What did you do today?


dodged a couple nados last nite, sprung a lil leak, but it ain't in the grow room/bedroom, lol. Some folks had it lot worse, thoughts and prayers to them. I'd still trade dodgin tornadies for them nothern WI winters, lol.
Dodging them here too! I made that trade and would do it again! Quite an outbreak of smaller twisters and had hail in middle of the night. 3 to 6 inches of water around here.

Deleted member 60

Here...I'll yak a bit so you don't feel so all alone...

I grew up in Misery....'er...a...Missouri. (without A/C) There's a month or two in the Spring and again in the Fall that's do-able... but the rest of it...no thanks. I don't like to SEE my air. That 95F/95% humidity shit just isn't for me....especially after 35+ years in the dryness of the West. No way I could go back to it.

As for green...pretty brown here on the whole in CO....but we are creek side in a small valley full of cottonwoods/alders/maples/anything else that likes water... and that is surrounded by juniper/cedar/pines. We have ample water to use for growin and stuff.... so we have a decent bit of greenery. Damn "hilly" here as well. 6000 vertical feet of rise behind the house.

Gotta start dumpin old smart pots and mixing/amending a bit for the upcoming season here as well. My back isn't lookin forward to it one bit....yeeeowwwch. I need a mixer....LOL.


Solo cup champion 2019
Started working on this nightmmare...20190501_160426.jpg20190501_160420.jpg20190501_160259.jpg
Piece of shit Hyundai veloster, i work at another body shop part time, and the owner biys wrecks at insurance auctions for dirt cheap, fixes them , and send them to his country, Dominican republic. I think he bit off a little more than he can chew wirh this one. It looks like it rolled down a 1000 ft. Hill about 5 times.


AC everywhere these days but lived without it in early 90s but we had a rent deal in a13 room house with low windows and cement porch most the way around. Rented out a house I owned then. It had 11 ceiling fans! Not that warm but as humid as it can get right now.

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Here...I'll yak a bit so you don't feel so all alone...

I grew up in Misery....'er...a...Missouri. (without A/C) There's a month or two in the Spring and again in the Fall that's do-able... but the rest of it...no thanks. I don't like to SEE my air. That 95F/95% humidity shit just isn't for me....especially after 35+ years in the dryness of the West. No way I could go back to it.

As for green...pretty brown here on the whole in CO....but we are creek side in a small valley full of cottonwoods/alders/maples/anything else that likes water... and that is surrounded by juniper/cedar/pines. We have ample water to use for growin and stuff.... so we have a decent bit of greenery. Damn "hilly" here as well. 6000 vertical feet of rise behind the house.

Gotta start dumpin old smart pots and mixing/amending a bit for the upcoming season here as well. My back isn't lookin forward to it one bit....yeeeowwwch. I need a mixer....LOL.
Sure sounds like a beautiful place @Stiicky

Deleted member 60

Sounds like us and the catalytic wood stove). I'm not cold if it's stoked....so I fill it once a day....a bit more if it's super cold out. Don't have any other heat....LOL...ripped that shit out day ONE. The stoves have paid for themselves and cuttin wood (among other fun tasks here) keeps me in shape and sane. (sort of)

And we don;t need no stinkin A/C in Summer here...LOL. It gets into the 90's for highs but drops to 50's at night.... 15% humidity is common mid afternoon. If yer hot...jump in the creek. The water tops out at about 55F! That'll shrivel yer peter but quick "Shrivel Up" (shameless Devo plug)!

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Sounds like us and the catalytic wood stove). I'm not cold if it's stoked....so I fill it once a day....a bit more if it's super cold out. Don't have any other heat....LOL...ripped that shit out day ONE. The stoves have paid for themselves and cuttin wood (among other fun tasks here) keeps me in shape and sane. (sort of)

And we don;t need no stinkin A/C in Summer here...LOL. It gets into the 90's for highs but drops to 50's at night.... 15% humidity is common mid afternoon. If yer hot...jump in the creek. The water tops out at about 55F! That'll shrivel yer peter but quick "Shrivel Up" (shameless Devo plug)!
Yea that's nice summer weather there. Cool nights for sleeping is nice. And yes i have swam when i was young in that mountain water. That shit is ice cold!


Hobby Farmer
Today I listed my house for sale after 5 months of working every fucking weekend and 3 days a week and now....It is done.

It was worth 475 i spent 14k and a shit ton of effot and yutube videos and now its worth 525.

Now I can build pretty much anything out of drywall and mud like a champ (the pros thought i had someone come in and do it and didnt understand why i got them to tape and mud).

I can paint anything, wire a lot of things etc,

Usually educations cost money but this is the first time i get the cash back within a year.

I do all my own car everything too and that learning curve taught me no education is free. It made all of the fuckups liveable while i got through the learning curve.

Now I can do toyota cv shafts in 30 minutes, brake jobs 30 a wheel etc. No fear and i know what to do everytime because i fucked up every time. That was my cost. I think school would have been cheaper.

Today I am going to do stuff at my new house.

Soon I am going to run 4 inch ducting from 1 tent to another tent to the flower room so they can all suck off of the extraction fan.

I might also up pot my WW but only if i can figure out lights off time :)

Lately i have been busy as a 1 legged man in a shin kicking contest but the pool opens next week.

Life is good.

Deleted member 60

Today I listed my house for sale after 5 months of working every fucking weekend and 3 days a week and now....It is done.
Awesome stuff. Sounds incredibly familiar. I do (most) all of that home improvement stuff around here as well. When I sold my last house the inspector put on the report that it was a 25 year old house that was kept in less than 5 year old condition. New paint/roof/finishes in and out.....really helped us get the FULL asking price in less than 3 week of it being on the market. I spent almost 2 years readying 2 houses for sale....and everything went pretty much to plan. Sure was a shitload of work though........ wow. Good to hear yer in the new place.