The Kitchen Sink


I think we should revisit it. So we all can get on the same page @Heisenbeans @Amos Otis @HydroRed
What do you guys think?
Time for another safety meeting 👌
Im not really about banning anyone myself unless for a threat of violence or doxxing, but if agreed upon by others here -I will. Majority rules around here just the same as any other democracy. I'd prefer to see the dysfunctionals in time out since thats really what it was set up for. Then it can either get lonely, or they can circle jerk their pal in time out with them and talk about how terrible it is around here amongst themselves.
I also agree that everyone should have a voice. I also think that if that person is continually disrupting a thread, they can be as loud as they want in time out for a duration of time. Then anyone who wants to hear what they have to say can visit them in time out. Zero censorship.