The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Seeded. Looking harsh and I've been pulling leaves. I hope having them under veg light speeds this up. These are likely super root-bound, and I think may become the base for my outdoor veggie raised beds rather than fucking with sifting a little soil out.
A few more seeded and the moms
I bumped the unicorns up to 80w to see if that perks them up but may go back to 60w in a few hours if I don't see progress.
The veg closet will thin out tonight. The 4 Pink Floyd (top left corner) are "sativa dominant" per the Mr Nice site. They get flipped so they don't become monsters. Gotta weed out the males too. The 7 fems are looking like they'll make smoke now too but I may top them and give them new pots instead of flipping yet. The CSI regsup front have greened up nice, and then odd looking PTK grew out of it's funk.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Game on. There were some nasty dead leaves on a lower limb with one little nug and a few random seeds on the larf so I took the limb to check. They look done to me.
The 13th is 6 weeks from me pulling the dudes. Nothing is gonna rot if I leave it on too long but on the 13th I am gonna start checking plant by plant. Some already have that "done" look to them like an oldd flower plant would. I got 30-ish beans from one thumbnail size nug, and there was one seed on each of the two lower nodes. Those lower seeds were the fattest of the bunch. And for a germ test I'll lean towards starting the questionable ones first. If they crack all good, if not check the pretty ones.

Looking at the return above I think taking one nug per plant gives me a good germ-test amount while the rest are hanging on the plant. I could have a full-crop germ-test ready by November 1, but I want to be ready to grow out a batch of the F2's and the Flashback cross to get me some new smoke.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I pulled 6 of the plants that had a lower nug with all dark beans. The rest go another week or so. The Dubstep and Tire Fire went, both short indica-ish plants and a few other of the broadleaf variety. Since I've been growing a lot of 10-week flower I can't expect the seeds to finish any quicker. All the ones I care about had about 50/50 dark/green beans.

The good news is that all the seed plants fit in one tent now, and it was the spare veg tent that was off before all this shit started.

I flipped the Pink Floyd, they were all rootbound in the cells so hadn't really had time to fill out the little 1/2g pots yet. Girls get pots.

The fems all look good. The three Purple Floyd are supposed to stay short so I won't top those and they'll probably get 5g pots and flip sooner.
I'll get the other 4 the 5qt pots (2g short) and let them root that before flipping.

The 10 remaining regs will get flipped next but need a few weeks to get going.

I have space in veg now to just flip the closet back to flower and use it for sexing the regs. Easier to get the fems into big pots and flower tents.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm a bored old man and whenever I get up in the middle of the night I look out the back door at the garden. I have seen deer, cats, opossum, and this morning I saw my firrst skunk. At first I thought it was a black cat at the water dish. It was pure black, super fluffy with white like a toupe on its head and a little flash at the tip of the tail. No stripes or anything. I got a good look as it was nosing around the porch. Super cute. Now I want a pet skunk and opossum LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Skunks make good pets.
I now have two little buckets in the kitchen. Compost and wild pet food. Since the main thing I attract is either cat, opossum or skunk anything I don't compost feeds something. I was worried about attracting rats but I think the other animals keep them away. I don't feed them every daybecause I don't want to own another cat, but I put stuff out often enough that I am on their nightly circuit to check.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I dumped the pots of soil from the seeded ones and they were not rootbound that bad. They had some good wraps around the bottom but there was plenty of soil. I guess that's just what seeded plants do when they get done is get ugly? If I do it again I think smaller cloth pots will be the thing. or regular pots and bigger but fewer plants.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The main thing I need right now is smoke. That'll get sorted in a month and I have plenty to get through that but selection is down to my favorite three. I'll be tore up for the next section of my life and I'm good with that. I'm almost out of the Flashback and that's what I am chopping most of, the Dubstep and Blue Jack are my only variety plants this run, and the Tire Fire next batch with the to Flashback multi-clone pots. I'll get that sorted.
The news is that I definitely have the Dog back and a healthy clone going
What I am thinking is that these can slide back in the closet except the regs waiting to be sexed. Inknow this tent can fit 9 5g pots, 8 is better with a corner for a low fan open but I fix that with a shelf and a short plant if needed.
Coinsidentally I have 7 plants I can put in 5g pots and flip tomorrow if I want - and I will soon. That'll get my flower bedroom back to all flower and I can easily fit the 10 little reg pots in the mom tent. These 7 fems are the variety I need.
Since I'm set for my cloned weed for a bit now I'm just keeping or culling moms.
The top left is the peanut butter Chem91 that may go away,
clockwise there's the two FB68 versions that I really only need one.
bottom is the righteous Chem91 clone,
and the small one is the Dirty Taxi that likely goes as soon as I get germination on the F2's.
If I am constantly hunting the seeds I'm never running the moms so it's preservation only. Which gets to the last three. These are definitely preservation. I am keeping all three and they will all catch pollen at some point. Since I selection of them I need to keep these happy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I guess what it amounts to is flipping the small fems and getting a little forest going sooner is more important that getting larger trees and more smoke. I have more beans for more smoke, and a ton of fems Andy gifted me to try out, plus all the Heisen Dante's Inferno crosses. I need to get some of those S1's down at least to see what I have.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All seeded plants are drying. I got to thinking about it and the main goal is that they dry and not rot or mold. Instead of hanging individual plants and worrying about the few seeds I have dropping andd becoming "unknown" or having something large enough to hang them all with a catch bin underneath, I remembered that it's a weed and I'm saving seeds. I bucked every plant and got rid of all foliage, and I busted up large flowers and tops into pieces. Beautiful seeds dropping like rain.

