Vegetable Gardens ??


Hobby Farmer
I am going to start with....keep an open mind.

To me the beauty of nature proves there is a creator. Because random chance and science could not have possible produced such variance in beauty..

and I dont mean 6 beers on Friday night...I mean nature...


Looks like a deer hopped the fence of the outer compound. Then topped 8 tomato plants. It takes 8 and then they realize they don't really like tomato's anyway...grrrrrr. 4' fence they jump with almost no effort. Also ate my best Crimson Queen sunflower, the prick. Hey, it's nature right? Naturally..............I'm thinking some fast backstraps and meat based compost, may be in order 🔫


Hobby Farmer
Damed wildlife....this morning at the crack of dawn a pair of top shelf garden cracking rabbits were puzzling it out. Or froze in place eating grass.

:) It is pretty cool...we get white winters....cold and snowy sometimes. Nothing like Alberta but its not my favorite...Things green up and then BOOM everything has leaves...a time passes and my favorite happens BOOM everything has blossoms.

I am so glad now that they planted these roses and trees that flower. The pollinators are all over the place. Bees and butterflies. My dog was coated in pollen after chasing the rabbits. She likes to be useful. I have no idea what these bushes are with all the white flowers but i almost chopped the giant one. I kind of like it now.

I still have plants in the sprouter and some of them sprouted. I really do have to tag things better. I got lax in that department a while back and im paying for it now...WTF is this strain..Reg or The best problems EVER.

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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had leftover fence mesh so I added a third section to contain the rest of my peppers and maters. IMG_7908.JPG
I'm liking using the Yo-yos. I think it may be very crowded by the end, but it should at least be organized.
So far they hold up to the wind, but we'll see once they get fruit weight on 'em.
It makes wrapping the twine around the new growth easy
And it is actually the flower sepal that closes around the pollenated fruit on the tomatillo. And that thing is hollow, so it grows quicker than the fruit. I'm using this technique for them, and if needed for the peppers. They grow the same, with the self-bifurcating limbs.
Got a timer for the sprinkler, and for now I have it on for 30min before sun-up and 30min just before sunset. Any hints on using those?
Baby birds everywhere. They are much brighter than the older ones.
And I'm watching you motherfucker! :devilish: :ROFLMAO:


Hobby Farmer
I had leftover potato seeds and that shady area. My wife never knows what she will come home to but she is always happy to see it.

I also put in 1 small row of early beets and 1 row of chard. My doc said i should eat dark leafy greens every day and we start in about 30 days!
Roses and Peonies are popping out all over. WTF is that to the left of the roses???dogfoot? I should tear it out and put a planter on top of the spot
I see peppers and squash forming :D
Squash is not squashed
And punch me out and call me in the morning...the Can Of BLiss is doing GREAT!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@gwheels My bell peppers are about like yours
Looks like the Santa Fe hot peppers will be first ripe. Waiting to see if it changes color, don't think they're supposed to be much bigger, like a fat jalapeno. :)
Overall stuff is doing OK. I'll start picking some stuff in a week or so.
that's last years parsley flowering. I went rogue likce a flower-clone and never made an actual parsley leaf.
Herbs are killing it. IMG_8007.JPG
Cilantro is there if I need it - but no salsa ready and I never use the dry stuff - so I am making coriander seeds
And I have no clue what I am going to do with all of this thyme and oregano. I already dumped last years dry stash and made more.
Nice little sourwood burls I found clearing land.


Insanely Active Member
Wasn’t really going to bother with a Southern Hemisphere winter patch but a few locally caught fish dug into the ground whole between the rows and some fresh home made compost self watered by the cloud gods and the Broccoli Cauliflower and Beetroot are humming along ok.684D755F-AFC5-47AA-9FB5-FA86D695528F.jpeg


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Getting the first results of my 'wild' crops.
The odd ones are mulberry. First year for the bush/tree fruiting so there wasn't a lot, but now I can work on pruning and cultivating for next year.
This is the combination Blackberry patch - rabbit hutch. in the winter I just pulled all the weeds I could, and let them go.
They are not the sweetest, but the berry flavor is good. I freeze them until I get enough and make juice for the most part. IMG_8045.JPG
Next year I may work on getting the area cleaned better and mulched.

Deleted member 60

Envious of the berries. Our season is short. The plants we planted a few years ago are just starting to actually look like small bushes (small being the key word). Not putting a lot of hope in em but we will see. Folks we know here have huge Nanking cherry bushes full of wild I know it can be done. I'm working on adjusting pH slowly in this entire area (10 fruit trees/orchard) and building up some nutrients. It's definitely not the richest soil.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Envious of the berries. Our season is short. The plants we planted a few years ago are just starting to actually look like small bushes (small being the key word). Not putting a lot of hope in em but we will see. Folks we know here have huge Nanking cherry bushes full of wild I know it can be done. I'm working on adjusting pH slowly in this entire area (10 fruit trees/orchard) and building up some nutrients. It's definitely not the richest soil.
These are wild. very thorny. I think those tall canes (new growth) somehow end up the berry producers next year - biennial? In fall there is obvious dead stuff, and dormant stuff. I snipped out the dead stuff and it flourished this year.

With mulch and fertilizer, and something besides rain when they get it, they might be plumper and sweeter, but still a thorny pain in the ass.

I may eventually plant some thornless stuff, some blueberry bushes too, but that's probably next spring as well. It's a process ;)


Blackberries have some nasty thorns for sure. I have both Blackberries and red raspberries growing naturally here. The blacks are good enough but the reds are top notch. If I get off my ass and pick them I can come up with a couple of gallons of reds. Not so much blacks as they have been cut back a bit due to landscaping issues. All you need is a piece of root to propogate, gotta love that but it can be invasive too.

Do a goog on raspberry pruning and you'll soon have them puppies in order. You can cut the entire cane off to harvest if you want, once they make berries those canes are dead weight.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Blackberries have some nasty thorns for sure. I have both Blackberries and red raspberries growing naturally here. The blacks are good enough but the reds are top notch. If I get off my ass and pick them I can come up with a couple of gallons of reds. Not so much blacks as they have been cut back a bit due to landscaping issues. All you need is a piece of root to propogate, gotta love that but it can be invasive too.

Do a goog on raspberry pruning and you'll soon have them puppies in order. You can cut the entire cane off to harvest if you want, once they make berries those canes are dead weight.
I'm seeing enough quantity to make it worth the time investment. But I have enough land that I have a few areas I am just letting go wild-ish. I got all the poison ivy, honey-suckle, briars, and other nasties, but let the rest go.

I am leaning towards just planting some good thornless berries in a different area. Raspberries are cool too, but I've never had luck with them.