The PURPetual Grow

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Clones are starting to show vigor. Now these ladies have 4 to 7 weeks until the move, depending on how early I find a place and can get moved in( looking at another today) . It's going to take a LOT of training to keep these girls out of the lights. once they can handle it I'll be chopping tops left n right. They seem to be back in full veg now and the leaves are growing normally . Now it's a just a fight to keep em as low as I can 20201010_083134.jpg20201010_083206.jpg20201010_083152.jpg


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One of the blue dream clones has like 6 or 7 tops. It was the one that had the wierd growth from being reverted back to veg from flower.
If it went into re-veg and has wierd leaves and lots of shoots, you might consider pruning a few away and keeping the best. Each shoot will have MANY secondary shoots coming off of it. If you just let it go it will be a clustered mess right near the stem, and likely source of issues later in flower. You can also end up just having more plant than the roots can support easily. $0.02 :)

I have some flower clones from start to finish in my journal - no telling how far back, The last ones I did were Hippie Crippler and harvested beginning of August, so a few months back from that would be the start if you want to see what you may be in for.

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
If it went into re-veg and has wierd leaves and lots of shoots, you might consider pruning a few away and keeping the best. Each shoot will have MANY secondary shoots coming off of it. If you just let it go it will be a clustered mess right near the stem, and likely source of issues later in flower. You can also end up just having more plant than the roots can support easily. $0.02 :)

I have some flower clones from start to finish in my journal - no telling how far back, The last ones I did were Hippie Crippler and harvested beginning of August, so a few months back from that would be the start if you want to see what you may be in for.
That's a good idea actually. I can see where the plant would benefit from this now and later. Will do. Thank you sir

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
This looks like a completely different pheno of blue dream than the one I just chopped completely different buff structure but has the same smell, only this one smell more.
I feel like the buds on the Zkittlez are tiny. Dunno if its just the stain or what. Probably so. The blue dream is stacking up nicely. Bigger pistils, bigger calyxes. Skittles has tiny pistils and tiny calyxes but twice as many branches so ig it could equal out or potentially be more weight. To early to tell.

Blue Dream 20201011_120005.jpg


Blümen Meister
Blue Dream is known as a cash crop, so no surprise there on the larger yield. I would expect larger nugs than that from Zkittlez though. Still, they look frosty and dense, and sometimes those tiny nugged plants produce the most fire. What are you, 3-4 weeks in on that one?

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Blue Dream is known as a cash crop, so no surprise there on the larger yield. I would expect larger nugs than that from Zkittlez though. Still, they look frosty and dense, and sometimes those tiny nugged plants produce the most fire. What are you, 3-4 weeks in on that one?
Yup, closer to 4 I believe. They do look fire. Wish i grew more so i could kinda compare phenos but it's all good. If the taser is killer, I'll forgive a low yield but I think I'm definitely keeping the blue dream around for a few more runs. Its sturdy as hell. I just broke a clone of it in half and taped it back together. I said to myself "there goes that one" . She didn't so much as wilt AND I had to fix the tape because she was hanging on by a thread. This is the vigor and sturdiness I look for in a plant. Shes bending and reaching for the light as if nothing happened

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Went to trian this girl and snapped her in half. Taped her up and I didnt even see a leaf wilt after checking about once per hour. I've done this b4 and saves some branches and lost others. For past experience, I was sure, this one was done. Turns out she doesnt give a damn. Taped her up and she just jumped right back in the races. This could be a bad thing as im trying to slow them down. She doesnt want to hear any of that. shes gonna grow when she wants, how she wants lol

Here's the wierd one with all the tops. Shes "normalizing" her growth if that's what u want to call it

And the rest

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Gave the veg tent a good feeding and recalibrated my ph pen . I'm seeing rust color patches on leaves on just about every plant and I think the culprit was my ph pen being off. Hopefully everything gets back on track and my possible ph issues are resolved. I think I caught it b4 I caused any irreversible damage

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Next time will be plain water for veg tent. Maybe next 2 waterings. They look dark green. That tells me they have plenty of nutrition available rn and dont need anymore for the time being

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
It's a bit personal but man this moving thing really blows. Especially being a grower in a prohibition state. You just go from place to place competing with 5 and sometimes upward of 20 people for the place u want. I've got pretty good credit, a stable job, a record of paying my bills on time, not a sex offender and I'm quiet. I have all the qualities of a good tenant besides the occasional joint lol. It's just frustrating is all. I've got a month and a half left and I've been looking at 2 or 3 apartments per weekend for the past 3 weeks and I ALMOST got ONE. Something fell through for the landlord last minute, which always seems to happen. Had the same problem last year and it came down to the wire and really stressed me out. Now the place I'm at now wants me to either sign a new lease now ( I do NOT plan on staying here ) or the spot isnt guaranteed. So basically if I dont find a place I could be shit outta luck here. I just want to lock something in now so it doesnt come down to the wire again and they keep annoying me about the lease so I told em flat out, " no thanks, I'm moving" so they could stop calling me abo it. That leaves me NEEDING to find a place. the sooner I lock something in, the better I'll feel but for now it's quite draining and I might not post as often or as descriptive as I usually do. Ilk still be here and still be growing but my focus is pretty much all in finding a place rn and that's all. Got 2 to look at Saturday. we'll see how that goes. This will be the last place I rent. Rent feels like such a scam . Ownership is very underrated. gday peeps!

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
The training began yesterday.
They've all been bent right at the main stem saving me atleast 5 inches of vertical space. They will be trained to the limit and probably end up being pretty root bound. These girls have 6 long weeks of veg ahead of them and not alot of space to do it in.
