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High kev

Yankee seeds
If you haven’t kept up on the Hong Kong protests check it out. Conspiracy’s going around saying they released the caronavirus to put a stop to the protests. 2 million people protested when it first started and went on for monthes. The protests stopped once carina virus hit them. And now marshal law quarantines. The Chinese are laughing at our silly political protests here. They say look there for the real protests against the communist Chinese government. They are the real protests

High kev

Yankee seeds
America only tested 400-500 people for carona virus. 47 states have yet to test anyone. Looks like we are following China by keeping the numbers low by simply not testing people for the virus


It's not unreasonable to suspicion that the U.S. government, which doesn't audit the Pentagon and tested syphilis on unsuspecting black men at Tuskegee from 1932 to 1972 could be involved.

I mean the fuckers sprayed weed with paraquat, knowing that U.S. citizens would be ingesting it...
be a way to stub the new trade agreement, and also try to put the US in fear mode so maybe they can't have a presidential election this year due to martial law, etc, imposed, lol. And for sure keep drumpf for another four, and run the country like a prison, more or less. They killed Kennedy, when the boys above the 1%r's want stuff to happen, it happens. hehe (fuse lit)


Heathen Basterd
be a way to stub the new trade agreement, and also try to put the US in fear mode so maybe they can't have a presidential election this year due to martial law, etc, imposed, lol. And for sure keep drumpf for another four, and run the country like a prison, more or less. They killed Kennedy, when the boys above the 1%r's want stuff to happen, it happens. hehe (fuse lit)
DHS Whistleblower that turned in Obama for destroying files on Islamic Terrorists got found in the ditch with a single gunshot wound day before last, another Democratic Party hit team victim. Boy the People who have dirt on the Clintons, Obama ect sure have a high suicide rate . That Coronavirus was produced by the Chinese spooks for their Military , Lab tests have shown its a genetically mutated version. I sure hope the People were listening to my stock tips on buying puts on the Nasdaq/Dow . You would have made 600% profit just yesterday . Over a 1000 point drop.
I've been very sick. I hope I die soon. I have a very good reason tho..............


I will come back as a zombie and the first thing I will do is infect High kev. Then the both of us will go see Bodyne and eat him because he has the most fucked up avatar ever. Then we will take all of his pot. Once we clean the evidence and finish off the tasty remains we will delete his avatar, lock the doors and head out to the car where Finchy awaits us.

Finchy will then drive to Heathenraider's place, take off her clothes and knock on his door. This will be our "in". Little did we know that HR was already naked and ready for Finchy. But it's too late for HR as Finchy jumps aside and me and kev rush the door. HR is fast with his guns but we are fucking ZOMBIES and his puny bullets do nothing to us. kev gives HR a good shove and he falls the the floor. I quickly pounce and bite him right on the butt cheek. Kev comes in for a bite on the other cheek and the fun begins!!

Heisenbeans hears poor HR screaming and comes to the rescue with Dustjesus in tow. For some reason Heisenbeans is in a priest outfit and Dustjesus is wearing little boy clothes. So me and kev scram and jump in the car with Finchy before they could catch us. That was fucking scary. Me and kev wanted no part of that :alien:

Finchy gets the car rolling and we book it out of there. New adventures awaited the heroes and they needed a new victim to munch be continued
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Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
While I'm tossing out theories, it's always a good idea to think who benefits from something to consider what the reasoning for the existence of something is.

Well, if you had a vaccine for a scary disease you'd benefit from it. If you had a population mind control agenda and wanted people to feel like they need a savior (government mandated vaccines as a norm) you'd also benefit. Or if you wanted to run some trials on actual population reduction, (your own serfs or serfs of enemy plantations) scary diseases would be a good place to begin, since blame is easier to redirect / obfuscate using bio warfare than with bombs etc.

It's not even beyond the imagination that "leaders" of the various world human livestock plantations ("countries") sometimes work together if their interests are aligned.

At the end of the day, we'll probably never really know what caused this or how / if it was intentionally released, but it's my belief it's likely not a natural occurrence...and it won't be the last time we see these things.
Power, the most addictive thing known, once held, is not easily relinquished. Free speech is next to be targeted. Wait and see.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
I've been very sick. I hope I die soon. I have a very good reason tho..............


I will come back as a zombie and the first thing I will do is infect High kev. Then the both of us will go see Bodyne and eat him because he has the most fucked up avatar ever. Then we will take all of his pot. Once we clean the evidence and finish off the tasty remains we will delete his avatar, lock the doors and head out to the car where Finchy awaits us.

Finchy will then drive to Heathenraider's place, take off her clothes and knock on his door. This will be our "in". Little did we know that HR was already naked and ready for Finchy. But it's too late for HR as Finchy jumps aside and me and kev rush the door. HR is fast with his guns but we are fucking ZOMBIES and his puny bullets do nothing to us. kev gives HR a good shove and he falls the the floor. I quickly pounce and bite him right on the butt cheek. Kev comes in for a bite on the other cheek and the fun begins!!

Heisenbeans hears poor HR screaming and comes to the rescue with Dustjesus in tow. For some reason Heisenbeans is in a priest outfit and Dustjesus is wearing little boy clothes. So me and kev scram and jump in the car with Finchy before they could catch us. That was fucking scary. Me and kev wanted no part of that :alien:

Finchy gets the car rolling and we book it out of there. New adventures awaited the heroes and the they needed a new victim to munch be continued
Are you sure this isn't just a lifted script from '70s porn?


I've been very sick. I hope I die soon. I have a very good reason tho..............


I will come back as a zombie and the first thing I will do is infect High kev. Then the both of us will go see Bodyne and eat him because he has the most fucked up avatar ever. Then we will take all of his pot. Once we clean the evidence and finish off the tasty remains we will delete his avatar, lock the doors and head out to the car where Finchy awaits us.

Finchy will then drive to Heathenraider's place, take off her clothes and knock on his door. This will be our "in". Little did we know that HR was already naked and ready for Finchy. But it's too late for HR as Finchy jumps aside and me and kev rush the door. HR is fast with his guns but we are fucking ZOMBIES and his puny bullets do nothing to us. kev gives HR a good shove and he falls the the floor. I quickly pounce and bite him right on the butt cheek. Kev comes in for a bite on the other cheek and the fun begins!!

Heisenbeans hears poor HR screaming and comes to the rescue with Dustjesus in tow. For some reason Heisenbeans is in a priest outfit and Dustjesus is wearing little boy clothes. So me and kev scram and jump in the car with Finchy before they could catch us. That was fucking scary. Me and kev wanted no part of that :alien:

Finchy gets the car rolling and we book it out of there. New adventures awaited the heroes and they needed a new victim to munch be continued
So the "sign of the cross" is a deterrent for zombies? I'll h`ave to remember that. lol
I know it scared snakes out of Ireland for that St. Patrick dude. lol
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