustified assault during the last year. He said they have to investigate plenty of “excessive force” complaints but a lot of those are from putting cuffs on too tight, or forcing someone into a patrol car too hard, but nothing that put anyone in a hospital or worse. He told me that what was an honorable career for the last 30 years has been destroyed and he feels like people look at him as a terrorist now. It’s sad how many people fail to remember all the good cops out there.

Then we go to the other side of this whole mess, which is my sister-in-law who has fallen into this whole defund the police bullshit. She was a parole officer for 19 years, quit her job during the “me too” movement because she thought she deserved to be treated better by the male parolees and male coworkers, and she’s been living in my house for free for over 5 years and doesn’t contribute to the mortgage or utilities. She still had the job when she moved in, which was only supposed to be for “no more than a year” while she saved up for a down payment for a new rental, but then she quit her job and has been mooching off us since. She asked me if I could put an AC unit in her bedroom the other day and it took everything in my power not to laugh. I don’t need one in my bedroom so I’m certainly not going to pay for the additional electricity to pay for her to be more comfortable in my house where she’s living for free. My wife is finally really close to kicking her ass to the curb.
Shew. You’re a nicer person than me. After 18 there’s no moving in and freeloading with someone else. Sorry about your situation.


My brother-in-law has been a cop for close to 30 years and it really is sad to see what all of this is doing to all the good cops out there. I thought he was still a homicide detective but I saw him on the 4th and he was telling me that he was put in charge of internal affairs last year. He said his department was surrounded by protesters last month, who trashed the property and demanded they be defunded, but his department he only had 1 unjustified assault during the last year. He said they have to investigate plenty of “excessive force” complaints but a lot of those are from putting cuffs on too tight, or forcing someone into a patrol car too hard, but nothing that put anyone in a hospital or worse. He told me that what was an honorable career for the last 30 years has been destroyed and he feels like people look at him as a terrorist now. It’s sad how many people fail to remember all the good cops out there.

Then we go to the other side of this whole mess, which is my sister-in-law who has fallen into this whole defund the police bullshit. She was a parole officer for 19 years, quit her job during the “me too” movement because she thought she deserved to be treated better by the male parolees and male coworkers, and she’s been living in my house for free for over 5 years and doesn’t contribute to the mortgage or utilities. She still had the job when she moved in, which was only supposed to be for “no more than a year” while she saved up for a down payment for a new rental, but then she quit her job and has been mooching off us since. She asked me if I could put an AC unit in her bedroom the other day and it took everything in my power not to laugh. I don’t need one in my bedroom so I’m certainly not going to pay for the additional electricity to pay for her to be more comfortable in my house where she’s living for free. My wife is finally really close to kicking her ass to the curb.
Cops and parole officers in your family..........uh huh.


I agree cops who almost have the balls to speak out are almost acting humanely. :)

Except nice people would never take a job which requires them to harm people who aren't harming others.

The problem isn't that some cops don't have manners or demonstrate decent behavior in other aspects of their lives, but by "just doing their jobs", they engage in a harmful contradiction...for money.

Here's one smart guys take on that -

View attachment 65100
There is always a middle ground. There are plenty of good cops who's sole purpose is to help better society by not only enforcing the current laws while also understanding they don't have to arrest every single person who violates a law that doesn't harm anyone but the person who violated the law. My brother-in-law is definitely a good cop who wants to serve the people and better society. My grandfather was a bad cop who beat the shit out of people he arrested who resisted. He was such a sweet old man, who I loved dearly until the day he died, and I would've never believed it if he didn't tell me himself.


No need to prove it I believed you. Not surprised at all, your act makes more sense now.
It should, because I have people from both sides in my family. I have cops, drug addicts, alcoholics, very wealthy family members, and very poor family members. I've lived in cities, I've lived in Saudi Arabia, and in the middle of nowhere in MT. I don't live in an isolated little bubble like you apparently do.


Start with asking for grocery money. Build on it
We've done that. She'll go grocery shopping for a week or three and then start slowing down and stop again. We tried having her cook dinner every night and that always comes to an end, too. It's worse for my wife, because her sister knows to tread lightly around me. My wife can't even have a bad day at work without her sister giving her shit about being in a bad mood and not taking time to talk to her after work. She finally told her sister last night that she's tired of being judged in her own house by her sister who has been living there without contributing for over 5 years. She told her if she didn't like it then move out.


The cost in toilet paper alone from having an extra woman in the house has to be terrible :ROFLMAO:
I put in a fucking bidet toilet seat and I'm the only one who will use it! Her sister used to by her own Charmin, because she didn't like the thinner TP we buy, and I put an end to that real quick by telling her she was going to have to pay to get the septic pumped if she kept using it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
More patience than I have. My sanity is more important than charity.

I had the kids at different times hinting at wanting to move in "temporarily", but I know it won't work. I "loan" them money I never expect to get back before that'll happen.


More patience than I have. My sanity is more important than charity.

I had the kids at different times hinting at wanting to move in "temporarily", but I know it won't work. I "loan" them money I never expect to get back before that'll happen.
We'll never make this mistake again. We had to go to marriage counseling because of it a few years ago because neither of us really knew how to discuss the situation with each other without getting way too emotional. That was when I realized how hard it was on my wife, too, and told her that I'll let her decide when it is time to tell her to leave.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
We'll never make this mistake again. We had to go to marriage counseling because of it a few years ago because neither of us really knew how to discuss the situation with each other without getting way too emotional. That was when I realized how hard it was on my wife, too, and told her that I'll let her decide when it is time to tell her to leave.
In all three instances the pain is self inflicted - think about it.
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