The Upward Spyral


Whoa! Getting swole😮 what's the parents of that girl? Love the funk from those schwaggys... All your shit looking killer tho man
Parents are:
Appalachian Super Skunk x Schwaggy's Afghan Skunk

I abbreviate this pairing as:
ASS x SAS, and needed something to tag them with until a name is decided, so have been calling it Sassy Ass.

Here's the Appalachian Super Skunk female at day 51 (smells like expired sour cream and onion dip):


Whoa! Getting swole😮 what's the parents of that girl? Love the funk from those schwaggys... All your shit looking killer tho man
Thanks my dude, we're gonna get to see the pros and cons of a semi-perpetual soon here. Looks like Schwaggy answered the parent question.
Pros - weed weed weed! - harvesting every other week in a couple weeks or less for the next month (the next totes will be 6 weeks behind), more flavors than Baskin fuckin Robbins
Cons - 17 pairs of rotating scissors in and out of 99% Iso Alcohol, carpal tunnel and elbow flareups, carbon filters in the living room while trimming, no possible way to go to the store without getting strange looks. With the schwag stank I'm expecting people to think I shit my Huggies and DGAF walking around like What? What? I don't smell nothin...


The Schwaggy's Afghan Skunk can be ready to chop by day 57 on some phenos, so the latter half of flowering can really speed up.

I have a table of (ASS x SAS) just flipped to test. This table had some OG's taking their sweet time, so I was delayed in flipping.
Oh shit I better start breaking out the scope in a bit then. In fact I better do that tonight with a couple of Red's (Red where are your SCJ, CM, and PP landing with finishing times? I was gonna let em go past 60, but some are looking mighty ripe with the naked eye.)
Cons - 17 pairs of rotating scissors in and out of 99% Iso Alcohol, carpal tunnel and elbow flareups
Something to consider
Trim Scissors Modification

If you have a ton of trimming to do or a hand/wrist injury, the spring loaded trim scissors can really put a strain on you. I usually make a slight modification to the spring so that there is far less stress on my hands for prolonged trim sessions. It is a pretty simple mod that can really ease trimming.
View attachment 3673
I think there would be little dispute that the widest used scissors for trimming are based on this model (pic 1).

Tug on one end of the spring to free it from the frame of the scissors (pic 2).

Using wire cutters, trim back the spring (the desired length is a personal choice that trial and error can help figure out. I count about 6 total revolutions worth of spring) (pic 3).

Now you'll have a smaller section and larger section (pic 4).

Using pliers, twist the cut end of the spring to mimic the tighter circle on the other terminal end. This smaller circle will clip onto the scissor frame. (pic 5, 6).

Fasten your modified spring back onto your scissor frame. You may need to do slight adjustments to your twisted end, but the spring should click and seat onto the spring catch of the scissors. You can see the amount of grip workout has been reduced by about 50%. (pic 7).

While trimming, I rarely need to extend the scissors to a fully opened position. This means that with the full sized spring, I'm having to keep it depressed constantly. With the mod, my hands are not constantly flexed trying to keep the blades at a readied position. This has saved me lots of discomfort and shortened trim sessions.


Insanely Active Member

Get you some of these. My hands would start locking up and hurting after about 2 hrs of trimming using the standard issue fiskars, but I can go all day with minimal discomfort with these. Super sharp, and the coating on the blades really seems to help with how badly they gum up. I just make sure to not use them for anything but trimming to keep them nice. I'm like an old lady and her fabric scissor with these lol.

They have straight and curved tips as well if that's your thing. They are on the expensive side for scissors, but I'm glad I got them (and I'm a cheap bastard lol). All it takes is a quick soak in iso, and a wipe with a paper towel to clean. Just enough time to stretch out and have a quick smoke, and then they are clean as new. I can go all day with just one pair, instead of rotating and soaking multiple pairs.



Get you some of these. My hands would start locking up and hurting after about 2 hrs of trimming using the standard issue fiskars, but I can go all day with minimal discomfort with these. Super sharp, and the coating on the blades really seems to help with how badly they gum up. I just make sure to not use them for anything but trimming to keep them nice. I'm like an old lady and her fabric scissor with these lol.

They have straight and curved tips as well if that's your thing. They are on the expensive side for scissors, but I'm glad I got them (and I'm a cheap bastard lol). All it takes is a quick soak in iso, and a wipe with a paper towel to clean. Just enough time to stretch out and have a quick smoke, and then they are clean as new. I can go all day with just one pair, instead of rotating and soaking multiple pairs.
Only snips i'll ever use.
View attachment 43690
I've been wanting to try these. It's probably time. Thanks for the suggestions guys.

On a side note. Call me crazy, but I got a trim bin for the last harvest. My GF likes it but I prefer to use the green lid from my F&D hefty totes. It fits perfectly wedged between the arms of my couch chair, then I dump all the trim in ziplocs for later use.


Super Active Member
I've been wanting to try these. It's probably time. Thanks for the suggestions guys.

On a side note. Call me crazy, but I got a trim bin for the last harvest. My GF likes it but I prefer to use the green lid from my F&D hefty totes. It fits perfectly wedged between the arms of my couch chair, then I dump all the trim in ziplocs for later use.
That's how i do it. I put parchment paper on the bottom to make sure no crystals are left behind.


That's how i do it. I put parchment paper on the bottom to make sure no crystals are left behind.
Ahh that's even better. I have some laying around somewhere...and here I am thinking that I'm crazy for preferring this over a trim bin. Don't get me wrong, it's really useful especially if I sit anywhere other than that couch chair or similar area where I can rest my elbows on the arms of the chair.


I've been thinking about picking up one of those trim bins, I've just been using those big disposable aluminum pans things. I gotta be sitting at a table or something though or I'll end up knocking it over and having a fucking mess lol.
I've never done that before :rolleyes:🙃
The kief part is cool. But we had some heavy trimming to do last harvest so my GF put glad press n seal on the bottom of the bin with the screen so she could let her sister use the bottom catch bin. I'm sure we lost some kief but a lot was still in the bins, and it was a tradeoff between time fucking us on the dry and having crispy buds vs. losing a bit of kief. Worked in a pinch.