Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Nerd Gone Vertical
It looks like the Left side of the tray is growing taller than the right side by the wall. Maybe rotate the tray so the left side is by the wall. Good luck.
Today's pic should reveal that taller ones are randomly distributed throughout. I'm totally fine with some being a bit taller than others because each run is only 3 plants and I'd rather separate the two groups of females (assuming there are at least 5 and preferably 6 or more girls in the batch) by a few weeks.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Today's update; some are growing a bit taller than others and that's actually desirable to me, because I only want to run batches of 3 plants. I'd like to spread those batches out at least 2 weeks and maybe even as much as I can, short of deliberately stunting some. I can make 5 females work in 2 batches, although I would much prefer 6 or more.



Nerd Gone Vertical
@Joebud these are really starting to shoot upwards. It's fascinating to watch different plants putting on a crazy growth spurt on different days. They definitely don't have any trouble getting with the program!

The broad leaves are not what I would associate with a sativa dominant long finishing strain so I'm interested to see how things progress.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Daily update; I watered to runoff after lights on last night, after letting them get pretty dry. They get 19/5 right now, I have them off only during peak rates from 2-7p. It's not the difference in money that matters, it's just an old habit and I think lights off time is a net benefit, even this early.