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High kev

Yankee seeds
Fake news claimed the head honcho said it was a hoax. Fake news trying to turn this political
Commander and chief def down playing it to avoid panic, Stocks falling further, and don’t want to piss China off cause he wants trade deal to run smoothly. Not good in my opionion but what do I know. Who knows what’s really going on and how this will play out. Fake news has us so confused we don’t know up from down


Commander and chief def down playing it to avoid panic, Stocks falling further, and don’t want to piss China off cause he wants trade deal to run smoothly. Not good in my opionion but what do I know. Who knows what’s really going on and how this will play out. Fake news has us so confused we don’t know up from down
It’s gunna get you over there on your side man 🤣🤣🤣🤣 two confirmed cases up that way from what I’ve seen

Deleted member 60

Some folks out there should probably get Hazard pay. I'm not sure a minimum wage job @ 7-11 is worth the exposure... "fake" pandemic scare or not......yet many....because of how good the Trump economy is doing for most (LOL) won't have much choice cus they are living paycheck-to-paycheck. But hey...those are the bottom WGAF? The big boys obviously don't.

I hope all of ya fare well..whether yer smart enough to believe it's real or not....


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Some folks out there should probably get Hazard pay. I'm not sure a minimum wage job @ 7-11 is worth the exposure... "fake" pandemic scare or not......yet many....because of how good the Trump economy is doing for most (LOL) won't have much choice cus they are living paycheck-to-paycheck. But hey...those are the bottom WGAF? The big boys obviously don't.

I hope all of ya fare well..whether yer smart enough to believe it's real or not....
NO ONE said it wasn't real. They said the pandemic scare is just not so. The virus and how contagious it is OBVIOUSLY is real.


Super Active Member
@High kev I bought into y2k; I was stocked to the gills. I thought bird flu would mutate and be the end of us. Now, i call bullshit on this and you just watch, it'll be the one time I'm wrong when it matters. Lol. Whatever, if it's time to go, it's time to go. I'm still stocked to ride this out though.


I was reading somewhere the rating for the Coronavirus is R2 to R2.5 the rating for SARS was R2 to R2.38 for the number I believe stands for the amount of people one infected person can infect lol so not sure what to think

High kev

Yankee seeds
Australia doesn’t seem to think it’s going away. I believe it’s summer there now. That theory of warm weather will make it disappear may be out the window


Super Active Member
A good friend of mine moved there years ago. She just came back to the States with her daughter who decided to move back for college.
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