Greenpoint Seeds

Mr Blamo

Old Timer
GU needs to find a Canadian seed dealer to sell his gear imo.
I know id buy as most Canadian dealers have etrans and that's how I like to pay..
However I did make a seed trade here with a good member for a few packs of greenpoint seeds recently.
So I look forward to growing those out when they I do really like the copper chem...are you all getting sick of me saying that lol


Super Active Member
I just put sunday stallion in 12/12 a wk ago I planted 4 seeds all sprouted nice and quick
I got 1 female out of 4 and I am totally satisfied very nice fruity skunk for the nose
right now I will post pics when she starts to flower she is in a 4x4 tent uder 315w cmh
this tent is new to me and I love it so far and don't get to hot either fresh air is your friend (y)
I have 2 purple punch that's getting ready for 12/12 as well veging them till pre flower
then in the oven they grow and sunday stallion and purple punch are very easy to please in veg as well


And it did alright? I have a few Heisenbeans on the go which are are almost ready to be up-potted. I started them under only 25O watts of MH, and they got all tall and stretchy on me. I’d like to keep them as short as possible, but I’m unsure of the consequences of planting them deeper than where they naturally grew.
I seed my solo cups 2/3 full. Continue to fill with soil as the seedling stretches.


Really Active Member
I ordered sundae banana cookies and peacemaker and they say they shipped them out on 9/6. All my other orders arrived in 2 days except this one. I emailed Gu and all I get is the post office is slow. I don’t think they shipped this order at all as I see others on here with the same ship date who haven’t received theirs either.


Super Active Member
I called him because my order didn't arrive in the time I usually get it in after shipping.. He fixed me up and gave me a bonus pack for the inconvenience... Just call the number on the site and have a chat. I emailed also last week.. Did not hear back.. Busy man he is.. Emails take time to respond to.. A phone call is almost instantaneous.. He was very pleasant to deal with.. Just my 2 cents.. ☮
Meant to follow up earlier on my missing orders but for anyone that may be interested; I spoke with Gu this afternoon and got it all figured out. I was stressing since I had multiple orders floating around with issues, but we worked through it all in like 5 minutes and I've been assured that I'll get everything I'm missing soon. Will definitely update when it comes in. Gu is a very reasonable dude and if you just talk through what the problem is he'll make sure you're taken care of.

The awesome customer service of course pushed me to make yet another order during the flash sale tonight also (and I probably need professional help for this addiction lol)
My missing packs from before came in today. I really appreciate the quick turnaround @Gu~~~ !


Coincidentally, those peas are a real cover crop. I usually cut them when they make flowers, but am letting them go on for their camo benefit. Makes a bunch of free nitrogen/organic matter and if there is a cheaper fertilizer out there I've not seen it. $2 worth of soup beans will plant and benefit approx 500-1000 sq ft.


Really Active Member
Called and spoke with a representative and was told there was an error and my order never shipped out. He owned up to his mistake and said my order is on the way now. We shall see I’ll update when I receive the order.