Anyway, I have the gallon size mesh compost tea bags that can hold an entire plant once bucked, and there;' a drawstring to prevent spillage. I have those bags laid out flat on a wire-rack shelf and I moved it over an air vent. My humidity is dropping with Fall, and so far I have been kicking the furnace on for about an hour in the AM to knock off the chill, then the AC in the afternoon "might" kick on, but because of this I have the fan on all the time so air is circulating.

I shoud be getting some of the new beans wet November 1st new moon. I have decided that since I ain't selling anything the germ test can be when I pop beans to grow. I'll just pop more than I need and cull. No sense popping beans just to kill them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Taking pics out the back door through a dirty window is not optimal. I broke down and ordered a cheap trail cam for giggles. I put a screw through a ramen tray for a scrap dish so they had to stay to eat. The opossum came around about midnight and had nothing to do with the leftover beans/meat in the tray, even walked right over the dish. About 5 this morning the skunk came around and was very interested. But I noticed that this one didn't have the white flair at the tip of the tail.
It ate for 10 minutes or so, then was joined by a second one and this one had the white tail tip. Never got a good picture but they shared the food for a minute,
I have a pair. and they were getting frisky over the empty food bowl LOL
When they looked about to leave I grabbes a handful of catfood and opened the door and tossed it in the tray. I stepped out far enough to see they had skedaddled, but the next time I glanced out the window next the catfood was gone. Maybe 20 minutes later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
View attachment 139303
Like Lady and The Tramp on @H.A.F. porch lol
They were back again tonight - they're hooked. I had some pot-pies that didn't survive the freezer thaw but I just let them re-freeze for easy disposal. I set one out tonight and got both skunk and the opossum. The opossum got there first, ate his fill and moved on. Stuff must be plentiful around here. This time the skunk showed up separate. One had the yellow-ish toupee split down the middle with black, and white tail tip. The other has a full white wig and all black tail. It is the super fluffy one I want to cuddle LOL

Might be the same sex for all I know. Not checking ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My seeds are shucked. I still need to classify and clean but 95% of the veg matter is gone. I got some great returns and some only good but all are plenty enough for me to pop.

There were good bit of immature seeds in each plant but I don't think the plant going another week or three would have done anything.

I have a plastic tray with a pour spout for filling jars. It happens to be staticky. I swirle around a handfull of pulp on the tray then lat gravity do it's thing. There were some beans I would consider questionable if I bought them in a pack but they beat the gravity test. They may darken up as they dry out, bI haut they're to the point I can let them dry and not worry about mold or rot or any plant-matter issues. After they dry I'll get the skins off any that need it and re-sort them. I think the smallest plants still gave me 2-300 beans.

I have each cross in a mesh bag with the drawstring closed and the tag inside, then each is in a paper bowl, all on a wire shelf near an air vent.

Next new moon is beginning of November and might be the last drop without my beans in it.

The two that surprised me whn shucking were the Ricky Retardo, which smells like lemon/citrus candy, and the Headline which must have leanes towards the headband side and smelled just like fresh blueberries. In addition to the Flashback68 crosses and the Dirty Taxi F2's i'll have some of those two selections wet sooner rather than later.

I have notebook started with a page for each cross and I made note of anything special about the moms. Two of the Dirty Taxi seed plants grew like twins, and both smelled exactly like ChemD so I combined the seeds. One I specifically had in with the shorter, longer flowering male, and one was the mom clone I had that made 1-2000 beans. Just the F2's will give me three separate drops to check out, and the Flashback had two plants as well. Everything else is one-offs and it doesn't matter which dad hit what.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This shit may happen. The skunk was eating andd I wated until it was done and looking around. I got low and opened the door slowly and it just stared at me. I said some random shit like "hi kitty" and it just looked at me. I do believe that if I had food in my hand to offer it the thing would have at least considdered it.

today it was leftover chili mac that I rinsed most of the sauce off of.

And it's also only early evening, so the thing is nocturnal and coming here first.