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Heathen Basterd
People who aren't mental midgets and have 1 patriotic bone in their Body will never buy and product again that says made in China, bankrupt the Yellow basterds and see the fucking scumbags have to resort to canabalism to survive, defeat the Yellow horde without firing a shot. Fuck China , as far as I am concerned I am at war with China.


Heathen Basterd


Hobby Farmer
Last night should have been hockey night in Canada.

I think i invented an engine that runs on fan leaves and trim. If it keeps up world peace should be figured out by the time the kids are back in school.


Today i collected all the roaches i throw in the mail box...put them in a mason jar...and i got instant coffee..

Both are break open in case of emergencies only


Heathen Basterd
The Chinese and the Media are getting what they want, Trump has been tough and proven correct about China so they release a illness in an election Year to try to get Biden in there because the Chinese know Biden is already bought and paid for and the Deep State proganda wing , CNN, MSNBC ect are all over it spreading panic to hurt Trump. Italy has only itself to blame , they imported 500,000 Chinese to the Milan region to work in the textile factories for cheap labor and still keep the made in Italy tags on the clothing, they are reaping what they sow.


Heathen Basterd
Well I will be riding out this Coronavirus alone , laid staff all off Today till its over , Thankfully no waiting period for EI due to the pandemic , Will have plenty of time for the plants I guess . Chinese can all burn in Hell , boycott all Chinese products People, Hit the sneaky little fuckers where it hurts, the wallet.


Heathen Basterd
Expect a announcement soon, All services except Hospitals, Pharmacys , Grocers will be mandatory shuttered for 4 weeks NATIONALLY and National Guard is being readied to be deployed Nationally . Think about How many Peoples lives and businesses are being damaged by the FUCKING CHINESE , Boycott and ask Your Representatives to bring crippling sanctions and Permanent travel bans and revoke ALL Visas to the Chinese and Their Nationals. Their act of War needs a answer.


Hobby Farmer
I am on more chill weed this morning...its a mess no doubt about it. But im hunkered down. The only place i have left to visit is a post office. I have 2 parcels to get on the way. Things may slow down to a crawl.

And it will be DEVASTATING to economies. It will also show countries that globalization is a stupid concept. Lets shore up our own goods and services again.

And somehow i nailed it...retirment...putting my investments in GICs for retirement. I am a lucky SOB.

Lockdown is in force...unless i need something like coco coir.

Not related but holy shit did i hit my head on a light...those giant hortiblooms are worse. Its like i smashed a hammer on my head. I saw stars for a while but the bloom room is always full of awesomeness so it was easy to ride through...seeing stars and all.

And fooseball table, dartboard, Xbox1 and PS3 are all hooked up and working...the basement is ground zero. I shall place the volcano here and call it GOOD.

I may be high...that new batch of gummies IS the strongest i have ever made. Like qualudes...good luck keeping up but if you can...very nice.


In NYS, the head health cocksucker, is on TV telling everybody not to panic, simply that the old and sick should not go to crowded places. The Dept of health says expect symptoms like a commom cold. No big deal, meanwhile everything is closing.

Meanwhile, the itralians are dying 400 a day, 4000 new cases yesterday, etc.

I wonder if they are going to make the bodies into dog food or simply mass graves.

What supplies to morticians buy?'s time to stock up. I put my order in for some lime and lye as well.
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