"The proposed legislation comprehensively sets out the broad requirements and minimum standards of the program, but leaves the details to rules and regulations to be promulgated by the OCM. Moreover, New York’s cannabis program would consist of three branches: medical, adult-use and hemp. The OCM would exercise significant control over each market, including, but not limited to, setting minimum mark-ups and maximum prices for products; setting maximum doses and concentration of products; setting a cap on the production or sales of certain licensees; dictating form and contents of labels and types of packaging; permissible advertising; regulating hours of operation; after consultation with other state agencies setting rules for the energy and environmental requirements of grow facilities and approving the size and location of any type of registered facility."
IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME GET THIS THING OFF THE GROUND, IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED... even just providing Info to get me on the right track. I want to get in early or atleast position myself to the point where I have an actual shot