West Coast Chronicles


Quick question on this modified flood and drain time thing y’all are experimenting with. What timelines are you using like how long between floods and how long for the flood? I’ve been doing every 4 hours, 10 minutes flood. Working good but curious how the times you are using are working for you.
20 min every 4 hrs has been better than 15 min. I am going to try every 2 hours during lights on then nothing during lights off for my next set of totes going into flower.


20 min every 4 hrs has been better than 15 min. I am going to try every 2 hours during lights on then nothing during lights off for my next set of totes going into flower.
Thank you, I was thinking of changing things up a bit to see if there’s noticeable positive changes. All good as is but I like to experiment and push things to the limit sometimes. I’ll give this a try starting tonight. Just have to sit down and program that timer which isn’t too bad😎🍻


Quick question on this modified flood and drain time thing y’all are experimenting with. What timelines are you using like how long between floods and how long for the flood? I’ve been doing every 4 hours, 10 minutes flood. Working good but curious how the times you are using are working for you.
I was running a 15 minute flood every two hours. I just switched to a 15min flood every hour (over all 24hrs) a couple of days ago. Everything in the reservoir is holding steady and I'm not seeing any ill effects so far.


Outstanding! Looking great @Phylex . I’m gonna adjust my flood schedule and see how they do. Makes sense to give them a more frequent bath of nutrients for the growth rate. What Ppm’s are you keeping your res at for veg? I started mine low and have squeaked them up to 330 as of now. Time for a res change and up it a bit I’m thinking. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻


Starting to see some very noticeable differences. Soil has a different hue of leaf color, almost darker in a sense. Leaves downward. F&D lighter hue but lush looking. All praying. Robust. Intense under-canopy sprouting and bushing. Awesome 👊💪
Actually there isn't much of a difference between the two so far other than the faster growth. The hues are actually the same and also very similar. There are some slight variances amongst some plants but the biggest factor is just the picture lighting. The downward leaves you're seeing are attributed to the plants being thirsty. I took the soil pics just before I watered all of them. Soil plants pray just the same as hydro. The soil plants also have the same under canopy growth. I'll take some pictures later today.

With that said, the hydro growth is exploding and pulling away from the soil plants, no doubt. (y)


Outstanding! Looking great @Phylex . I’m gonna adjust my flood schedule and see how they do. Makes sense to give them a more frequent bath of nutrients for the growth rate. What Ppm’s are you keeping your res at for veg? I started mine low and have squeaked them up to 330 as of now. Time for a res change and up it a bit I’m thinking. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻
I hope this helps some. If you have any questions about my chicken scratched notes, feel free to ask.

Date- PPM/Res Temp/PH - time taken (additional notes in orange)


Nice! Thanks for sharing that. I checked everything last night and I was wrong. I’m at around 420 ppm and ph 5.9 temp 69 degrees. Fairly dialed at the moment and they grew Up and out while I was at work. Hydro still gets me excited because of how fast the veg is. As always, thank you and have a great day man! I understand your board. Very clean and detailed work.


Nice! Thanks for sharing that. I checked everything last night and I was wrong. I’m at around 420 ppm and ph 5.9 temp 69 degrees. Fairly dialed at the moment and they grew Up and out while I was at work. Hydro still gets me excited because of how fast the veg is. As always, thank you and have a great day man! I understand your board. Very clean and detailed work.
I'm digging it too. I'm currently trying to plan an almost complete changeover to F&D. I'll still want to keep the mom's and dad's in soil for the slower growth. The totes are awesome, they rock. However my OCD ass wants a Bluelab Guardian dedicated to every tote and that will add up real quick. So I'm thinking flood tables with one massive reservoir for each table so I can save some good money from having to buy less BL Guardians. lol

I'll still keep the existing totes for the grow rack, and dedicated early veg. The tents will most likely be outfitted with the larger tables. (eventually)


I'm digging it too. I'm currently trying to plan an almost complete changeover to F&D. I'll still want to keep the mom's and dad's in soil for the slower growth. The totes are awesome, they rock. However my OCD ass wants a Bluelab Guardian dedicated to every tote and that will add up real quick. So I'm thinking flood tables with one massive reservoir for each table so I can save some good money from having to buy less BL Guardians. lol

I'll still keep the existing totes for the grow rack, and dedicated early veg. The tents will most likely be outfitted with the larger tables. (eventually)
Ok. He's done hooked.
