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High kev

Yankee seeds


Hobby Farmer
The ecomonic side of this will start to become a problem in the next 2 to 4 weeks. A lot of things come from China and this WILL delay EVERYTHING.

People cant get to work to make stuff...they cant get it shipped. And every 2 weeks the number of people will change until you hit that tipping point. We are not there yet.

Grow lights are a minor problem....Hockey sticks too but some stuff is a lot more important...and North America can not turn the taps on tomorrow to pick up the slack...production capacity will be hit very quickly.

Time to put the razor wire on the fence and hunker down....skip the dishes and grocery delivery and now i dont need im set!

I told that corona virus joke day one but it is super obvious.

High kev

Yankee seeds
This bug is like no ther big for sure. SARS or any of that other crazy bug never effected shit like this. And they are covering deaths and illnesses up its probabaly 50 times worse than what they’re saying

High kev

Yankee seeds
They’re blocking people in their homes and going door to door to check people. So nobody their knows what’s going on cause the my are all quartined in their homes and the ones that die who knows if they are rallying them up who knows if they have or don’t have the virus they are locked in their homes like jail cells


Hobby Farmer
It is because it is very contagious and it is China....they dont care about your feelings...get in your house or BANG!

One time i had to pick up a Chinese national at the airport and drive her around to see our plants in the area. I looked over at her while we were driving and she looked terrifed...are you ok?, I asked.

She said it says 100 and you are going 130 (KM/H) I said well around here at 100 it is recomended you get the fuck over to the right and let us get through.

In China you dont break the rules because the penalty is probably rough.


Hobby Farmer
And virusus mutate and change all the time. They are the most resiliant living thing on the planet.

The population of the earth is straining the capacity of its ability to produce the resources. Nature kicks in calamities to right things.

It happens with deer and moose...probably other species as well...

It is not their fault that bat wing sandwiches are so tasty...


What do you mean weed makes you lose concentration...dumbest thing i ever heard in my life.

DC comics suck...Marvel forever !

High kev

Yankee seeds
I hope they have a cure to. Somewhere I remember reading before this article came out that they had a cure but it wouldn’t be able to be mass produced for everyone for a year. But you can’t trust news today lol. Who really knows.
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